Anti war ranger

Chapter 377 Outnumbered Enemies

Chapter 377 Outnumbered Enemies (2)

The Japanese and puppet troops divided into several small groups slowly began to gather together, and the silence in the forest was also broken. Lu Yuan, who was hiding in the dark, waited quietly all the time.The assembled Japanese and puppet troops were a lot more careful, and they also cooperated a lot during the search process, and were alert to sudden abnormalities.But with the passage of time, the Japanese and puppet troops in the woods did not find the mysterious attacker, but they were already exhausted.Lu Yuan, who was waiting for work, quietly watched all that the soldiers of the Japanese puppet army did. With a full-view map in hand, Lu Yuan was always able to shift positions smoothly before the Japanese puppet army searched for him.

After several efforts, there was no result. The soldiers of the Japanese puppet army in the woods immediately slowed down, and the officers and veterans also discussed whether to return to the valley camp by the same route.The Japanese soldiers gathered together to discuss countermeasures, and Lu Yuanque, who observed them from afar, didn't know what these Japanese soldiers were discussing, but based on a hunch, Lu Yuan guessed that these Japanese soldiers probably had a new trick to get along with each other.Looking down at his watch and the westward moving sun in the sky, Lu Yuan decided to go back to the top of the mountain first after sorting out his weapons and equipment.

Compared with Lu Yuan who left easily, Aichuan Jiayi who personally commanded the pursuit was very angry at the moment. At the beginning of leading the team to pursue, Aichuan Jiayi kept imagining in his mind the situation after the mysterious hot man was chased by him.But a day passed, but the mysterious hot man never caught up. Instead, the troops he brought with him had already lost nearly a hundred people.He Chuanjia didn't want to just go back to the valley like this. As a descendant of a warrior family, he really couldn't afford to lose this man, but the soldiers under him had already lost the will to fight.

After carefully measuring the traces, Aichuan Jiayi had to order to retreat to the valley, but he didn't know that his group and Lu Yuan walked in the same direction again, and Lu Yuan turned around earlier than them.At first, Lu Yuan didn't realize that the Japanese and puppet troops behind him also started to turn around and retreat. He just followed the attack route he had left on his way to clean up and collect the scattered weapons and ammunition of the Japanese and puppet soldiers who died in battle one by one. .

Lu Yuan did not record how many Japanese and puppet soldiers he shot and killed. Anyway, he had collected a lot of bolt-action rifles and ammunition in the storage space. And the helmet is also taken away.All the equipment on Lu Yuan's body was stored in the storage space, and he was walking empty-handed. Hechuan Jiayi and the others not only had to carry weapons and equipment, but also supported a few lightly wounded. The speed is much slower than that of Lu Yuan.

Because it was a valley, in the end Lu Yuan simply chose to climb up the ridge to advance. Lu Yuan continued to advance in a straight line with almost no pause, but whenever he reached a high point, he would overlook the situation below.Finally, two hours later, he saw the figure of the Japanese puppet army on the edge of a thorny cliff.There is no good concealment on the ridge, so Lu Yuan could only lie down in a clump of ferns on the ridge, and then quietly observe the figures that appeared in the distance.

Naturally, Lu Yuan would not be so stupid as to think that these Japanese and puppet troops continued to chase him, thinking that judging from the speed and direction of those Japanese and puppet troops, they were still returning on the same route they came from, and he was already on the way. Moving along the ridge.Lu Yuan began to calculate silently in his heart. After a while, Lu Yuan opened his eyes again and couldn't help grinning. After some calculations, Lu Yuan was finally able to confirm that the Japanese and puppet troops were going back to the valley camp .

Since he is going back to the valley, it means that these Japanese and puppet troops will no longer chase him. Lu Yuan, who is proud of himself, secretly laughed. It seems that the memory he left for these Japanese and puppet troops in the forest is not very good what.Lu Yuan looked up at the sky, and there were still two or three hours before it got dark. If he wasted this time, wouldn't it be a waste of his efforts.Do it when you think about it, this has always been something Lu Yuan is proud of, so Lu Yuan on the ridge immediately got up, and he was going to rush to the front of the Japanese and puppet troops and ambush them again.

Lu Yuan, who was empty-handed, first walked along the ridge, then descended to the hillside along the ridge, and then followed the route of the Japanese and puppet troops, quickly crossed a gentle slope, and successfully moved to the front of a broken wall.Lu Yuan stopped in front of the broken wall, not because he wanted to go down from the broken wall to the gentle slope below, but because he saw a cave on the broken wall.This cave was discovered by Lu Yuan when he came here. The hole hanging high in the middle of the broken wall is like the mouth of a beast.

As long as they occupy this hole, the Japanese and puppet troops passing by on the gentle slope below will all be Lu Yuan's prey.Moreover, this seemingly steep broken wall is actually not difficult to climb. There are some large and small potholes scattered on the seemingly vertical schist rock, and anyone with a little rock climbing foundation can go down.Lu Yuan not only knows how to climb rocks, but also has a lot of ropes in his storage space. As long as he slides down the ropes a little bit, Lu Yuan will easily reach the entrance of the cave.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lu Yuan, who slid down the rope, successfully stood on the platform at the entrance of the cave. From the perspective of the slope below the broken wall, the entrance of the cave hidden in the middle of the cliff looks like the mouth of a beast. .The mountain next to the cave also vaguely looks like a creeping beast. Many vines hang around the entrance of the cave, and the green plants grow wildly around it. If you don’t look carefully, people on the slopes really don’t notice the entrance of the cave.

Lu Yuan did not enter the cave. After choosing the shooting position on the platform outside the cave entrance, Lu Yuan just sprinkled some medicinal powder around the cave entrance, and then found a fairly strong place to fix a long roll of rope first.After making all the preparations, Lu Yuan, who had been paying close attention to the Japanese and puppet troops with a full-view map, finally relaxed. With a relaxed face, Lu Yuan removed all the heavy sniper rifles and ordinary sniper rifles of two calibers from the storage space. Take it out and set up three shooting positions on the platform.

Lu Yuan did not do this to compare the performance of the three caliber sniper rifles. He did this to show off to the Japanese and puppet troops and show off the performance of his weapons.Time passed by every minute and every second, and almost half an hour later, the figures of Japanese and puppet soldiers finally appeared on the slope below the broken wall.The Japanese and puppet troops had already appeared, but Lu Yuan on the platform did not shoot immediately. He was still waiting, waiting for the Japanese and puppet troops below the broken wall to reach the middle of the slope.

The slope below the broken wall is flat and unobstructed. Once the Japanese and puppet troops who are in a hurry to retreat to the valley reach the middle of the slope, they will become the targets of Lu Yuan's arbitrary shooting.Ever since entering this sloping land, Aichuan Jiayi suddenly had heart palpitations for no reason, but this route was basically the route they walked when they came, and no matter when they came or now, Aichuan Jiayi didn't find anything strange. shape.Hechuan Jiayi, who couldn't find the answer, could only be more careful secretly. This place is not very far from the valley camp, and he didn't want to lose his life here.

Aikawa Jiayi became more and more cautious, and the feeling in his heart became more and more intense. Based on the principle of caution, Aichuan Jiayi, who was also holding a rifle, quietly slowed down and gradually fell behind the team.I have to say that Kaichi Aikawa is a scheming guy. Not only is this guy carrying a rifle like an ordinary soldier, but he also deliberately mixes with the crowd at the end of the line. Once something happens, he can use other people to cover himself .

Lu Yuan, who was outside the entrance of the Duanbi Cave, didn't know this. In his eyes, the Japanese and puppet soldiers in the slope below the cave had only one fate, and that was to be shot by him on the slope.Watching silently that the soldiers of the Japanese and puppet troops had entered the range of the sniper rifles, Lu Yuan secretly raised his breath and picked up the sniper rifle in front of him, and put the Japanese flag soldier in the Japanese and puppet army line into the scope. The second lieutenant of the Japanese army behind the flag soldier, Lu Yuan seemed more willing to kill the Japanese flag soldier first.

"Crack" gunshots sounded, and the Japanese flag soldier who was advancing staggered, and he fell backwards with a bloody mist coming out of his chest. With a shooting range of more than 300 meters, for Lu Yuan who was using a sniper rifle, it was like shooting a target. When the soldiers of the Japanese and puppet soldiers on the slope shouted loudly, Lu Yuan, who was lying on the platform at the entrance of the cave, had already shot one after another. Four bullets.The sudden attack made the Japanese and puppet soldiers in the slope panic again. Those who reacted quickly raised their guns and shot towards Lu Yuan.

It's just that there is a distance of more than 300 meters from Lu Yuan's side, not to mention that Lu Yuan is condescending, and it is difficult to hit the target with the bolt-action rifles in their hands.The sporadic bullets fired by the Japanese and puppet troops hit the edge of the platform outside the entrance of the cave one after another, but Lu Yuanque didn't care about the rubble that burst out, and just continued to shoot at the Japanese and puppet troops on the slope.The gunshots from the Mauser caliber sniper rifles were slightly duller than those from the Japanese [-] rifles, especially in such an open terrain.

Aikawa Kaichi, who had already been lying beside his soldiers, naturally also heard the gunshots that were different from the [-] rifles. While flustered in his heart, Aikawa Kaichi also made a wrong judgment. He mistakenly thought that the ambush at this moment Their shooter was not the same as the one who fled into the woods before.The gunfire continued, and most of the veterans and officers in the Japanese and puppet army were shot and killed by Lu Yuan one by one, and those Japanese and puppet soldiers who wanted to escape also followed suit one by one.

Aikawa Kaichi, who has been lying still, is still alive, but his mood has become extremely bad. When the soldiers of the Imperial Association Army around him knelt down and begged for mercy, Aikawa Kaichi already had a premonition of his own fate. Nothing.It would be better to face death like a warrior. Ai Chuanjia, who secretly had the courage of his bones, got up from the ground with a big shout, but before he could raise the rifle in his hand, he was knocked to the ground by the oncoming bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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