Men's Petite Wife: Lord, Madam ran away again

Chapter 463 Shouldn't be that serious, right?

Chapter 463 Shouldn't be that serious, right?
Ji Wanyi said: "Even if Ruhua didn't say that just now, you all know the attitude of the world towards your profession. I believe that most women in this world are not their original intention to be in the dust, but For some reason or another, I had to take this step, and I feel unwilling to enter the brothel, what's wrong? Could it be that each of you is naturally willing to enter this kind of place, and laugh at people all day long?"

Indeed, in this world, no woman is willing to enter a place like a brothel.

Whether it's picturesque or other girls, or mother Hua herself, in fact, at the beginning, I was extremely reluctant in my heart.If there is a better choice, who would like to sleep with a pair of jade arms in this kind of place?

"Ruhua is just telling the truth, but this girl seems to have regarded her being in the prostitution as a normal state, and she is even a little proud. I think she is different from most women in the world. " Ji Wanyi looked seriously at all the brothel women in front of her, "It's not your intention to get stuck in this, but this is already an unchangeable fact. I said these words, not to make you compete with reality. It is not practical, and it is also a kind of harm to you. I just hope that no matter what kind of environment you are in, you can always keep a small piece of pure land for yourself in your heart. Whenever you want to be alone in the dead of night, you will not There's not a shred of hope or peace."

Ji Wanyi's words deeply touched the group of brothel girls who came out with her today.

As Ji Wanyi said, if there is a better choice, who would like to stay in this kind of place?

It's not that most of them didn't resist at the beginning, but in the end they knew that they couldn't resist, so they broke the pot and threw it.

Ji Wanyi's words gave them a pause in their hearts.Yes, after so many years in the prostitution, they have almost forgotten their original appearance. There is no pure land in their hearts, but they are just habitually smiling at the guests every day and living their lives in a daze.

"Master Wansan..." Everyone's eyes on Ji Wanyi became much warmer.

And picturesque, there is an indescribable feeling in my heart.This is the person she admires!She really deserves her admiration!
As for Mother Hua, the expression on her face has also become a little richer. She seems to be very dissatisfied with Ji Wanyi's instilling such thoughts in the girls in the building in front of her. come out.

Ji Wanyi's words vividly reminded her of some things in her youth.

There is a saying that she agrees with very much, if there was a better choice back then, who would be willing to do this job?
"So, since you can no longer change your current situation, you must work hard to make your life better. It is not easy for everyone to get together. It is hard enough to face guests all day long. Why do women make things difficult? woman?"

Mama Hua was completely silent.It's not because she was moved by Ji Wanyi in the car, but because she, as the old bustard in the flower building, naturally wants all the girls under her to live in peace and harmony. In this way, she can make money as well more comfortable.

"The words I told you today are all from the bottom of my heart. It doesn't matter if you can listen to it or not, but there is only one thing. I hope you can remember that Ruhua is the person I am covering. If I know anyone who dares to wear Ruhua little shoes, don't blame me for being rude!"

Ruhua really fits her eyes, and it feels good to support a girl who fits her eyes once in a while, and to show off the limelight of a hero saving the beauty.

After Ji Wanyi finished speaking, she ignored the others and turned to Ruhua, "Do you still want to eat?"

Ruhua nodded and shook her head again: "I kind of think about it, but I have bad teeth, I'm afraid I'll get a toothache if I eat too much."

Ji Wanyi said softly: "If this is the case, then eat less. I will visit you when I have time some other day."

It is inevitable that you will feel a little lost when you hear picturesque. "Young master is leaving?"

Ji Wanyi said: "Yeah, it's been a while since I came out, and I also heard that porridge on credit has started in the street, so I came out to take a look, I didn't expect to meet you."

"Is that so..."

Ji Wanyi is a girl, and she thinks that she can support Ruhua like this, which is enough, but she really can't do it if she continues to stay.So he could only ignore the picturesque sense of loss, and hurried away with Xiwen and Shimo.

"Miss, why does this servant feel that that picturesque girl is really reluctant to part with you?" Xiwen said with some concern.

Shi Mo said: "In my opinion, it's more than just reluctance. I think she has a soft spot for Miss! Didn't you see that she looks at our lady with bright eyes?"

Xi Wen looked even more worried. "She, she won't become like the previous Miss Su, will she?"

When Miss Su was mentioned, Ji Wanyi and Shimo couldn't help shivering, especially Ji Wanyi, the feeling of being drugged by Su and forced to soak in ice water was so fresh in her memory, she would never know it in her life. forgot.

"Should...not be so?" For some reason, remembering the physical discomfort after being drugged, she suddenly thought of Xie Jingliang.If Xie Jingliang hadn't arrived in time, her identity as a woman disguised as a man might have been exposed!

"Then who knows? In short, I think there is something wrong with the way she looks at you, miss. Miss, you already have Lord Hou now, so don't..."

You can't tell your lady not to provoke the flowers and plants outside anymore, can you?
Her young lady just provoked Xiao Hua, but Xiao Cao never provoked her.

After a pause, Xiwen changed the phrase, and said, "Take Master Hou to go to the brothel together? The servant girl has never heard that the wife of any family will take her husband to the brothel together. It has spread. I'm afraid it's not good for Miss."

If this incident hadn't been for a visit to a brothel, it wouldn't have happened.

What is so picturesque, how could it have anything to do with them?

It's good now, it's money, porridge, doctor, and supporting a brothel girl in front of so many people. Fortunately, the three masters and servants came out with a fake face, otherwise , if you just use your true colors, you can't be ridiculed to death?
"We used fake faces, shouldn't it be that serious?" Ji Wanyi felt that Xi Wen was thinking a little too much.

However, Xiwen did not dare to relax at all, whispered to Ji Wanyi's ear, and said: "Miss, you forgot, the Zhao family may have been looking for opportunities to harm you all the time!"

(End of this chapter)

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