Black Technology Library

Chapter 189 Training

Chapter 189 Training
Feminist groups marched in the streets, kicking off the biggest demonstrations against the presidential scandal, which had nothing to do with Indians training in the mountains.

The Indians felt that they had fallen into hell mode, which was launched by Xinya, the messenger of their great god, and they had no power to fight back, they could only agree.The execution is done by Cree's various "schools", not only heavy cultural courses, but also heavy physical training.

Waking up at 5 o'clock every morning, all the warriors who can't get up have tasted the terrible power of the magnetic storm infantry from China!
A terrible electric torture. Once the electric baton is shocked, as long as the person is not dead, he will wake up instantly, and he will never be willing to suffer a second time.This terrible criminal law that can get rid of drug addiction and Internet addiction has no humanity at all.But they didn't know where to appeal, so they simply let it go.

After waking up, it is a 50-meter weight-bearing run with 1 kilograms of weight. This kind of training intensity even exceeds the training intensity of special forces in any country. If it is not for the body strengthened by the strengthening agent, it is absolutely impossible to complete.

If you add that awkward military song while running, this kind of training is a kind of torture.

"When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we harass, when the enemy is tired, we fight, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue. No matter how fierce the enemy is, we are not afraid! All enemies are like cats and dogs. Vulnerable, we have confidence, determination, Have perseverance..."

The military song is the core content of their cultural class "Sixteen Character Jue", which they chanted every day during the [-]-meter long-distance race.The [-]-meter weight-bearing long-distance race must be completed within half an hour.

They were divided into a class of 7 people. As long as one of them was not finished, there would be no breakfast in the morning.In the morning, there is still a very scary physical training waiting for them. If the running exercises are not completed, all the training in the morning will not be completed. This kind of chain reaction is a fear they cannot bear.And it is very likely to feel the terrorist threat of the magnetic storm infantry again.

From 8:[-] am to [-]:[-] am are cultural classes. The content of these cultural classes is for the service of war. The core of all the professors is how to ensure survival and cause the greatest damage.

Starting at 8 o'clock, it is the training of grabbing, rushing, climbing, throwing and hanging ladders 100 times, which is to practice their climbing ability.In other words, it is a kind of recovery of the instinct of the Indians, climbing up and down, for the hunting people, it should not be too simple.Accompanying the training is to walk through [-] meters of barbed wire.

Every time you train, you must use the slogan: "Sweat more in training, less bloodshed in war, grasp every minute and every second, improve your own strength, and move forward bravely for our goals!"

This is a coup that Zhu Cheng thought of when he observed the Indians whispering in these trainings. It can not only exercise lung capacity, but also effectively prevent the phenomenon of talking.

Starting at 10 o'clock is arm strength training, adapting measures to local conditions, lifting boulders, and doing push-ups are even more essential links!
At the end of the cultural class in the afternoon, it was the gun training. A wooden pole was held horizontally, and a brick was hung in front of it. This brick weighed 30 kilograms and was covered with a layer of fragrance. This layer of fragrance is absolutely attractive to mosquitoes.

This time is as high as 2 hours. If the posture of holding the gun is affected by explosions, loud noises, gunpowder smoke, fog, etc. on the battlefield, the warrior is basically declared dead.

The best performance of Indians is shooting training. Indians are a shooting race and have a natural sensitivity to shooting. In the early days of colonization, they could fight with hot weapons in the tropical jungle with bows and arrows. This kind of shooting talent rooted in genes was further excavated by Zhu Cheng.

His requirement is that ordinary Indians can hit the enemy's head from 800 miles away... 800 meters away. This is so difficult, and Ron has to teach mathematics to calculate the influence of parabolas, wind speed, and humidity.

At this time, the Indians showed their backwardness and hated mathematics. This is also the subject most used by electrocution. Even so, their mathematics scores are still very unsatisfactory!
"This is a simple quadratic function problem. Do you understand how to use a parabola to solve the problem? The initial velocity of the muzzle bullet is 800 meters per second, the enemy is 1000 meters away, and the wind speed is 1.2 meters. You can hit the enemy by how much you raise and how much you deflect! The time limit is 10 minutes, if you can’t finish it, you won’t have dinner.”

As soon as this topic came out, there was a sound of writing on the spot. Compared with electrocution, they were more afraid of not having food, and the feeling of being hungry was really terrible!

Ron patrolled the classroom, but he got very few correct ones, even though he suggested using quadratic functions to solve problems.

Although in reality, they can completely kill the enemy by instinct, but in the examination room, they don't even know what to do!
"It's too difficult! Give me a gun, I can shoot it!" An Indian raised his hand and said, and Ron walked over with the electric baton.

"Talk freely during the exam, violate discipline, and have no food tonight."

The sound of electric current and painful wailing echoed in the classroom, and the smell of barbecue permeated the classroom, although everyone knew that the wound would heal within two days.But he was still apprehensive, lest this move would fall on his own head.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they were just scribbling on paper, hoping to complete this tricky topic.

In the evening, there will be confrontation training and anti-strike training. Zhu Cheng has only one goal, which is a pig, and he must be trained to be a soldier who can fight and fight!There are also many training programs, such as dressing and swimming training once in 3 days, triathlon once in 3 days, and skydiving training once in 3 days.

Of course, there was one training that was temporarily canceled by Zhu Cheng, that is, the field survival training once every 5 days. This training has completely become a relaxation time for the Indians. This race living in the wilderness has more means of survival in the wild than the Venus Information collected.

They can always find all kinds of unheard of food, use the soil to judge the distance of the water source, and even smell the enemy with their noses!
"Is this the ability to open a dog's nose?! You can smell it so well!" Zhu Cheng could only cancel this training program.

And the fighting power of the Indians is rising visible to the naked eye, and they even learned the forest-piercing north legs from the mysterious East!This legendary martial skill showed its formidable power in the confrontation training.In his spare time, Ron would buy some rare metals from outside the mountains to make firearms and weapons for Indian warriors.

Zhu Cheng armed the Indians with the most powerful force, the palladium glass shield, which is one of Zhu Cheng's most advanced hole cards at present. They have all armed the Indians, and his personal jet pack has also provided the greatest support.

Maximize support for the Indians' upcoming war. The world's most powerful country they will face is the United States, which is showing off its might in the Middle East. Although it is fighting in the United States, the United States will not use nuclear bombs and strategic missiles.

But ordinary air support and special operations will definitely be carried out!


Xinya sat blankly, gently stroking the sun scepter in his hand, although this thing was just a metal rod.But she knew this was where the hopes of all Indians converged.

Ron sat next to him, pointing to a sand table of national contour lines, and said: "Indians will definitely suffer many, many setbacks on the road to equality. We have experienced this setback once. The economic blockade, constant Disturbing the situation, provoking war, instigating separatism and even aggression, I don’t know if the Indians are ready to sacrifice? This situation is very difficult to deal with, and I hope you are prepared.”

"Isn't there still you here? My god of the sun, Father Oak." Xinya smiled lightly and made a joke. Now her state of mind is very strange. When she takes the position of the Indian saint, she orders When all the Indians, her thinking and ideas are rapidly maturing, thinking about problems not only from a personal perspective, but from the entire nation.

"This road is more than sacrifice. It is definitely a road of freedom and equality. Do we want more? To live freely in the world without discrimination or ridicule by anyone. What we want is equality."

"It's hard."

Ron didn't say much, even if Xinya tied the Indians to cooperate with Zhu Cheng now, it was still in a weak position and there was no equality.All plans, speeches, training, and strategic goals are calculated by Zhu Cheng combined with Venus, and Xinya is more of a microphone.

"Actually, I always thought you were a Japanese or a Korean. After a long time of contact, I realized that you are a Chinese. Your words have neither the hypocrisy of the Japanese nor the arrogance of the Koreans. All future prospects , told me all, let me choose by myself.”

Zhu Cheng was dumbfounded for a while. The Chinese are indeed not active enough on the international stage. Their favorite strategy is to make a fortune silently.Xinya's reaction was not surprising, but knowing his background from the conversation, Zhu Cheng suddenly realized that he underestimated Xinya. It was probably because of education discrimination and racial discrimination that prevented her from showing her talent on the stage. This Xinya's intelligence is not as weak as he imagined.

"Actually, I don't like the title of Goddess of the Sun at all. I prefer the title of Nemesis! Damn European descendants."

She is still a brave little girl!

"During war, try not to accidentally injure yourself. This is an asymmetrical war. Although we have done many things, the road to equality takes a very long time!" Zhu Cheng still decided to instill a war mentality. A salvo of Indians would bring down a swath, and his training would be pointless.

"Does the path of pursuing equality have to be pursued in America?" Xinya said to herself, standing on the standpoint of the whole tribe, she had more ideas, but Zhu Cheng didn't take it to heart.

ps: Added updates for the head of "Yewuxuan".

(End of this chapter)

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