final abyss

Chapter 145 Surprise Discovery

Chapter 145 Surprise Discovery

Bai Ye immediately turned his head and walked towards the door, without any intention of continuing to accuse Han Yi.

Seeing Bai Ye disappear around the corner, the cutter who walked up to Han Yi couldn't help but said:
"Why let him go, keep asking, beat him if he can't, I don't believe he can bear it."

Han Yi shook his head: "The few slaps just now received a space warning. If we continue to enforce the law like this, the mission will fail. Therefore, this mission cannot use violence to solve the case. It is impossible to use torture."

This made the cutter couldn't help but sigh: "I don't know how to investigate now."

Han Yi smiled: "The difficulty lies there. Although there are challenges, it's not that there are no clues, because I can basically confirm that Bai Ye is the final murderer."

"Even if you know he is the murderer, as long as he refuses to admit it, we can't find evidence, can't we?"


"Huh?" The cutter was taken aback, in his opinion, Sun Ji was dragged away by Bai Ye to be cremated by taking advantage of his profession, so where should he find evidence.

"Go to Bai Ye's house now and search through his house, he will definitely do something now that he is flustered."

The Cutter nodded, and now he could only follow Han Yi's rhythm. Anyway, Han Yi had already figured out what to do.

Then the two walked out of the police station, and drove towards Bai Ye's house in the car assigned to them by the Xiyang City Police Station.

They didn't drive fast, after all they needed Bai Ye to be able to get home first, so they drove an hour faster for the journey that was originally less than half an hour.

When they came to the door of Bai Ye's house, the two heard the sound of quarreling and throwing things inside.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Cutter stepped forward and knocked on the door, and the quarrel inside stopped abruptly.

It was a middle-aged woman who opened the door. She still had a few bruises on her left cheek, but she could still tell that she was pretty. She looked at Han and Yi with a puzzled expression.

As for why there were bruises on her face, the two of them knew this well, and they didn't show any strange expressions, but took out the policeman to testify:
"The police are handling the case, please cooperate with the investigation"

Hearing the conversation at the door, Bai Ye also appeared at the door. Seeing Han Yi, he couldn't help but be surprised, and then he said angrily, "Why are you here again, isn't it endless?"

"That's right! The case is endless, and I'm still bored." The cutter also showed an impatient expression, and then pushed open the door and walked in.

"What are you going to do this time?"

Looking at Bai Ye's wife who was standing aside, Han Yi also walked into the house, and then said to Bai Ye:
"Check the suspect's house?"

"Check it out! Check it out, damn it!"

Bai Ye echoed angrily, then walked out of the room, and at the same time closed the door forcefully, making a "bang" sound.

"Bai Ye's wife, right? May I ask your name?"

"My name is Meng Xiao", Bai Ye's wife said submissively.

"We need to check your room, thank you for your cooperation!"

Meng Xiao nodded, stood aside, wiped his clothes back and forth with both hands, as if he didn't know where to put his hands, and looked very nervous.

Han Yi nodded to Meng Xiao, and then began to rummage in the house with the cutter.

The two of them searched the house thoroughly, but found nothing, and then they came to Meng Xiao again.

Looking at the cutter shaking his head, Han Yi frowned. He guessed that there were two most likely locations for the murder. The first was Sun Ji's house, and the second was Bai Ye's house.

If Bai Ye wanted to kill someone, it would be very unwise to go to Sun Ji's house, because the follow-up treatment would be very troublesome, but it's different in his own house, he has enough time to clean up everything.

As for killing people outside, that is actually the most dangerous. Not to mention the difficulty of cleaning up the remaining blood, there might be a lot of evidence left behind when the corpse is disposed of.

But there was nothing here, which made Han Yi a little unexpected, and then he looked at the cutter and said:

"Cutting, you go back to the police station and take someone to look up the cremation certificate records of Changsun Village around February. Bai Ye is in charge of this one. He can't burn people casually if he wants to."

Han Yi planned to stay and find out more about the matter by himself, and asked the cutter to check the cremation certificate. After all, the country strictly controls the cremation process.

People who died of natural causes also needed a certificate issued by the village committee before they could be cremated. He didn't believe that Bai Ye really didn't leave any evidence behind.

The cutter nodded, took the car keys handed over by Han Yi, and was about to go out when he suddenly thought of something and threw the car keys to Han Yi: "I'll go back by bus."

After the cutter left, Han Yi nodded to Meng Xiao: "Ms. Meng, can I ask you some questions."

Meng Xiao seemed a little nervous, but she nodded sharply.

Then the two came to the living room of Bai Ye's house.

"Meng Xiao, do you have a relationship with Sun Ji beyond friends?"

Han Yi didn't ink any ink, and asked this question directly.

This question made her face turn red instantly, but she faltered but stopped speaking.

Han Yi took out his police officer's ID card and shook it at Meng Xiao: "Meng Xiao, don't worry, I'm a policeman, and I won't disclose any of your information. I hope you can cooperate with my investigation."

Meng Xiao looked up at Han Yi's police officer's ID card, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, and his biting lips began to turn purple due to the lack of blood circulation.

"Yes, it is!"

After Meng Xiaoxiao uttered these words, he collapsed on the sofa like a deflated ball, and then couldn't help crying.

Han Yi was speechless for a moment, and she didn't know whether she was ashamed or sad because of Sun Ji's disappearance.

"Then do you know that Sun Ji wanted to kill Bai Ye for you?" Han Yi continued.


Although Meng Xiao was crying, she still answered Han Yi's question.

"Meng Xiao, I can tell you clearly that we suspect that Bai Ye is the murderer who killed Sun Ji, can you provide evidence."

A trace of confusion flashed in Meng Xiao's eyes, then he stood up abruptly and said:
"Impossible! How could he kill Aji!"

Seeing Meng Xiao's reaction, Han Yi immediately felt something was going on in his heart, and continued:
"Although Sun Ji is missing, we can basically conclude that he is dead, and the biggest suspect now is Bai Ye. If you know something, I hope you can tell me."

"I really don't know. I went back to my mother's house once before Sun Ji disappeared, and Sun Ji disappeared after I came back." Meng Xiao shook her head, her eyes flickering with disappointment.

"Oh? Did he already know about your relationship with Sun Ji?"

Meng Xiao nodded: "His brother, the dog, saw me and Sun Ji together, and told him that I went back to my mother's house because of this."

Han Yi instantly discovered another clue, that is, Sun Ji died when Meng Xiao returned to her natal family, and Bai Ye already knew that Meng Xiao had cheated on her at that time.

"Then when you came back from your mother's house, did you notice any changes in the house?"

Meng Xiao lowered her head, as if she was remembering, but when she raised her head again, her eyes were full of struggle.

"Meng Xiao, don't you want to know how Sun Ji died? Sun Ji died entirely for your sake, don't you feel sad?" Han Yi suddenly said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the happy time with Sun Ji began to appear in Meng Xiao's mind, and then she thought of the person in her family who often lost his temper and punched and kicked him when he was drunk, and suddenly she raised her head again:

"The cushion of the sofa chair I'm sitting on has been changed since I arrived."

(End of this chapter)

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