Anti war ranger

Chapter 434 Help

Chapter 434 Help
Zhang Lan didn't expect to meet Lu Yuan again so soon. Huzi's figure, which was stronger than others, was so conspicuous that Zhang Lan, who was sitting on the second floor of the restaurant, couldn't see it.When Zhang Kuang saw Lu Yuan and the two of them, Lu Yuan, who was dressed in western style, was walking into a shop across the street with a tiger. Zhang Lan could see clearly that it was a so-called time-honored stewed meat shop. Zhao Ji is written under the guise of an apricot yellow.

There are many Japanese and puppet troops in Jinan, but since they have come here, they naturally want to go to the city to have a look, not to mention that there is not much water in the storage space.Huzi is a standard carnivore, as long as there is no meat in the two meals, Huzi will be listless.The best choice for carrying meat in the wild is lo-mei, so as soon as Lu Yuan and his two entered the city, they kept inquiring and went straight to this time-honored lo-mei shop.

Although Zhao Ji Braised Meat Shop is a time-honored brand, in this turbulent world, even a time-honored brand would not dare to put too much braised meat in the store. What Lu Yuan sees now are mostly vegetarian dishes.Inserting a few pieces of lo-mei with a bamboo stick and putting it into his mouth, Lu Yuan seemed very satisfied with the taste of this restaurant, so he took out a stack of ocean and handed it to the owner, saying that he needed a lot of lo-mei, and the two of them had no taboos. Beef and mutton can be marinated.

Early in the morning, he received a job worth seven or eight dollars, and the shopkeeper couldn't help but smile on his face, and kept urging his little boy to go to the back hall to fetch meat.When Lu Yuan and the two walked out of Zhao Ji with big bags and small bags, Zhang Lan also waited for his connector in the restaurant across the street, and pouted at Lu Yuan and the two outside the window, Zhang Lan sat opposite her The connector on the opposite side whispered, "Old Yang, I was talking about those two people just now."

Hearing this, Yang Yueshan, who was wearing a long gown, turned his head and followed Zhang Lan's line of sight to look at the street below, just in time to meet Lu Yuan who was looking up.How young, Yang Yueshan saw Lu Yuan's appearance clearly, and the first thought in his mind was that the other party was so young. When he lamented that Lu Yuan was young, Yang Yueshan was also deeply impressed by Lu Yuan's dark eyes.Lu Yuan, who walked out of Zhao Ji, noticed that someone was paying attention to him, so he couldn't help but look up. After he saw Zhang Lan's face in the critical window on the second floor of the opposite restaurant, Lu Yuan just smiled, but didn't make any gestures. Multiple reactions.

Lu Yuan and the others disappeared at the intersection with enough stewed meat for 10 people. Yang Yueshan, who came back to his senses, sat down again, "Comrade Zhang Lan, you said that these two people Wuchang gave a batch of weapons and ammunition to the guerrillas. ?Now that you have replenished your weapons and ammunition, get your team up as soon as possible. According to the information we have so far, the Japanese army is about to start a new round of food requisition." Yang Yueshan's words made Zhang Lan frowned. I frown, it is not the time for grain harvest, the Japanese army is now collecting grain, and this is preparing to rob the people's homes of grain.

"Food is the most important thing for the people. If there is no food, not only will there be a large number of starvation, but it may also cause a refugee wave. Once there is a refugee wave in Shandong, the Japanese army will take advantage of the situation and force the refugees to go all the way south to attack the national defense area." Yang Yueshan explained to Zhang Lan in a low voice, and then said angrily, "This is the plan of the Japanese to kill two birds with one stone. No matter what, we can't let the Japanese army's food requisition operation follow the trend."

In the key control area of ​​the Japanese army in JN City, a large number of Japanese and puppet troops were deployed in Jinan and its surrounding areas. The strength of the guerrillas alone could not stop the Japanese army from collecting food.But Zhang Lan also knows that now is not the time to shirk, some things always need to be done by someone, the only thing she can do now is to speed up the expansion of the guerrillas, and actively contact other anti-Japanese armed forces around.Having already got the task, Zhang Lan didn't delay any longer. According to the custom, Zhang Lan left the restaurant first, and then Yang Yueshan would leave.

Zhang Lan walked down the second floor, and gestured to the two guerrillas sitting in the lobby on the first floor of the restaurant with her eyes.But at this moment, something strange happened suddenly. Zhang Lan, who had already walked to the door of the restaurant, met several Japanese and puppet soldiers unexpectedly. "Flower girl, beautiful..." The leader of the Japanese soldiers suddenly reached out to touch Zhang Lan's face, and kept shouting "Flower Girl Flower Girl".

Japanese soldiers bullying women in the street is nothing new in Jinan City, and these Japanese and puppet soldiers are all armed with weapons, and the people in the restaurant can only watch but can't help.Zhang Lan just took a few steps back to put distance between herself and the Japanese soldier. When the two guerrillas approached, Zhang Lan winked and told them not to act rashly because Yang Yueshan was still upstairs.

"Huh?" The Japanese soldier who reached out and didn't touch Zhang Lan was stunned for a moment, then took off the rifle on his shoulder with extremely fast movements and pointed it at Zhang Lan, shouting at the same time. "Your, whose is it?" Suddenly being pointed at by the Japanese soldier with a rifle, Zhang Lan couldn't help but panicked for a while. After she heard the other party's question, she came back to her senses. The dodging speed was too fast, which made the Japanese soldier suspicious.

"Taijun...Taijun, good people, all who come here are good people's work." The fat shopkeeper of the restaurant appeared at the right time, and while smiling at these Japanese and puppet soldiers, he quietly stuffed two pieces of ocean into the Japanese soldier. In the palm of his hand, after the attitude of the other party eased, the fat shopkeeper turned around and gave Zhang Lan a wink, signaling Zhang Lan to find a chance to leave quickly.With the gracious greeting from the fat shopkeeper and the two oceans in his hands, the Japanese soldier in charge just gave Zhang Lan a look and ignored him.

The diners in the restaurant immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but when Zhang Lan's left foot had already stepped out of the restaurant gate, Yang Yueshan, who came down from the second floor, was blocked by the Japanese and puppet soldiers on the stairs superior.Originally, it was just an ordinary encounter, maybe the anger of the Japanese soldier had not completely dissipated. When he passed by Yang Yueshan, he bumped Yang Yueshan with his left shoulder sideways in spite of his evil intentions. When Yang Yueshan subconsciously grasped the handrail of the stairs beside him to stabilize his figure, a soldier of the Imperial Association Army suddenly screamed, "Gun, he has a gun in his waist..."

Yang Yueshan tilted his body to grab the handrail of the stairs, and his body twisted involuntarily. As a result, the pistol pinned to his waist was outlined under the long gown, and was just seen by a soldier of the Imperial Association Army. .Hearing this shout, Zhang Lan who had been secretly on guard was the first to react. When she came back to her senses, she saw Yang Yueshan rushing down the stairs, so Zhang Lan shouted at the two guerrillas Dahe, "" Save people first..."

Yang Yueshan didn't have a pistol on him originally, and that pistol was given to him by Zhang Lan just now, so he didn't expect it to cause such trouble.The two guerrillas who received the order immediately grabbed the dishes and wine jugs on the table beside them, and slammed them at the Japanese and puppet soldiers on the stairs. In addition, the stairs were narrow, so they were able to react For a while, the soldiers of the Japanese and puppet soldiers couldn't hold up their rifles.

The four of Zhang Lan ran out of the restaurant quickly, and the oil-stained Japanese and puppet soldiers also quickly chased them out. The two groups quickly ran along the long street outside the restaurant, one after the other.Gunshots appeared soon, and seeing that there was no way to catch up with the opponent, the soldiers of the Japanese and puppet soldiers who were chasing after them fired their guns immediately.Hearing the gunshots coming from behind, Zhang Lan and the others were also a little panicked, but they had no way to get rid of the pursuers in a short time. For the current plan, they could only speed up and continue to compete with the pursuers.

The four of Zhang Lan quickly rushed across a street intersection, and when they passed a shop on the street, they saw Lu Yuan standing in the shop and looking at them with a smile. "Instructor Zhang, let's meet again. You guys are in a hurry. Have you encountered any troubles? If you meet them, you are destined. Is there anything you can do for me?" Lu Yuan said in a slow manner. , Zhang Lan, who was anxious in his heart, was furious, and then pushed away Lu Yuan who was standing at the door of the shop, and rushed into the shop first.

This is a steamed bun shop. When Lu Yuan greeted Zhang Lan and others to go to the back hall, Huzi was sitting alone next to a table, with a plate of steaming steamed buns and a large bowl of broth in front of him.After winking at Huzi, Lu Yuan took out a few dollars and handed them to the shopkeeper of the steamed bun shop, who immediately brought Zhang Lan and others into the back hall with a smile.Zhang Lan couldn't help wondering why she chose to trust Lu Yuan. She followed the shopkeeper of the steamed bun shop through the back hall, and after walking through a narrow passage, Zhang Lan and the others saw the shopkeeper open a small door.

"Through this gate is the back street. Go south along this back street and walk a block, and you will see a big yard. The whole family in that yard has been killed by the Japanese. If you are brave, you can do it." Go hide in that big courtyard for a while, the Japanese probably won’t search that yard.” The shopkeeper of the steamed bun shop told Zhang Lan at ease, and after Zhang Lan and the others passed through the small gate, he put the little one expressionlessly on his face. The door was locked from the inside.

This is saved?Zhang Lan, who was already standing on another street, felt unbelievable, especially Zhang Lan who chose to believe in Lu Yuan. She didn't understand why Lu Yuan could find such a route shortly after entering the city. Come.According to the instructions of the manager of the steamed bun shop, Zhang Lan and the others walked out of a corner along the street, and they saw a dilapidated courtyard. In a yard full of weeds.

Suddenly he lost his target, and the following Japanese and puppet troops immediately blocked the entire street. Naturally, this steamed bun shop would not escape the search of the Japanese and puppet soldiers, but the people in the steamed bun shop were not searched by them. Target. "Thank you." When leaving the steamed bun shop, Lu Yuan took out a few more dollars and gave it to the shopkeeper, who just nodded without saying anything.

(End of this chapter)

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