Happy little lucky girl

Chapter 958 Can I Lose Weight Immediately?

Chapter 958 Can I Lose Weight Immediately?

After returning to the mansion, Meng Hanyu immediately arranged for someone to find the replacement foreign businessman, trying to find a way to catch him.

Nan Haotian has already begun to investigate the forbidden living people in the legal circle, as well as Baili Botao's secret treasure house outside the venue.

In the evening, An Huijin had already made out the medicinal soup for Meng Hanyu and Chu Jingyu to lift the curse.

After resisting the curse cast by the mage this time, she unexpectedly discovered that her space had been upgraded to level ten, which was really a blessing in disguise.

Now the plants in the space are growing very well, and there are many rare medicinal materials among them. This time, there are all the medicinal materials that Meng Hanyu and the others need to use, and everything is going smoothly.

"Xiao Jin'er, you said that after the two of us drink this medicinal soup, the curse on both of us can be lifted? How did you research it? Isn't this too powerful?"

Chu Jingyu asked very excitedly, he thought it was incredible, how could it be so light, a bowl of medicine could cure his condition, over the years, he had drunk thousands of medicines.

"You kid, do you think the whole thing is that simple? The silly girl was in a coma for a few days before, and it wasn't because she was researching some medicine?
It's because she was cursed by the mage of the Baili family, and as long as she carries this curse over, her blood can save us both. "

Seeing his surprised expression, Meng Hanyu explained with a bit of distress that this girl is taking her life with them this time.

"You, what are you talking about? In order to save us, this girl was cursed by the Baili family's ritual. Xiao Jin'er, are you okay? The one who killed a thousand knives actually managed to do something to a little girl like you."

Chu Jingyu excitedly said, although he doesn't know what the curse is that girl is doing this time?
But how could it be easy to solve the perverted curse on him and Meng Hanyu? The fact that this girl didn't dare to come out to see people for two or three days is enough to prove how serious this matter is.

"I've just suffered a little bit. Don't you get over it now? Don't think about it so much. Give me the medicine quickly, or you'll be too sorry for me."

An Huijin didn't want to go into details about the experience of those two days, it was too painful, she still couldn't help but feel numb when she thought about it now, and she didn't know how she got through it?

"..." Chu Jingyu opened his mouth, not knowing what else to say?The more I looked at this girl, the more I felt distressed, so I didn't care so much, I drank the medicinal soup on my hand first, so as not to worry her, I ate up the whole bowl of medicinal soup in one gulp.

"You girl, if you really need someone to suffer some kind of curse and save us two, then I can find a strong man who will bear children to replace you. Why do you want to suffer this by yourself?"

After Chu Jingyu finished drinking the medicinal soup, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he still scratched his heart and said.

"You kid, are you stupid? Do you think anyone can withstand the curse of the Baili family mage?

The reason why I can bear it is because I know some strange medical skills before, otherwise how can I bear it? "

Although An Huijin couldn't explain it to Chu Jingyu so clearly, because he couldn't let him know about the space.

But this kid has always known that she has special medical skills, so he can only explain it in such a foolish way.

After all, this kid is very smart, if he doesn't give such a little reasonable explanation, this time the curse is solved so inexplicably, he will definitely have a lot of doubts in the future.

The reason why Meng Hanyu and the others didn't let him know that An Huijin was cursed was mainly because they were worried that when An Huijin had an attack, the space on his body would be leaked.

Now that things have ended perfectly, it is natural to find a reasonable explanation.

"Then, if the young master drinks this stuff, if the curse on my body is lifted, can I lose weight immediately?"

Chu Jingyu has a big heart, and after hearing An Huijin's explanation, he immediately understood.

This girl seemed so optimistic, and he didn't need to, let this girl think of all the bad things before, so he immediately changed the subject, his weight was a big thing that he would worry about all his life.

"That's right, as long as you drink it, it will probably take effect tomorrow, and the curse should be lifted tonight.

Starting tomorrow, you only need to strengthen your exercise every day according to your usual habits, and practice martial arts non-stop.

In addition to the medicated diet I prepared for you, I guarantee you, let alone a month, you can lose a lot of weight within half a month. If you can be more ruthless to yourself, the effect will be more obvious. "

An Huijin said with a smile, this kid is full of fat. If he strengthens his training, he will turn all the fat on his body into muscles.

Coupled with her medicinal diet to help regulate the body to lose weight, then he will definitely lose weight very quickly.

Ten days have passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, Baili Botao kept thinking of ways to deal with Meng Hanyu and the others, but they were all counterattacked.

This year's business conference will be officially held tomorrow, and Baili Botao and the others are busy thinking of various ways to deal with Meng Hanyu and the others. Since they can't deal with him secretly, they can only use the opportunity of the business conference to let other young masters deal with him. shot.

"Cough cough cough."

In the Baili family, Fashi was coughing half to death in the room. In the past ten days, the mage had been so thin that his skin had peeled off, and he was lifeless all day long.

"In the past few days, has there been any news from that little brat?" the mage asked.

Baili Botao told him that after the guard went to investigate that day, they found that Meng Hanyu and the others had secretly set up a mourning hall in the house, and that dead girl An Huijin should have died.

Speaking of which, the maidservants in Meng Hanyu's mansion were all crying desolately, and Meng Hanyu's mood was extremely low, it shouldn't be fake, he was quite happy in the first place.

But on the night after the news came back, his whole body felt as if he had been hit by a thunderbolt, and his whole body felt so uncomfortable that life would be worse than death.

That night, he felt as if he had been cramped to the bone, and he came down the whole night, and now he only has a few breaths left.

These days, he is using living people to do things, so that he can maintain his life.

If this situation continues, he probably won't live for a month. This situation seems to be enough for the curse on Meng Hanyu and the others to be lifted, and then he will get backlash.

But isn't that dead girl film already dead?He was inexplicably suspicious, was the death of that dead girl real?
"Master, that dead girl is definitely dead. The guard I sent to Meng Hanyu's residence to inquire about it came back and reported that they saw An Huijin's body directly.

He also took advantage of the moment when Meng Hanyu and the others left, and sneaked up to take a look. The corpse was not breathing at all.

(End of this chapter)

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