Crazy Young Empress: Shadowsong Moon Dance

Chapter 18 Handsome Dad?Or Uncle Cool?

Chapter 18 Handsome Dad?Or Uncle Cool?

This person is about twenty years old.

Thick eyebrows and star eyes, a face like a jade crown, and a nose like a gall.

The thin lip liner is in the middle of the sensual and sharp-edged people, and it harmonizes with the facial features that are as sharp as a knife, creating a stern look of "don't disturb strangers and don't look for acquaintances".

No matter how you look at it, with this ruthless and hard-to-disguise facial features, he has a cool and handsome aura comparable to Hollywood idol superstars.


The fly in the ointment is the shocking scar that oozes blood from the forehead to the hairline and down to the brow.

Make him look more like a handsome Shura from hell.

Mo Wuying didn't want to admit it even if she was beaten to death...

No matter how hard I tried before, I couldn't open my eyes that I thought were blind, but they were covered with eye feces...

Especially when such an obscene and imageless embarrassment was discovered and saved by the handsome guy in front of him.

She danced and stretched her arms and legs and grinned open her small mouth to reveal her toothless gums. She used the cutest baby look imaginable to show her cuteness in front of men.

I tried my best to restore the bad impression of being covered in eye feces and crying desperately.

Mo Wuying guessed that this person was his father, or some kind of uncle.

Since the person who appeared in front of him at the first time must be an important person, not to mention the nervousness and worry in the other party's eyes is not fake.

She firmly believes in the eternal law that a cute child wins the hearts of the people, so she is determined to carry out the magical skills of the previous life to the end.

But within a few swings, the hot and sore feeling all over his body hit again, he was sweating profusely for no reason, and his vision began to become blurred.

She just thought it was a baby with low physical strength, and she exhausted her physical strength in a moment of excitement. She was weak and helpless and grinned again with her small pink mouth and wept weakly.

Seeing her crying hoarsely again, Shura Man stretched out his long and slender hand to cover Mo Wuying's forehead to test it, and his expression became solemn for a moment.

Unceremoniously, he touched his chest and abdomen with his big hand, then turned around and took off his coat and brocade robe, wrapped Mo Wuying up, and rushed out through the door with his back on his back.

Mo Wuying was originally entangled in Shura's man reaching out to moles her, but before she could express her displeasure, she was wrapped in clothes and tied behind her back like a piece of luggage.

Before I had time to look at the furnishings of the house I stayed in before, I felt myself jumping forward and backward rapidly.

It turned out that Shura handsome guy knows kung fu.And it's so easy!
This discovery made Mo Wuying very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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