Anti war ranger

Chapter 456

Chapter 456
Lu Yuan didn't completely fill up his storage space, because there are many warehouses here, and he also wanted to know what was in the other warehouses.Using a wire and a mortar shell, Lu Yuan simply placed a booby trap in the middle of these ammunition boxes.Relying on his full-view map and storage space, under the cover of night, Lu Yuan visited most of the warehouses in the warehouse like a ghost, and his storage space was also full.

The Jinan freight yard was obviously very important to the Japanese army. Lu Yuan found not only a large amount of weapons and ammunition in the warehouse in the freight yard, but also a large amount of military supplies, such as military uniforms and canned medicines.Lu Yuan completely ignored the Japanese military uniforms and quilts, but for the medicines and life-saving treasures he found, Lu Yuan kept them in the storage space.At three o'clock in the morning, Lu Yuan, who had finished his investigation, slipped into the platform and quietly got into a train carriage that had already been loaded.

What Lu Yuan got into was a carriage for transporting quilts. Lu Yuan took out a big hole in the quilts in a good mood, and then lay down comfortably in the big hole and slept.As soon as the sky was bright, the carriage that Lu Yuan was in drove out of the freight yard. These few carriages that left the freight yard will be connected to the locomotive at Jinan Railway Station, and then head south along the way.Lu Yuan has a full-view map, so he can know the general situation outside the car without looking out from the car.

As the train slowly left the platform, Lu Yuan didn't think about what would happen after the Japanese soldiers in the freight yard triggered those booby traps. He only cared about the train leaving Jinan.At 7 o'clock in the morning, the crowds in the freight yard resumed the busy day. There was a loud "boom", and the sudden burst of smoke in the freight yard broke the hustle and bustle of the freight yard.A booby trap that Lu Yuan planted last night was triggered by the Japanese military police who came to collect fuel, and a dozen gasoline barrels instantly turned into fireballs, engulfing the surrounding Japanese military police and several civilian husbands in an instant.

The freight yard immediately became chaotic. Under the suppression of the Japanese army, all the Chinese working in the freight yard were gathered together, and then a large number of Japanese military police poured into the freight yard and began a detailed search.Nearly half of the booby traps arranged by Lu Yuan were searched out by the Japanese military police, but there were still booby traps that were constantly triggered by the Japanese military police. The thick smoke and flames made people panic in the warehouse, and bloody Japanese military police were carried out from time to time. The cargo yard was sent to the Japanese military hospital.

"Bageya Road, why is it like this?" The Japanese military officer who directed the military police operations in the cargo yard was very annoyed. As soon as he finished speaking, there was another explosion from the direction behind him, and the explosion was louder than before. All explosions are bigger.The astonished Japanese officer turned around and saw black smoke and flames emitting from a warehouse in the distance, "Nani?" Everyone who saw this scene was stunned because they couldn't think of a well-defended warehouse How could the warehouse suddenly explode.

"Get out, everyone get out." After the initial panic, someone in the gendarmerie finally came to his senses, and immediately organized the people in the cargo yard to retreat, and then dispatched a team of engineers to attack the entire cargo yard. Carry out a search.The booby traps that Lu Yuan arranged last night were actually not sophisticated and secretive, so under the careful and rigorous search by Japanese engineers, many booby traps were found and disarmed.

After hearing the news, the Jinan Super High School came here. After analyzing all the current situations, the Super High School people asserted that the attacker probably left the freight yard before the explosion, and probably left with the material carriages in the morning.The people who attacked the freight yard actually got into the material train, and the Jinan Japanese army couldn't help but turn pale with fright. Just looking at the current time, the train carrying the material seems to have left Jinan long ago.

The Japanese army in Jinan had no choice but to call the train station along the road to warn them. They hoped that the train station along the road could stop the train and conduct a strict search of the train.Lu Yuan, who was hiding in the carriage, naturally would not know these things. In fact, after the train left Jinan, Lu Yuanbian began to take action.He first used his storage space to cut big holes in the walls of the carriages, then scattered the interfering Japanese uniforms along the road, and then moved forward along the roof until he separated the train carriages attached to the rear of the train from the passenger carriages.

According to the usual method of the Japanese army, they would arrange escort soldiers on the train during the transportation of materials. This time, there was also a squad of Japanese soldiers on the train, but when they realized that the situation was different, Lu Yuan had already left. The connecting hook between the truck body and the passenger car body.It was easy for Lu Yuan to deal with a squad of Japanese troops.When the Japanese army in Jinan began to call the stations along the railway line to inform, Lu Yuan had simply killed a squad of Japanese soldiers escorting supplies, and was now digging pits in the field more than a hundred meters away from the Intuit line.

With the storage space in hand, for normal people, digging a hole is hard work, but for Lu Yuan, it should not be too easy.Lu Yuan first vacated all the things in his storage space on the open space, then put the soil in the field into the storage space, and then moved it to other places. In just ten minutes, several huge pits appeared in the field .Then Lu Yuan, who was empty-handed, returned to the truck compartment that had stopped, put the usable materials in the compartment into the storage space, and then transferred them to the pit in the field.

After such a few back and forth, Lu Yuan neatly transferred the large amount of supplies in the assembled truck compartment to the pit in the field.Finally, Lu Yuan carefully covered the upper part of the pit with the floating soil dug out of the storage space, and then transplanted some shrubs and weeds. From a distance, this wild land has five flaws.The excess floating soil from the pit was put into the storage space by Lu Yuan, and then thrown into the trenches on both sides of the railway line. An hour later, the materials in several train cars disappeared, and there was no trace of buried materials around.

Without knowing that the truck compartment at the rear was stopped, the locomotive only dragged the passenger compartment and appeared at the next train station. After being surrounded by heavily armed Japanese troops, the truck driver knew what had happened.After a series of careful inquiries, the Japanese army who blocked the railway station immediately dispatched armored patrol vehicles to carry out a search along the direction the trucks came from.It's just that when they found the carriages of the stopped trucks, not only were the carriages empty, but the assailants had long since disappeared.

"Nani? You mean, all the supplies in the carriages are gone? How is this possible? That's enough supplies to distribute an infantry regiment." The Jinan Japanese army who received the call was dumbfounded. What, they know best.If you want to move so many materials in such a short period of time, there must be a lot of people involved, but the Japanese army who searched the scene said that they did not find any traces of large-scale participation. How is this possible?
In order to investigate this matter, all trains departing from Jinan were suspended, and the Jinan Special High School dispatched a large number of people to the scene for a re-examination.The entire re-examination process lasted for a whole day, but the Jinan Special High School still found nothing, and they could only give a vague investigation conclusion when they returned to Jinan.The freight yard was infiltrated and a large number of booby traps were laid, and a large amount of supplies were robbed immediately. The two incidents that happened in succession were closed with the previous bank case, causing the Japanese army in Jinan a headache.

The Japanese army in Jinan was having a headache at the moment, but Lu Yuan was full of pride at the moment. Not only did he escape unscathed from Jinan City, which was tightly sealed by the Japanese and puppet troops, but he also snatched a large amount of supplies from the Japanese army. The trip to Jinan can be described as fruitful.According to the original plan, after escaping from Jinan, Lu Yuan should go to join Hu Zi immediately, but now, Lu Yuan suddenly changed his mind, and he decided to go to Fuyan Mountain alone.

The distance from Jinan to Fuyan Mountain is at least 200 kilometers. If Lu Yuan chooses to ride a horse, it will take at least four days to reach Fuyan Mountain.However, Lu Yuan has a three-wheeled motorcycle and two barrels of fuel in his storage space. If he drove the three-wheeled motorcycle to Fuyan Mountain, four days would be enough for Lu Yuan to run back and forth and handle other things well.As soon as he said go, Lu Yuan took off the hanging bucket of the three-wheeled motorcycle, and rode the two-wheeled motorcycle forward at full speed. Before the sun set, Lu Yuan had already bypassed ZB and entered the border of Qingzhou.

After entering Qingzhou, it was not far from Fuyan Mountain. Lu Yuan did not choose to stop and rest after nightfall, but continued on his way, and finally appeared at the foot of Fuyan Mountain in the early morning.At this time, Fuyan Mountain was not the Fuyan Mountain Forest Park in Lu Yuan's later memory. He carefully avoided some villages that lived near the mountain. Lu Yuan followed the route in his memory and finally stopped at a low place. on the cliff.This short cliff is not very high, it only looks more than ten meters long. After applying the anti-insect snake medicine, Lu Yuan slowly scared down the short cliff along the rope.

Lu Yuan has been to Fuyanshan Forest Park many times with his friends in later life, so he knows that no one has ever gone down this low cliff.Lu Yuan used the storage space to dig out a big hole on the cliff, then put the gold bars and some small antiques stored in the storage space into the cave, and finally sealed the cave with cement.Looking at the intact stone wall, Lu Yuan, who was sweating profusely, believed that these things would not be easily discovered.

Before dawn, the ghostly Lu Yuan left Fuyan Mountain and rushed back to Jinan along the way.Compared with the fast speed when he came, Lu Yuan returned to Jinan at a much slower speed. When passing by ZB, Lu Yuan even thought about going into ZB city to make a scene.Fortunately, Lu Yuan still remembered that he was going to meet Huzi, so he gave up the idea, and finally appeared outside the village where Zhang Lan and the others were stationed before dark on the fourth day.

(End of this chapter)

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