Anti war ranger

Chapter 355 Lure the enemy to attack

Chapter 355 Lure the enemy to attack
Lu Yuan's act of rushing into the Japanese gun tower alone, if it were someone else, it would definitely be in a hurry to die.But it's different for Lu Yuan, because Lu Yuan not only has a pistol with a silencer, but also a full-view map in his hand.Before finishing off the two imperial association troops on the checkpoint outside the blockhouse, Lu Yuan had already known how many Japanese and puppet troops were in the blockhouse from the full-view map, and had confirmed their respective positions.

Knowing the number of people in the gun tower and the specific location of the opponent, Lu Yuan who rushed into the Japanese gun tower at this moment was simply conducting a target shooting training with unequal strength.Lu Yuan, who suddenly rushed in from the outside, startled the soldiers of the Japanese and puppet soldiers in the turret, and even a soldier of the Imperial Association Army screamed in fright at the skull mask on Lu Yuan's face. "Puff...Puff...Puff..." After rushing into the blockhouse, Lu Yuan stretched his legs and stood straight at the entrance of the blockhouse. The pistol with the silencer in his hand kept spitting out projectiles. There was a large cloud of blood mist.

Among the Japanese and puppet soldiers gathered on the first floor of the gun tower, the three Japanese soldiers were the first to be shot. After shooting the three Japanese soldiers over, Lu Yuan let go of his hand and let the pistol, which had been emptied of bullets, fall to his feet. .In front of the remaining four soldiers of the Imperial Association Army, Lu Yuan turned his right hand over and over again, and a pistol with a silencer also installed appeared in the Tsuchiya in his hand.The remaining soldiers of the Royal Association Army were dumbfounded for a moment. There was a pistol lying at the opponent's feet, so where did the gun in his hand come from?
"Puff...Puff...Puff..." After changing the gun, Lu Yuan didn't give the remaining soldiers of the Royal Association Army any time to think, but just pulled the trigger on them. There are a few more lonely ghosts.After successfully killing all the opponents, Lu Yuan did not have time to search for the weapons and ammunition of these Japanese and puppet soldiers, but followed the wooden ladder from the first floor of the gun tower to the top of the gun tower.The four-storey blockhouse can be more than ten meters high. As the so-called stand tall and see far, standing on the top of the blockhouse, Lu Yuan can already see through the binoculars the civilian husbands and Japanese and puppet soldiers repairing the railway in the distance.

Lu Yuan took out his heavy-duty sniper rifle from the storage space, and after looking at the railway in the distance with a scope, Lu Yuan found that he seemed unable to hit that far.The railway is actually more than 1500 meters away from the Xiaozhangzhuang gun tower. The condescending Lu Yuan may be able to shoot such a distance with a heavy-duty sniper rifle, but he cannot guarantee that the bullets he shoots will hit the target 100% of the time.After thinking for a while, Lu Yuan came down from the top of the gun tower. Since the distance was too far, he planned to take the initiative to lure the Japanese and puppet troops by the railway.

Lu Yuan couldn't get himself into trouble by luring the enemy to chase him. After thinking for a while, Lu Yuan went straight out of the blockhouse, stepped on the weeds on the left side of the blockhouse, and walked towards the field he saw on the top of the blockhouse.Most of the Japanese and puppet troops in the gun tower were ordered to deliver water and food to those who repaired the railway. Lu Yuan walked a long way along the field, but he was not noticed by the Japanese and puppet troops who were tight outside and sent inside.It was obviously not easy to find a suitable shooting position in the large open field. Lu Yuan walked a long way in the field, and finally stopped at a ridge.

Lu Yuan crouched behind the ridge, holding the Mauser-caliber sniper rifle in his hand. He pulled the gun to fire the bullets, but Lu Yuan, who was about to pull the trigger, suddenly stopped his fingers.What he wants is to lure the enemy to chase instead of fighting the opponent here. Although his sniper rifle is farther than the bolt-action rifle of the Japanese puppet army, he is only alone after all. In such a terrain, he would definitely not be able to stop the enemy's siege.

After thinking about this, Lu Yuan opened the full-view map and worked out a temporary plan according to the distribution of the Japanese and puppet troops displayed on the full-view map. Lu Yuan, who had made a decision, pulled the trigger, and a Japanese soldier hundreds of meters away fell down in response, and the others around him immediately screamed in panic.Suddenly someone was shot, and the first to react among the Japanese and puppet troops by the railway track were all veterans. Naturally, the first reaction of the veterans was to lie down on the spot and look for cover, and then they searched for their rifles.

But more of them are novices who have just entered the battlefield. When the veterans lie down and shout, the first reaction of these recruits is to grab a gun. "Crack" A Japanese soldier who had barely touched his rifle twisted his body and fell to the ground. The bullets fired from a distance precisely penetrated into his back and shot out from his chest.The Japanese soldier whose body was pierced by bullets did not die, and screamed after falling to the ground, but the more he shouted, the more plasma gushed out of his chest.

Lu Yuan, who was a few hundred meters away, quickly emptied the first magazine of the sniper rifle. After quickly changing the magazine, Lu Yuan, who was lying on the back of the ridge, simply got up and took a kneeling posture, as if This posture is more suitable for long-distance sniping.Lu Yuan straightened up halfway, and was immediately noticed by the veterans of the Japanese puppet army who had already grabbed their guns and were looking for the enemy. Someone immediately shot back at Lu Yuan.It's just that they soon discovered that the bullets they fired didn't seem to be able to focus on each other, because the distance between the two sides was really far away.

"Da da da da da da" the rifle couldn't hit the opponent, and there seemed to be no such entrustment for the machine gun, so the Japanese and puppet troops soon heard the sound of machine guns firing.The powerful barrage slammed towards Lu Yuan, and Lu Yuan immediately fell to the ground sideways, and quickly retreated seemingly invincible under the eyes of the puppet army on the opposite side.Lu Yuan retreated frankly. After seeing the Japanese and puppet soldiers by the railway, there was a slight pause, and some people shouted and chased him. Although some veterans expressed doubts during the period, they all followed under the command of the angry officer.

Under the command of two Japanese lieutenants, more than 40 Japanese and puppet soldiers chased towards Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan, who had seen this on the full-view map, was a little disappointed. He was disappointed by the Japanese and puppet troops by the railway. Unexpectedly, less than half of the soldiers were chased.In order not to stop the Japanese and puppet troops chasing behind him, Lu Yuan, who was running wildly, deliberately slowed down. No matter how the pursuers behind him accelerated, Lu Yuan kept swaying 300 meters in front of them.

"Nani? He ran into the blockhouse?" Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lu Yuan quickly walked through the open space outside the blockhouse, and got into the blockhouse without looking back.The Japanese veterans who were chasing stopped immediately, and the enemy fled into the gun tower, which meant that the soldiers staying in the gun tower were finished.With the strong and condescending fortifications of the fortress, and the machine gun in the fort, the guy who just rushed into the fort was like entering a turtle shell. They only carried rifles and they were no match for the machine gun in the fort.

As soon as the Japanese army stopped, the Imperial Association Army who was mixed with it naturally stopped. More than 40 Japanese and puppet soldiers stopped more than 300 meters away and looked at the gun tower in front of them.The pursuers stopped, but Lu Yuan, who had already climbed the wooden ladder to the top of the gun tower, refused to let them go. He directly pulled out his sniper rifle and pointed down at the Japanese and puppet pursuers more than 300 meters away. gun shot.Lu Yuan fought urgently and quickly, and the Japanese and puppet soldiers outside the gun tower immediately dispersed to hide, but still left a few corpses in place.

Lu Yuan's deliberate provocation annoyed the Japanese and puppet troops outside the blockhouse. Immediately, some people ran back to the railway to seek help. Soon, the Japanese and puppet troops by the railway brought light machine guns and mortars. "Da da da da da da" the two light machine guns of the Japanese army began to spray projectiles at the gun tower, and the Japanese gunners who followed were also adjusting the angle of the mortar, preparing to shell the gun tower.The other party brought light machine guns and mortars. Out of caution, Lu Yuan retreated from the top of the gun tower and carefully observed the enemy's movements from the firing port on the first floor.

The two light machine guns of the Japanese army fired fiercely alternately. Under the cover of the light machine guns, some Japanese and puppet soldiers tried to turn around from the flanks under the command of the officer.Lu Yuan, who had already discovered these on the full-view map, immediately chose to avoid the frontal Japanese and puppet troops, but instead focused on the two wings of the gun tower.Fortunately, the gun tower built by the Japanese is not only strong, but also has many shooting ports scattered on the gun tower. No matter what direction the enemy comes from, Lu Yuan in the gun tower can use firepower to block the advance of the enemy outside the gun tower.

Lu Yuan then slowed down his shooting speed, but he could hit a target with almost every shot. In just three to four minutes, there were more than 4 corpses of Japanese and puppet soldiers scattered outside the gun tower.Seeing the sudden increase in casualties on his side, the Japanese lieutenant who led the command immediately shouted, and immediately someone followed his order to return to the railway side but called for reinforcements, which meant that he would fight to the death with Lu Yuan in the gun tower here. .

When he found that the Japanese and puppet troops outside the blockhouse sent people back to call for reinforcements, Lu Yuan, who moved back and forth in the blockhouse and fired, was happy. He originally wanted to attract the Japanese and puppet troops by the railway to come here.A quarter of an hour later, there were more Japanese and puppet soldiers outside the turret. Seeing this from the shooting holes on the third floor of the turret, Lu Yuan felt complacent. It seemed that his provocation had worked.Lu Yuan's goal was achieved, but after deliberation, the Japanese and puppet troops outside the blockhouse also came up with a good solution.

Nearly a hundred soldiers of the Japanese and puppet troops surrounded the blockhouse indistinctly, and soldiers with loud voices were arranged at the four corners to act as observers. Will be yelling right away.Under the reminder of the observers, the soldiers of the Japanese puppet army outside the gun tower will move forward immediately. When Lu Yuan returns to this side to shoot, the Japanese puppet army from other directions will take the opportunity to move forward again. This is the advantage of having more people.

(End of this chapter)

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