Happy little lucky girl

Chapter 875 Yun Jianqing Collapses

Chapter 875 Yun Jianqing Collapses

"Okay, I will handle the specific matters of the sale at that time!" Meng Hanyu said.

"By the way, listen to me, you two little ones. When we go to the imperial capital later, you two should live in harmony, do you know? If you dare to start internal strife, I will definitely deal with you later.

Also, if there is anything wrong with us when we settle down or do hot springs, you must help in secret, you know? "

When An Huijin said that he was going to the imperial capital, he immediately looked at the two little things that followed him. Judging from their record tonight, they are not so fierce. If these two little things fight, it will be terrible what.

"..." The strange cat shook its head fiercely, it wanted to go to the imperial capital together.

"..." Coincidentally, Little Red Snake also wants to follow. It is the spirit beast of a real woman now, and it is perfect for him to follow to the imperial capital. If there is danger, he can also protect her.

"Both of you want to follow to the imperial capital? That's not okay, especially Little Red Snake, you are too eye-catching. If you follow to the imperial capital, there will definitely be a lot of fluctuations along the way, which is not good for us guys .

Moreover, your spirituality has improved to a certain extent in the recent period, which is a good time for you to cultivate. It is not suitable for you to travel long distances at this time. I will take you there again when I have a chance. "

An Huijin denies that Little Red Snake will definitely cause a lot of trouble when brought out, and it will be bad for both of them.

"That is to say, this cat can go with me." The strange cat was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately got to know An Huijin, and said happily.

"I'm not happy, I'm not happy, if I can't go, it won't want to go either?" The little red snake was furious when he heard that, how could it agree?Very unhappy jump up and down.

"Is it any wonder that I can go? My cat is much stronger than you. With your little spiritual power, if you go outside and meet something more powerful, you will not be killed by others all at once. "The strange cat said with disgust.

"Stop looking down on people. The prey I caught just now is not much less than you. You are already older than me. What if you are a little stronger than me? When I reach your age, I will definitely be a thousand times stronger than you. "

The little red snake was furious, and immediately turned back, and the two little things were arguing for a while.

"Both of them want to follow to the imperial capital?"

No, although he couldn't understand the conversation between these two little things, from what An Huijin said just now and An Huijin's expression, he could probably guess what the two of them were tit for tat about?
"That's right, they are all clamoring to go with us!" An Huijin said with some headaches.

"If you want to go to the imperial capital, it's not a big problem for the strange cat to follow, and it's also very helpful for the wound on my face.

As for the little red snake, it is more useful to stay, and it has long been famous in Nanxi Village. If it stays, it can better protect your family. "

Meng Hanyu neither praised anyone nor belittled anyone, and said very calmly.

"I think so too, you two have to listen to me if you want to hang out with me, I know you all want to help me, but don't you think that to help me, you have to worry about what I need?

In my eyes, the two of you are equally important, and it is indeed more suitable to go to the imperial capital to blame cats this time.

But Little Red Snake's staying doesn't mean you are unimportant. You also know how important my family is to me. It is precisely because I trust you and you are familiar with my family that I let you stay.

So stop arguing, both of you, it's decided now, in the future, I will take Little Red Snake out whenever there is a need for Little Red Snake. "An Huijin said in agreement.

The two little things sounded reasonable, and they stopped arguing for a while, ignoring each other, and started playing by themselves.

The next morning, very early in the morning, Yun Jianqing's entire manor was in chaos.

"You tell me, tell me what's going on? What's the use of me raising you bastards? All the prey in the entire farm was stolen last night.

You actually told me that you didn't know, why didn't you let me die?Even if you are hacked into pieces now, the anger in my heart will not be quenched. "

Yun Jianqing was furious in the manor, there were almost two hundred servants kneeling in front of him, among them were fifty skilled guards, all of them were ashen-faced.

Especially those twenty or so guards who guarded the hunting ground last night, they did feel a change in the hunting ground last night.

But they also checked carefully at that time, and did not find any outsiders entering.

Later, they thought, after all, so many new prey had been brought in, and it was normal for them to feel uncomfortable and cause commotion when they came to this strange place, so they didn't feel too nervous.

But when I got up this morning, some young masters clamored to go hunting in the hunting ground early in the morning. Unexpectedly, when they entered the hunting ground, they found that the grass inside was in a mess, with many broken branches of trees, and there were many dragged on the ground. past traces.

They hurriedly went to check inside the manor, and found that the whole manor was quiet.

For a moment, dozens of guards from the manor rushed in and frantically searched the prey inside. Except for a few birds and a few pheasants, they couldn't see any other prey at all.

At first they all thought it was their own illusion, because yesterday they saw thousands of prey being transported into the hunting ground with their own eyes, how could they all disappear overnight?
But even if they didn't believe it, everything in front of them was the truth, because after searching for a long time, they couldn't find any trace of other animals.

When Yun Jianqing knew about this, he was drinking fine wine in the wing room, he was frightened half to death, and rushed to the hunting ground in a hurry.

When he confirmed that all the animals in the hunting ground were gone, he immediately sat down on the ground of the hunting ground.

None of the animals that were transported back yesterday have yet to be sold. Adding in the prey left over from the previous hunting ground, this is a total of 80 million taels of prey.It's over now, all over.

After that, after three hours of searching in all aspects, there was no trace of prey anywhere, and even the arresters from the yamen were mobilized.

But still nothing was found, except that someone found more than a dozen holes dug deliberately on the fence of the hunting ground.

But even if those animals really escaped by themselves, there would definitely be turmoil around them.

But nothing at all, anyway, the batch of prey now seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

The policemen also expressed that they could do nothing, and now Yun Jianqing was so angry that he wished to kill these servants on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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