final abyss

Chapter 102 The Source of Pollution

Chapter 102 The Source of Pollution
[Consecutive hidden task [-] activation, task [-] (source of pollution)]

Task Requirement 1: Find the reason why the night appears (not completed)
Task requirement 2: Find the explorer hidden in this world before leaving the world, and stop the explorer's action (you can choose to kill him, killing the target will get additional rewards)

Looking at his own tasks, Han Yi felt extremely helpless. Originally, the main mission 3 was already difficult enough, but at this time the hidden mission also appeared, and it can be said that the difficulty is not low at all. The two missions have no clue at all. How to find it.

"Come in, everyone, what are you doing outside?"

The people who went in before saw that Han Yi and the others were sluggishly standing in place, so they couldn't help but reminded them aloud.

"No, I think you are safe and don't need our protection. We have other tasks, so we won't go with you later."

"Ah? You can't leave. What will we do if you leave, not to mention that there are hordes of monsters outside, it's very unsafe." Hearing Mu Mu's words, the crowd burst into a commotion, and someone immediately stood up and began to persuade.

"I can't say anymore, don't you understand!"

Mu Mu's impatient voice suddenly stopped the noise of the crowd. It was obvious that he could not accept the originally amiable Mu Mu, and even the people who were willing to protect them with their lives had a 180% change in attitude.

At this time, Mu Mu was already frowning because of the difficulty of the main task, and the noisy crowd made him feel extremely bad, not to mention that these people had nothing to do with him at all, so how could he care about their lives.

"Let's go! Staying here is not an option," Mu said impatiently, obviously not wanting to say anything more to these civilians.

"Wait, I asked something"

After finishing speaking, Han Yi entered the church and walked up to the group of civilians: "Can anyone tell me something about the crazy son of the old Liang family?"

Hearing Han Yi's question, Mu Mu and the others were also shocked, and suddenly remembered that the old man had said before that the black dragon was transformed by the son of the old Liang family.

And Han Yi asked if he had found anything, and then looked forward to it again, hoping that Han Yi could find the vitality in this mission.

"The son of Lao Liang's family is a well-known lunatic. He was different since he was a child. Apart from talking nonsense, he likes to paint and draw every day. Because of this, he was locked up at home by Lao Liang every day, and he was not allowed to go out. , so as not to cause trouble."

"I guess it was because Lao Liang was afraid that his crazy son would embarrass him, so he kept him locked at home," the other added.

"Then do you know where old Liang's house is?"

"Oh, Lao Liang's house is on the side of the road not far from here. Lao Liang earns his living by repairing the vehicles that come and go, but there are many unscrupulous people who throw nails on the road."

"I also heard that the crazy son of Lao Liang's family is the product of a marriage between relatives, so he has been crazy since he was a child."

Several people said that Lao Liang was full of disgust. Obviously, the reputation of Lao Liang's family in the town is not very good, but Han Yi also heard a lot of useful information from the crowd, which is exactly what he wanted understand.

After knowing the useful news, Han Yi raised his hand to interrupt the chattering crowd, then turned around and returned to the team.

"Are you really going? It's safest to stay here. This is a place protected by the gods." There are still many people in the crowd who are reluctant to leave. Obviously, the protection of Han Yi and others along the way makes them feel happy attachment.


Fang Fang almost laughed out loud. The place protected by the gods may not know when it will be eroded by darkness, but at that time there will be no group of "heroes" risking their lives to protect them.

"No, we still have important tasks, so I'll say goodbye to everyone." Lily stood up and said a reassuring word, and then the team walked away.

After Han Yi left, the crowd fell into discussion.

"I think they have changed a lot. I feel that after they sent us here, they seem to hate us very much."

"Yes, I noticed it too. Could it be that we did something to make them unhappy?"

"No way, we didn't do anything. Could it be that they really have other missions? After all, they are special forces."

"It's over!"

A person's exclamation suddenly suppressed their voices, and everyone couldn't help but look at that person: "What's the matter, Amu?"

"We have no food, what should we do next, our situation is actually the same as in the previous church!"

Everyone was startled, and the joy that filled their hearts was poured with cold water. They suddenly looked outside the church, only to find that Han Yi and the others had already disappeared around the corner, and panic spread among the crowd again.
Han Yi naturally considered that they had no food, but what did that have to do with him? What he should think about now was how to complete the main mission and hidden mission, which was the most critical thing.

"Guardian, did you find something when you asked those questions?" Lily asked curiously, feeling a little nervous in her heart. This was related to their final survival, and she was really worried.

"I don't think the main task will give us a mission that must kill us. There must be a turning point. Then we have to find all the clues related to the black dragon. I just remember that the dead old man said that the black dragon was created by the crazy son of the old Liang family. , then we can start from there.”

"That is to say, just now you asked where Lao Liang's house is in order to go to his house to investigate and see if there are any clues?"

"That's right!"

After hearing Han Yi's explanation, everyone suddenly realized, and at the same time, they were once again convinced by Han Yi's memory and reasoning ability.

The cutter looked at Han Yi with a look of surprise. He wanted to cut open Han Yi's brain more than once to see how it grew. He was able to comprehend all the quest clues and find out the possible vitality in it.

Thinking about meeting Han Yi in the mission world in the future, if he stood on the opposite side of this guy, the cutter couldn't help but shiver when he thought of this. If that happened, he couldn't imagine whether he would be in the unknown He was killed by Han Yi under the circumstances of love.

"Let's go then!"

Mu Mu continued to take the lead, and everyone began to walk towards the opposite road. Now that there were no civilians in the team, it was a lot easier, and there was no need to worry about the dangers that appeared at any time and the poor protection caused by the death of civilians.

The biggest advantage of not having civilians is that the team is completely cohesive and can support each other at any time. It is completely different from the original way of acting one by one. The previous formation can be said to be a huge security risk for themselves. .

(It’s time to start a new story again~ It’s time for Mr. Xianyu to open his mind. Sure enough, I’m still suitable for writing original stories~ The excitement of the original story will be promoted~ Sit tight~ Everyone)

(End of this chapter)

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