Chapter 218
For Venter, after experiencing the baptism of war and the recasting of his suicide, he believes that there is nothing in this world that can move him except science. For him, national honor is related to interests. Too deep, and he can sacrifice for the country without accepting his exploitation from bureaucratic hell.

So he established the Celera Company. Although he was fired in the end, he still didn't want to accept the constraints of the so-called fate, honor, and righteousness.

He set up his own laboratory, which is only open to insiders.What he is doing here is to explore the future of science. Regarding the ravages of the summer evening virus, he has long talked about this issue in interviews, but no mainstream media has paid attention to him.

"In the past 600 years, we have wiped out a race of more than [-] million people with viruses. If there is really a divine punishment, will it fall on us Americans one day? It is ridiculous that people are now very serious about their lives. Scientific exploration began to stagnate. Because it has no value. How ridiculous this is, underestimating invisible dangers, and paying a heavy enough price to warn the world."

This is what he said in an exclusive interview with a reporter. This dialogue was published at the end of 2003. On the eve of the outbreak of the second Gulf War, he firmly opposed the war. He had seen too much damage to human beings caused by war. In his heart The cruelty of war is deeper than any scientist.

The laboratory he established is located in Florida, where the climate is pleasant, and his research projects mainly focus on the cultivation of marine organisms and microorganisms.

The most famous achievement is the synthesis of artificial life, known by the world as the first human being to enter the realm of God!

In 2005, he launched the press conference of artificial synthetic life. After 11 years of research, he has successfully synthesized a cell. Although this cell is so simple, this is the first time human beings have successfully synthesized artificial life!
This artificial life, which he calls "Cynthia", is the first synthetic cell in human history, the first cell that uses a computer as its parent cell, and can reproduce itself!

Although this cell is so simple, it only has 473 genes, four of which are useless and simply represent the names of its parents, the four researchers.

"The artificial cell clusters of CVI-syn3.0 are all spherical. On behalf of our laboratory, I proudly announce to the world that we have successfully entered the realm of God. In 2002, I was fired by Celera. At that time, everyone thought I would lose my mind, and I would hide alone on my yacht, drinking alone, and being with the waves all day long."

"Actually, I wanted to leave a long time ago, but the Celera company kept telling me that I could only be fired, not leave alone."

"Today, Cynthia, I proved that my work on my genetics is a harbinger of the future. Only someone as courageous and fearless as I am dares to face my future!"

Venter is very strong, and Gates clearly understands this. He can refuse the Purple Heart awarded by the US Congress and say no to the Nobel Prize. Is there anything he dare not do?The reason why he is so proud is because of his brilliance, his thinking that amazed the world, and his powerful hands-on ability that amazed the world.

Moreover, he is a veteran of the Vietnam War, and his kung fu has been baptized by the war. His eyes and behavior are full of hostility. Ordinary people will involuntarily be at a disadvantage in the face of this hostility.

But Steven Chu didn't. His family education came from the ancient and strict Eastern education, and he grew up in the free United States of America. He didn't care much about any power and so-called majesty.

When the car flew in the air and cruised at a speed exceeding Mach 3, and came to Florida from Southern California, Steven Chu realized that the construction of the National Academy of Sciences must be accelerated, otherwise the gap in technology would become wider and wider!

"Sahn, this flying car is really convenient. Even in the face of strong convective weather, it is fast enough for us to travel from the west coast of the United States to the east coast in just 2 hours. This pulse detonation engine is really powerful."

Steven Chu said to a young man, this is the person he brought out from Lexington, this young man is Sarn, the grandson of the president of the Sons of Liberty Club, when Steven Chu visited Lexington, The old president finally entrusted Zhu Diwen with the matter.

"Can cars fly now? It's really amazing." San touched the glass of the car and said, "Are all cars like this now? But the news media didn't report it."

"In this world, until now, only the Cree family's flying car can soar in the blue sky. The windows in front of you are deceleration glass, so that we will not be dazzled when we are driving at high speed. I also suspect that the outer layer of this glass is palladium-containing metallic glass.”

"When the aircraft breaks through the sound barrier, because of the high-speed friction between the aircraft and the air, it will cause high temperature and metal softening, but do you feel the heat? The effect of heat insulation is worth learning. Our F22, known as The world's most advanced fighter jets can't even solve this problem. In fact, every flight of the F22 pilots is like taking a sauna. The cockpit of civil aviation does not need more avionics systems. Fire control systems. So installed Automatic temperature control system, but every centimeter of a fighter jet is precious!"

"As you can see, this is the technology we want to catch up with. Now our technology has completely fallen behind Cree. If we don't do something, Cree will run farther and farther."

Steven Chu is not wholeheartedly for the US government, or for Gates, he just takes money to do things, and organizes the US National Academy of Sciences for Gates, and he is also for his own promotion, for him who has become the US Secretary of Energy.Has set his sights on a higher position.

Dissatisfaction is the driving force behind human progress. Steven Chu sees longer and farther, so he read Roosevelt's Little Red Book. Because of this, he now sees the future more clearly.

The United States is no longer the United States that was number one in the world. It has long since ceased to be the super-hegemon that said it was one and the world had to say two. Under Zhu Cheng’s successive attacks, the gross national product of the United States plummeted at the same time , It is the instability of American society and the outbreak of various contradictions.

In his opinion, it will be a matter of time before they fall apart. He is planning in advance, and technology is the most important weapon in his hands. This weapon is so powerful that Germany after World War I faced high war reparations, more than When half of the state-owned wealth is divided up by the big powers, it still has the ability to start the Second World War!

This is the charm brought by technology!Therefore, Steven Chu's purpose is very simple, to master the technology of the United States, and to face possible challenges in a more calm and orderly manner in the face of major changes.

Venter will enjoy it very much, and his enjoyment is in all aspects, especially after he left a company funded by others to set up his own laboratory!
Of his 5000 million dollars, he spent more than [-] million on enjoyment!He bought a yacht and stayed in his small port. He went fishing with his team every day and enjoyed the sea breeze, sunshine and beautiful women every day.

His laboratory is so luxurious, so luxurious that Steven Chu is ashamed. It is indeed in bureaucratic hell. This luxurious atmosphere is indeed easy to arouse jealousy and attacks from others.

When others are suffering, are you enjoying?Handmade sofas from Italy, knitted carpets from Poland, silver tableware from past noble collections, and a variety of famous wines are placed in solid wood wine cabinets.

Not to mention, the well-known underground winery and the grand event of Venter's laboratory wine tasting once every ten days.

"I know what you are looking for me for, and my answer to you is no! Don't even think about it, I will never go back to that kind of bureaucratic hell! Do your own research, use your own research to sell money, even There is no need to apply for a patent, let alone a hateful patent infringement lawsuit! I am like this, I am very comfortable."

When Venter walked upstairs to the living room, the first sentence he said was refusal, and in Chu's view, this was the best signal. Such a clear refusal proved that Venter had thought about his purpose for coming. Even waiting for Steven Chu's arrival.

"I'm just joking. I'm just here as a research fellow. The most luxurious laboratory in the world is indeed not as famous as meeting you. The splendor here is beyond my imagination. Venter, you are a person who loves life very much."

Zhu Diwen was being polite, and he didn't reach out to hit the smiling face. He understood that firstly, the atmosphere of confrontation should be eliminated before serious business can be discussed.

"In my opinion, you national bureaucrats have a rotten smell all over your body. Even if you are far away from you, I can feel your stench! It's so disgusting!" Venter said on his mouth Fierce, instead, he picked up a bottle of wine on the wine cabinet, opened it gracefully, poured two glasses, and handed them to Steven Zhu.

"Thank you for the hospitality. Let's talk about business. The United States is facing an important test recently. The United States needs your participation."

Steven Chu looked at Venter, hoping to see some changes in his expression, so as to judge his real thoughts.

"Before you, someone has already invited me, and that is Kerui! The price he offered me is heart-warming, and I don't think you can afford this kind of fee at all!"

"Gates won't give you that much money! Trust me." Venter had a playful smile on his face, staring at Steven Chu.This kind of competition is definitely beneficial to him!
For the leader of "Yewuxuan", the third update today.

(End of this chapter)

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