Anti war ranger

Chapter 340 Hans asks for help

Chapter 340 Hans asks for help
Regarding the war that took place in China, the Americans remained neutral on the surface, but in fact they have been supporting Japan in private. Otherwise, where would Japan get the steel and various materials for making weapons.If the American weapons testing team attacked the Japanese military police, it can still be explained by the fact that the Japanese army has the highest combat power in Asia. Then, how can the fire in Tokyo be explained?Both Nakasa Fujiwara and Shinichi Ono knew that Americans who focused on interests would never intentionally set fires in Tokyo.

Therefore, the only explanation can only be that there are a certain number of Chinese in the US weapons testing team. Because of the presence of Chinese, there will be a fire in Tokyo, and there will be continuous attacks on military police and intelligence personnel in Shanghai and Tianjin. event.When thinking about this, Ono Shinichi suddenly found that his inference seemed to have become reasonable, and Zhongzuo Fujiwara also had the idea of ​​reporting to his superiors.

Ono Shinichi's deduction was quickly reported to the upper echelon of the Gendarmerie Command. Half a day later, Ono Shinichi, who was waiting anxiously, finally waited for a reply from the upper echelon of the Gendarmerie Command, but the content of the reply was not what Shinichi Ono wanted.The upper echelon of the Gendarmerie Command did not agree with Shinichi Ono's inference, because while the Mei Agency was doing its best to search for anti-Japanese forces in Shanghai, it was also secretly monitoring intelligence personnel from various countries in Shanghai, especially intelligence agents from the United Kingdom and the United States.

After the Mei agency learned of Shinichi Ono's inference, it repeatedly checked the surveillance records of intelligence personnel from various countries in Shanghai, and found no sign of an American weapons testing team in Shanghai. "Absolutely impossible. In Shanghai, we not only have intelligence personnel belonging to the Great Japanese Empire, but also many gangsters to provide us with information. Even the Americans cannot hide all traces." The Mei Agency insisted that Shinichi Ono The inference is just whimsical, and Shinichi Ono can't come up with convincing evidence, so the topic of the US weapons testing team can only end here.

Disappointed, Shinichi Ono sat in the car without saying a word, the window of the car rolled down by him remained open, allowing the wind with rainwater to pour in from the outside, blowing his gloomy face, but turning the other people in the car Kubota II was freezing enough.Finally, Ono Shinichi rolled up the car window, leaned his head back on the seat, and sighed long. The second knowledgeable Kubota who was sitting beside him opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound.

Shinichi Ono was very disappointed. He thought that this time he would be able to officially enter the military without the special high technology, but he didn't expect it. Who knew that the headquarters would ignore his analysis and judgment at all, and his efforts would be in vain.Shinichi Ono, who had his eyes closed, couldn't help but let out a long sigh. Kubota Er, who had been paying attention to him, didn't hold back this time. After thinking for a while, he finally spoke to Shinichi Ono.

"Section Chief Ono, the Gendarmerie Command probably just didn't want to involve the Americans. After all, the empire still relies on scrap steel from the United States." It's not that Ono Shinichi couldn't come up with real evidence, how could the Gendarmerie Command ignore that intelligence analysis report.Carefully paying attention to Ono Shinichi's reaction, he found that Ono Shinichi was not angry because of this, so Kubota Er continued to speak.

"Actually, it's very easy to find the Americans' flaws. There should be relevant information about the American intelligence personnel in Shanghai in the May agency. As long as we can get those materials, we will make some small targeted actions here, and the Americans may not be exposed. Telling the truth." Kubota Er's inspection finally caught Ono Shinichi's attention, and after thinking carefully, Ono Shinichi also felt that what Kubota Er said just now seemed reasonable, at least he could give it a try.

How to lure the Americans to show their feet is a very simple matter for the super high school.Shinichi Ono closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes and said something to Kubota. "Mei Agency, let me figure out a way. You go to contact the concession patrols and gang forces controlled by us to anger the Americans. Our special high school must not come forward." The hint in Xiao Yejin's words is very cryptic. Kubota Er already understood the deep meaning of it.

After the war in Shanghai, although the national army retreated, the Blue Shirts quickly recovered their strength in Shanghai.Pass information to the national army through various channels, and start targeted assassination operations against traitors and high-level Japanese troops.Because of its strong symbolic meaning and its blatant assassination on the "isolated island of Shanghai", the Blue Shirts Club led many small citizens in Shanghai to join it, and some of them spontaneously organized joint actions.These people act both out of patriotism and in their own self-interest.Sometimes they joined forces with the national government's secret agents, and sometimes they acted alone.

With the tense war and the gradual retreat of the national army, many people in the patrol room in the Shanghai Concession have been secretly bought by the military or the Central Command.At that time, if the Japanese army wanted to publicly arrest people in the concession, the Japanese gendarmerie had to come forward and notify the police station authorities in the concession in advance, and the police station would send personnel to go there together.In Shanghai, the Military Command and Central Command organizations mostly give monthly allowances to the officers of the patrol houses in the two concessions, and they communicate with each other.

Therefore, when the Japanese army wanted to arrest people in the concession, it was often the Japanese gendarmerie that had just greeted the patrol room, and those patrol room personnel who were bribed by the military command and the Central Command would secretly notify them to let the arrested person escape.As for some important personnel belonging to the military command and the central command, even if they are captured before they can escape, the patrol house will keep them in trouble, and even refuse "extradition".It was under such favorable circumstances that the lurking of the military command and the central command in Shanghai changed from hasty to organized, coupled with the elite soldiers and generals transferred from the rear, they quickly recovered their strength.Subsequently, terrorist activities such as assassinations against pro-Japanese elements began to increase.

In order to change this unfavorable factor, while supporting traitor spy organizations such as No. 76 and the Zodiac Society, the Japanese army also began to use the silver bullet offensive, secretly using the power of the gang to buy the concession patrol.The Japanese Consulate in Shanghai also used various methods to lobby the Concession Bureau of Industry and Commerce to increase the number of Japanese patrols in the concession, thereby changing the difficulty of Japanese troops entering the concession and arresting them.With the covert help of police patrols in the concession, coupled with the coercion of No. 76 and gang forces, the special high class was able to freely enter the concession and arrest people frequently, but it did not trigger the Ministry of Industry Bureau of the concession to target.

Ono Shinichi wanted to carry out operations against the Americans in the concession, so naturally he could not do without the help of the concession patrol and gang forces. Kubota Er led the order to leave, and Ono Shinichi rushed to the Mei Agency immediately.Few people know that Shinichi Ono has one of his seniors who works in the Mei Agency, and they have a good relationship with fellow villagers.Finding his senior to explain his purpose, Ono Shinichi got the information he wanted from the Mei Agency without any effort.

In the next few days, chaos appeared in the concession. In just three or four days, there were many kidnapping cases. Kubota Er, who directed the actions of gang forces, was not stupid. He didn't just kidnap Americans. During the period, people from several other countries were also kidnapped in a deceptive manner.The kidnapping case caused a lot of noise in the concession. In the past, after dark, the feasting and nightlife in the concession began, but once the kidnapping case came out, the nightlife in the concession suddenly became much quieter.

Lu Yuan, who was hiding at home to cultivate himself, didn't know this. Under the guise of recovering from his injuries, Lu Yuan hid in the basement of his residence and fiddled with those chemicals all day long.Lu Yuan has always been good at chemistry. When he was in high school, he and some of his best friends used chemicals from the school laboratory to make a chemical incendiary bomb that was even more powerful than the Soviet Army's molotov cocktails.Just when Lu Yuan's research was beginning to take shape, Hans unexpectedly visited and brought a request that Lu Yuan could not refuse.

The concession was turbulent, and Hans's bar was not affected, but one of his accountants was kidnapped. The furious Hans sent a large number of people to investigate, but he still did not find any useful clues.In desperation, Hans had no choice but to find Lu Yuan, trying to find his own accountant through the channels behind Lu Yuan. "Lu, you must help me this time. Gulliver knows too many things and secrets about me. It would be fine if it was just an ordinary kidnapping and extortion, but Gulliver has been missing for two days, and the person who kidnapped him has been I didn’t contact me, I’m afraid there are other factors we don’t know about.”

Lu Yuan knew what Hans was worried about. After talking with Lu Yuan last time, Hans had been secretly planning to withdraw from Macau.Hans has many subordinates, and it is impossible for him to leave alone. As an accountant, Gulliver also knows a lot of Hans' arrangements.If Gulliver was taken away by the German intelligence agency, or if Gulliver told Hans about Hans without knowing it, it would be a reminder to Hans.

"Lu, as long as you help me this time, I will provide you with all the weapons and equipment you need in the future at a cost price." Lu Yuan has never had the habit of not taking money for his work, and Hans also expressed his desire in a timely manner. sincerity. "I have already arranged people in the United States. As long as the communication tools you mentioned start to be equipped with U.S. troops, my people will send the best ones to Shanghai as soon as possible. I assure you." Hans expressed his sincerity It still satisfied Lu Yuan, especially the walkie-talkie mentioned by Hans at the end, which may be the equipment that Lu Yuan is most looking forward to.

"Hans, we are friends, I will help you with this matter, but you have to give me some time." Lu Yuan smiled happily, when he learned that Hans' men had almost searched the entire concession , Lu Yuan already had an investigation direction in mind.Apart from the gangsters in Shanghai, the only ones who can do this kind of thing in Shanghai are the Japanese with despicable personalities. If the Japanese really did this, for Lu Yuan, it would be too easy to solve up.

(End of this chapter)

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