Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 704 Contentment 【Full Ending】

Chapter 704 Contentment 【Full Ending】

The hills you and I sang the song of that year like that that day.

Such memories are enough, enough for me to taste loneliness every day.

When a gust of wind blows the kite and flies into the sky, I pray for you and bless you.

Finally your figure disappeared at the end of the sea of ​​people, only to find that laughing and crying hurt the most.

When a gust of wind blows the kite and flies into the sky, I pray for you and bless you.

Finally your figure disappeared at the end of the sea of ​​people, only to find that laughing and crying hurt the most.

If I fall in love with your smile, how can I collect it and own it.

If your happiness is no longer for me, whether you will let go is actually possession.

The joy of contentment makes me endure heartache, the joy of contentment makes me endure heartache..."

(Mayday’s contentment, very warm song, friends who like it can go and listen to it O(∩_∩)O~)

On the rugged mountain road, a man and a woman dressed in black appeared, holding a two or three-year-old girl in their arms. The man and the woman were attracted by the singing, and turned their heads to look at the source of the singing...

Covered by a lush forest, there is a luxuriant cherry blossom forest.

The white, red and pink single-petal double-petal cherry blossoms are in full bloom, looking like a sea of ​​flowers from a distance.

Two small figures sitting close to each other cuddled closely, smiling happily and sometimes stretching out their chubby little fingers to point to a pair of Bi people who danced swords and sang in the sea of ​​flowers.

The white clothes fluttered with the skirts of the light figure of the sword dancer, and the sleeves of the clothes fluttered lightly.

The figure brought a gust of breeze, touched the smiling petals of the tree, and the playful and colorful flowers fell in the smiles of the two who danced swords and sang.

Accompanied by the handsome and pretty face, the three thousand silk like satin and blue silk dancing behind the head, one after another, a rain of flower petals of a peerless sword dance...

The woman in black had tears in her eyes, and she murmured to the woman who danced the sword and sang:

"Junior Sister, we are back..."

The little girl put her arms around the neck of the man in black, and her immature childish voice was full of envy: "Father, that singer is so beautiful. Is she the mother of those two children?"

The man nodded his daughter's pink nose and said angrily:

"Little fool, your mother is the most beautiful. But, have you seen that little brother? Maybe he will be your husband in the future."

After teasing his daughter, the man turned his head and stared affectionately at the woman beside him, pointing to a pair of Bi people who danced swords and sang in the distance,
He narrowed his single eyelid and stared with a smile and said:

"Mo Wuying sang songs and danced swords with Yungeyue, what an affectionate picture of Yinggeyuewu..."

——"Shadow Song and Moon Dance"——The whole book is finished.

(Scatter flowers, bow, thank you. Thank you readers for following up on the end of the article.

In addition, if you want to read the story, please leave a paw in the book review area, and the next chapter will announce the new article information)
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(End of this chapter)

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