Chapter 639 Fanaticism
Prince Wei: "..."

The words have been said by others, what else can he say?

All of these things were caused by himself, and now that this kind of behavior has happened, he really doesn't know whether to go or stay.

Let's stay, although I can barely gain a little of my reputation, but Chen Jing's skills are so good, how can Chen Xuan's skills as an older brother be worse?

He has to suffer from all kinds of snakes, insects, rats and ants coming to report every hour. When he really gets to the competition field, what chance does he have of winning?
I'm afraid that he will either be tossed to death by those dirty things, or killed by Chen Xuan's little loach coming out of nowhere.

Let's leave, indeed the biggest advantage is that he doesn't have to continue to suffer from the ravages of snakes, rats, rats and ants, but his reputation will be rotten to the end.

And most importantly, no matter whether he chooses to leave or stay, the people of Medicine King Valley will never keep all the things he experienced in Medicine King Valley secret for him!

No matter what, the final result will not do you any good.

The more Prince Wei thought about it, the more anxious he became, and suddenly a wicked idea popped up in his mind: "If that little bastard named Chen Xuan and his whole family disappear in this world, that's Doesn't it mean that the series of troubles he is currently facing can all disappear?"

Prince Wei just felt as if he had suddenly been opened up to Ren Du's second channel!

"Young Master Weng, this king will naturally choose to stay!" Prince Wei immediately said to the eldest brother of the Weng family after he had figured out some things. "It's just that I told you just now, these servants, I don't think they serve me very well, so I want to write a letter and ask some good servants in my family to come and serve me, I don't know what Young Master Weng's idea is?"

He said that he wanted to get some good servants to come over, but in fact, to put it bluntly, he just wanted to give himself some more help.

"Since it was proposed by Prince Wei, we agree. However, the number of people cannot exceed four. After all, not just anyone can enter our Medicine King Valley." The elder brother of the Weng family was about to leave.

"Four people..." Prince Wei wanted to say, how could there be only four people?I don't know how many or four people the Chen family brought in!
However, seeing that the eldest brother of the Weng family was so determined, Prince Wei was afraid that if he continued talking, he would not even be able to get these four people in, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, four people will be four."

The eldest brother of the Weng family has already taken steps.

Obviously, even if Prince Wei disagrees with only bringing in four people, the eldest brother of the Weng family will not change his mind.

Prince Wei looked at the back of the eldest brother of the Weng family leaving, and the two rows of tooth sockets were about to be crushed.

He is a majestic prince, but he wants to humble himself in front of a person without any title. It is extremely embarrassing. He will definitely avenge this revenge sooner or later!
Weng and Chen, all of you are waiting for this king!

Sooner or later, this king will definitely want you to kneel at his feet!

After the eldest brother of the Weng family left from Prince Wei, he was not only not in a comfortable mood, but even more irritable.He walked in his own garden for a long time, but he couldn't relieve his emotions, so he decided to find his sister.

Growing up so big, it was the first time that he wanted to possess and enjoy an exquisite woman as a collectible, but he didn't have a chance to implement this idea, so he was warned by his father. Intellectually, the eldest brother of the Weng family knew that at this time At this moment, the best way for everyone is to quickly cut off the thoughts you shouldn't have.

However, there are some things that can't be broken just by saying it.

The more he wants to break it now, the more Ji Wanyi's exquisite face gets into his mind.

This made the eldest brother of the Weng family couldn't help but think that he is still being tortured by stubborn poison, and his face is full of sickness, which can make him so irritable. Isn't it going to make him lose his mind?
Or, at that time, this woman will become the only woman in his life who he wants to marry and spend the rest of his life with, just like his father and his mother?

As soon as this idea popped up, it was like a seed quickly took root in his mind, and then the situation quickly began to germinate and sprout, and the lush growth spread all over his entire spiritual space.

The eldest brother of the Weng family couldn't help thinking, maybe the reason why his father warned him so much today was because he thought he was interested in that woman?

Yes, his father must have thought that it was not surprising that the woman's skin was so exquisite that it would attract a man's attention.

However, what if this woman's influence on him will rise to the point where she won't marry?

If that woman became the only woman he wanted to be with for the rest of his life, then, would his father choose to support him for the lifelong event of his only son?

The eyes of the eldest brother of the Weng family suddenly sparked a strong frenzy.

He had to try first to find the answer to this question.

And if he wants to try, the first step he should take is to find an opportunity to get in touch with this woman first, to understand her, and let her gradually understand himself after detoxification and soberness, and then, little by little. Disintegrate Chen Jing's position in that woman's heart.

If he really insisted on this matter, if in the end, the woman also fell in love with him, then it would be a mutual love. At that time, even if his father didn't want to, he wouldn't be able to say anything else.

As far as the father is concerned, it is equivalent to using his own medical skills to save his future daughter-in-law and the mother of his future grandson. This is also a kind of fate and a beautiful story.

As for Chen Jing, it's a big deal. At that time, he will give some more money or good medicine from Yaowang Valley, and he will be compensated a lot.

Anyway, there is no real husband and wife relationship between Chen Jing and that woman.

And this must be God's arrangement.

God arranged that Chen Jing and that woman would not be able to consummate their marriage even if they got married, and then traveled a long distance from Yongsheng to Nanyi, so that the woman could meet him!

The elder brother of the Weng family became more and more fanatical. With such an extremely excited and complicated mood, he found his sister.

This is also the first time in his life that the eldest brother of the Weng family approached his own sister with some ulterior purpose.

Weng Qingqing was studying a cookbook of Yongsheng in her own room. Because of getting to know Ji Xuanyu, Weng Qingqing suddenly became more interested in Yongsheng's local customs and a series of things.

As long as she knows about anything related to Ji Xuanyu, she can't help but pay attention to it.

(End of this chapter)

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