Chapter 24 Escape From Heaven (2)

escape from birth (2)

Mu Yafeng has always been suspicious, it is absolutely impossible to just threaten her with the names of Gu's family members, and also sent another eyeliner.This is also the reason why Mo Yao chose to look back at home when he killed Mo Yao.

I went back to Gu's house.

Firstly, it can make Mu Yafeng feel that she has given up resistance, and secondly, the Gu family has excellent guards.For a seriously injured person, it is almost impossible to escape from the Gu residence.

"The servant first goes to make medicine for the young lady, trying to numb the sight of those people as much as possible."

Followed to kill Mo Yao for a while.

Li Li still had a few more thoughts.

Killing Mo Yao nodded.

Mo Li retreated.

In anticipation, time always passes faster than usual.


The cold wind was blowing everywhere, and the insects kept singing.

Killing Mo Yao and Mo Li quietly left the room.In the afternoon, Mo Li explored the terrain, and Mo Yao's small courtyard was located on the north side, with few people around.And the two servant girls that the butler asked to serve Kill Mo Yao had also had their acupoints tapped by Kill Mo Yao, and now they were fast asleep.

Nodding towards Mo Li, Sha Mo Yao took out his whistle and used a small amount of internal force to blow it.

Zhang Shuyu wanted to let Mo Yao kill Yue Ji, so that Gu Xiwei would suffer for the rest of his life.So in martial arts, I have been trained since childhood.Therefore, there is internal strength in this body, and it is not weak.

I just don't know why I was seriously ill.

lead to physical weakness.

The old doctor's secret recipe is indeed very effective. In just two days, the wound has scabbed a little.Coupled with proper rest, Killing Mo Yao recovered a bit.


The whistle didn't sound.

But the wind nearby is obviously different.

Killing Mo Yao couldn't help but look sideways.

It turned out to be something similar to modern ultrasound.

It's obviously a high-frequency vibration, but most people can't hear it.

In the dark, the white clothes are particularly conspicuous.

Several women came here with graceful postures, stepping on the lotus, like the immortals of the Nine Palaces, who are indistinctly unknown.

Excellent effort.

This lightness alone should have amazed many people's eyes.

Killing Mo Yao narrowed his eyes.

The heart is completely let go.

"Master." The leading woman in a white skirt swayed gracefully.They quickly gathered a large number of them, and finally found what they wanted to see in the purple-clothed girl's hair.The hollowed-out jade ring was wrapped on a silver hairpin, like an ordinary decoration.

But, that's not it.

That was the order of the Moon Lotus Palace.

Only the owner of Moon Lotus Palace can have it.

Recognize orders but not recognize people.

This is the iron blood palace rule of Moon Lotus Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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