Naruto Fist Karp

Chapter 188 Don't drive in front of children!

Chapter 188 Don't drive in front of children!
The bright moon and the stars are rare, and the magpies are connected.

In the majestic and vast palace in the Kingdom of Stone, Garp hugged a petite body, and the two of them cuddled together in an indescribably sweet way.

"Kap-kun, the moonlight is so beautiful~"

The two just watched quietly, the moonlight shining through the window, Mei was extremely happy and happy at this time.

"Silly woman~" Garp gently scratched the tip of Mei's nose, with a hint of affection in the corner of his mouth.If it weren't for this silly girl's dedication, he would never have taken the initiative to pierce this layer of window paper.

At this time, after breaking through this layer of relationship, he became more open-minded. Although he had long been in love with Xiao Nan, he didn't mind learning from his predecessors because of the change in his mentality.

Why not open a harem? !


After Garp had a clear idea, he immediately turned into a big bad wolf and rushed towards Mei.

"Well, my husband Mei is already satisfied, please don't"

"Hey, it's too late."

"Konoha Maru, Xiao Li. Woke up for morning exercises."

In a secluded small house, Naruto kicked Xiao Li and Konoha Maru who were still sleeping awake with a kick, but he himself fell into the warm bed.

"Well, it's time to burn your youth again."

Xiao Li put on his green tights, and immediately prepared to start his day of devil training, but when he turned around, he found that Naruto and Konohamaru were still soundly asleep.

"Naruto, Konohamaru, how can you waste your good time? Burn your youth with me."

After finishing speaking, a basin of icy cold water went directly into the bed of the two of them.

"Mr. Garp has already gone to morning exercises, you are still in bed!"

Immediately, two shrill and sneezing sounds spread far and wide.

There are three poles in the sun, full of spring scenery.

Garp glanced at the person in his arms, slowly put her on the bed, and walked out of the palace.

At this moment, Mei also opened a pair of big eyes from the bed, the eyes were full of tears.

She knew that this man's choice would never be her alone, he had his ideals and intentions, and his goal was the whole world!
"Kap-kun, let's work together!"

Karp jumped directly from the roof of the palace and returned to his dormitory. He couldn't imagine being discovered by those three little guys.

Open the door, three little guys are practicing on the bed, and on the other side are Kakashi and Kai.

"Yo, Kakashi and Kai aren't slow. How's it going? There's nothing wrong with that."

Garp asked casually, the reason why he dared to come back early was because he had basically wiped out the power of the five major ninja kingdoms in the Stone Kingdom at this moment.

Except for Obito and others hiding in the dark, no one dared to do anything to Garp and Kai.However, even if it is brought in secretly, Garp can rush back to support within half an hour.

Fast, is so confident.

"Master Garp, there is no enemy attack. When encountering some ninjas from other countries on the road, they will take the initiative to avoid them."

Kakashi's voice revealed a hint of joy. He has never had a decompression task so easy before. He is a lazy person, so he took out a book of Intimacy Paradise and read it.

On the contrary, Kai, upon hearing Garp's inquiry, immediately acted like a report from a superior.

"Report to Mr. Karp, according to your instructions. The granddaughter of the old man Tukage, the secretary of Yunyin, Mabui, the eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki Rabbi, and several people from Wuyin Village have arrived in the capital intact."

"very good."

Garp glanced at Kakashi's intimate paradise, and immediately saw the scene that could make people blush, and then told Kai:
"You go there, let the people from Wuyin Village go back to their own country, and you go and bring Heitu and Mabui over here. Qilabi take good care of him and don't let him run away."


Kai immediately ran out after speaking.

"Mr. Karp, you are back." Naruto opened his eyes and greeted.

At the same time, Konoha Maru and Xiao Li said the same thing, and Karp was a little puzzled when he heard it. How did the three of them know that they ran out to be a flower picker for a while?

With a hint of doubt, he asked: "How do you know that I went out?"

When Naruto heard it, he made a look of 'Mr. Karp, you take me for a fool'.

Garp was startled when he saw Naruto like this: "You really know?"

Konohamaru and Xiao Li opened their eyes at the same time, nodded and said, "Yes, we all know why Mr. Karp went."

Forehead!Karp had black hair, he didn't expect these three boys to be such thieves.

"Now that you already know, I hope you will"

"Teacher, don't worry, you are so strong in practice that you can get up early to exercise. In the future, we will definitely push ourselves to learn the six naval styles as soon as possible!"

Before Garp could finish speaking, the three of them immediately took the topic and spoke seriously.

"Uh!! You know this?"

Karp's mood was like when he was riding a roller coaster for the first time in his previous life. He wanted to warn the three of them not to spread the word, but he was almost caught in the trap.

In their eyes, he was a hard-working teacher when the king didn't come to court just now!
"Of course, teacher, you don't need to hide it. The reason why you are so powerful and not known to others must be the reason why you worked too hard and kept a low profile before."

What are you talking about, I am speechless!

"Well, you continue to practice."

After finishing speaking, Karp walked to Kakashi's chair and calmed down the agitated mood in his heart. Only Kakashi felt strange seeing Karp's face.

"Mr. Karp, do you want to read it? I have another one here."

Kakashi turned his body sideways and whispered to Garp beside him.

Garp's body was also shocked when he heard the words, and he asked a question like two secret agents.

"Is it Mr. Jiraiya's 'Intimate Paradise'?"

"That's right, it's also the second bonus!"

Garp's eyes were even brighter. He had admired the second edition of the bonus for a long time. He searched the entire Konoha and found no one for sale. I really don't know where Kakashi got it.

"It's amazing. I have admired the second part of the special code for a long time, so I thank you in advance."

"You're welcome, Mr. Karp, why don't I show it to you now."

After finishing speaking, Kakashi directly took out an extremely powerful booklet from his pocket. Since the cover was only exposed in the air, it firmly attracted the eyes of the two of them.

Garp pressed Kakashi's hand that was about to take out the book, "We don't drive in front of children."

He gestured to Kakashi with his eyes, and beside him were Li, Naruto, and Konohamaru.
Kakashi stared, "Understood!"

At the same time, there were a few footsteps outside the house, and Garp was all over the place.

Kai brought a few people here, and he is going to start planning for himself in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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