Black Technology Library

Chapter 205 The Prelude to the Currency War

Chapter 205 The Prelude to the Currency War

With such a simple truth, why has the rabbit never tried it?With a little bit of financial knowledge, you know that this method is simple and fast, but you haven't done it all the time, because the rabbit is not strong enough to deter the United States, and you have to be restrained in the financial battlefield.

The gambler in the United States also has terrible guns in his hands. If he fights, if the sailors or passers-by help others, they will probably bury themselves together. Will he do this?
Of course not, but with the improvement of comprehensive national strength, this kind of intervention is becoming more and more severe!This is the important reason for war finance capital to let go!

In Gates' economic recovery plan, war finance capital gave up enough profits for the middle class and the bottom people to share.Although the meat is small, it is enough to satisfy the appetites of countless people.

This made Zhu Cheng sound the alarm in his heart, and the self-regulation ability of any regime should not be underestimated.So Gates carried out his economic recovery plan smoothly, just like Roosevelt's New Deal, and Zhu Cheng also received Anya's report.

Sure enough, someone is going to attack Gates!
As long as the United States is allowed to recover for a period of time, he will definitely complete the counterattack and return to the status of the world's number one military and economic power.At this time, people like Gates are needed to lead the American people to go on.

But what about after recovery?
After Gates, the biggest tool, is completely useless, if he is re-elected, it will not be in the interests of capitalists, so he should die a great death.

And Anya is a very good poisoning player, there is no one more suitable than her.

"Actually, selling once is selling, selling twice is selling. As long as there is a suitable price, anyone can sell, isn't it? Mr. Zhu Cheng."

Anya was making coffee over there, took out a paper bag from her pocket, poured it gently into the coffee cup and said, "I don't know what's in it, and I don't need to know. I don't even need to do the aftermath. Someone handles the follow-up. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"If you do this, you will die in the end. Anya."

Zhu Cheng actually didn't want to see Gates poisoned to death. He just wanted Gates to be the last president, not for Gates to die.

Besides, he really wants to see if there is a crooked neck tree in the White House in the United States, so that Gates can use it, maybe it can create a myth, right?

It's a pity that he was beyond his reach, but An Ya still picked up the coffee, walked gracefully, and was about to go out from the tea room.

"Actually, Mr. Zhu Cheng, if I don't do it, there are three guns pointed at me, one in this beautiful White House, the second one is on the way from the White House to my home, and the third one is in my house. I don't have any guns. method, I can escape their siege. So, I can only do it. As for death?"

"Who cares about the death of a small person?"

Even after becoming the President of the United States, people around Gates are still ready to murder him, even his closest people.

Anya shook her flowing yellow hair and said, "Sir, if you don't want Gates to die, then you should try to save him. For example, how about sending him a Ron robot guard? Although the head of the United States, ask for help from a Chinese technology It seems very strange for a company to guarantee safety, but can it manage so much now?"

Zhu Cheng thought for a while and replied: "Can Gates agree? Before he becomes the president of the United States, I think he will definitely accept it. After all, it is a guard that can not blink for 24 hours, but Ron can do it. But Now that Gates is the president, especially in times of crisis, will he not accept my help because of his ethnicity?"

"Besides, there is the confidential security of the United States. I don't think he will let Ron enter the White House."

"Can I still talk to the man who became the President of the United States? If so, please ask for me."

Zhu Cheng's mind turned to other places, that is, to achieve the status of a manager. He is only a manager, and there is still a long way to go from dictatorship. If Gates can really achieve the status of a dictator, he said Maybe he still has the ability to clear the world, but even if he can do it, he won't live until then.

"Well, I'll go and ask. Maybe?"

Anya is not sure. Since Gates sat in that position, she feels farther and farther away. She actually doesn't know this person who is usually joking. Is it really the position of the seat that determines the character?
"Mr. President, Zhu Cheng, a friend from Dongfang, wants to have a video chat with you. I wonder if Mr. President agrees to connect?"

Gates had a smile on his face, an unflappable smile that he had worn since he entered the circular office through a long corridor lined with portraits of successive presidents.

"A friend will always be a friend. Just ask him to call me directly. Well, just contact me directly."

He naturally saw through some of the exchange of interests between Anya and Zhu Cheng, especially when he saw the firewall on Zhu Cheng's official website, he was even more sure that there was a connection between them, the watertight firewall, but he had been circling the idea in his mind for a long time , but I didn’t expect it to be used by Cree in its own products.

"Okay, Mr. President, I forgot to add sugar to the coffee. I'm going to add some."

Anya went to the kitchen, spilled all the coffee, and said to Zhu Cheng on the wise side: "Gates has already started to doubt me, I'm going to be poisoned now, I'm sure I'm dead, this is a good excuse, if you can, How about sending a team of Ron? I don't want to die yet."

"In this way, you don't have to be regarded as crazy or fanatical religious fanatics."

As long as the president of the United States is assassinated, the final murderer is a psychopath or an acquaintance of the president, so that the United States has developed a non-existent neuropathy and acquaintance gunmen association, which has become an international American joke.

It is as famous as lifting a stone to shoot yourself in the foot and the world's police, so few capitalists will choose to end in person and become a president, because this profession is somewhat dangerous, and the probability of being assassinated is [-]/[-].Anyone would be afraid to change, not to mention because of Zhu Cheng's request for war reparations, if the summer evening virus is allowed to ravage, the scars on the United States will only be deeper.

After Gates took the position of president, his position has changed greatly from his previous mentality of watching a show in the audience. This position is not easy. He has to deal with the House of Representatives and the Senate, and is subject to the US Congress.

Those senior dignitaries will not pass any laws and regulations that are not conducive to them, nor will they implement any decree that threatens their interests.

It is impossible to say that the White House has not yet appeared, because the current capitalists are using him to lead the American people on a road to recovery, and the United States will become more prosperous and prosperous. The war capital does not need to be moved at all, and can continue to make a fortune and control the progress of the world .why not?

He suddenly thought of a sentence left by Roosevelt in the Red Book.

"From the day you choose to inherit the state to intervene in the economy and protect the rights and interests of the people, you must be prepared to die. This is not a joke."

He finally realized that it was really not a joke. There was Zhu Cheng abroad, and the war finance capital was watching at home. Naturally, he raised his vigilance and did not trust others.

"Old friend! How are you doing recently? I'm in a mess here, you can see. You shouldn't be looking for me for such vulgar things as eating."

"That's right, my Ron has been upgraded recently, and the response is faster. If it is used as one of the president's escorts, it will definitely trigger a sales boom. I don't know if Mr. Gates is interested in doing it for my new product." What about an image spokesperson?"

Naturally, he would not say clearly, Gates, your side is very dangerous, and I will protect you on behalf of justice!He couldn't say such a thing either, he was never a just man.He who has brought more than 2000 million population losses to the United States does not seem to be justice in any way.

"Okay. What kind of performance does this escort team have? It won't be as simple as a domestic service robot." Gates teased Zhu Cheng as he spoke. caused great pressure.

Whether it is a big capitalist or a small capitalist, chasing profit is a kind of nature, and Zhu Cheng's robot is high-quality and cheap, and can create more economic value. This is an inevitable choice. Robots rob people's jobs. go.

Of course, unemployment in the capitalist world is very dangerous, and it represents the terrible consequences of not having enough food and warm clothes.

"Naturally not a housekeeping robot. A specially customized protective robot. It can detect various toxins or carcinogens in food. It stays by your side 24 hours a day, and does not miss any crisis. Look at the numbers of this product, it is very good !"

Zhu Cheng passed a piece of information while speaking, and said confidently: "Look, this is a specially improved Ron, with the same reaction speed as a human, 0.2s. And it will have accurate predictions. "

"Food safety testing is even more powerful than ever! It is more powerful than the housekeeping version. After all, some viruses, toxins, bacteria, and pathogenic bacteria are difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with."

"The equipped weapons can be chosen by yourself. And this Ron can change the control system. You are a computer, you understand what I mean."

Replacing the control system means that Venus will no longer control these escorts, but will be directly controlled by Gates. Of course, the self-destruction program of this robot is a separate program, as long as it is disassembled, it will explode.

"Subtle security work, you understand. Don't try to dismantle my guard Ron, he will return to your laboratory."

Of course, Zhu Cheng didn't provide technical assistance to Gates, he just wanted to protect Gates, and he didn't want his life to be ended by others.

"You send it here, I'll try it out for a while."

Zhu Cheng smiled, they are all smart people, so they naturally understood the meaning of what they said, Zhu Cheng made it clear that his side was not so safe, and Gates knew the elegance of the piano, so he naturally understood the role of this guard.

"How did you use the mosquito laser cannon you gave Mr. Gates last time?" Zhu Cheng suddenly mentioned this.

Gates also only regarded him as an ordinary polite, and replied with a smile: "It feels good to use. After all, although I have been to Washington, I don't know how many mosquitoes there are."

The conversation between the two ended here, and Gates stared at his laser cannon over and over several times, and didn't think too much about the product value of this thing.

Do you want to send it to the laboratory for research?However, he thought that all Cree products are not disassembled, but he did not give up his intention to send them for disassembly.

Why bring this up over and over again?Gates was a little confused. This was the second time Zhu Cheng asked about this product. If he didn't know that this product was special, he wouldn't be the richest man in the world.

"Send it to the National Laboratory for research and try to disassemble it.... Don't play it bad for me."

He picked up the mosquito laser cannon, walked out of the shadows alone, took it and left.It seemed that he had never appeared from the office. This was the White House guards. Sometimes he felt that it was a camera arranged by the capitalists around him. Fortunately, the call between Zhu Cheng and Gates was completed in mind and wisdom.

This is just a microcosm of his life, and he is not free when he comes to the White House.

The matter of Zhu Cheng entrusting Zhang Youlin has already been approved.A few words are very simple, but also have Chinese characteristics.

"Proceed in an orderly manner, the timing is not yet ripe."

For this kind of short answer, if there is a wrong decision, the people below will understand the mistake, and the correct decision is the leader.

He has a deep understanding of this, the rabbit always makes a big fuss in some irrelevant places, making people ignore some extremely important aspects.This is the characteristic of rabbits, keeping a low profile.The enemy is in the Central Propaganda Department.

He savored it carefully. This is a harbinger of the country's action against the United States. It has always been the United States' financial and currency war against some third world and developing countries. This time, it will be the third world's counterattack.

The major domestic banks have begun to reduce their holdings of U.S. dollars and put U.S. dollars in the world market. Echoing China is Switzerland, which has reached a free trade agreement with China, Luxembourg, which was the first to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank organized by China, and Africa and South Africa. Some small countries in the Americas echoed each other.

This silent currency war against the United States has officially begun.

There is only one reason why China dares to do this, because China has never de-industrialized, and it is precisely because it has never de-industrialized that it has the confidence. Even if it loses the currency war, so what?

Countless factories, cultivated land, infrastructure, various weapons and equipment, the army, a large number of scientific and technological R&D personnel, engineers, and the largest number of ordinary laborers have not disappeared. If they are really defeated, they can reissue currency and create a sixth Set, the seventh set of RMB, or go back to the past, make some tickets, make a supply system, and even make a wartime state.

As long as it is well-organized, it is still a superpower and has huge influence on the world. However, if the United States loses in the currency war in de-industrialization, it will lose everything.

(End of this chapter)

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