Empress, she always wants to abdicate

Chapter 285 Qualified Queen

Chapter 285 Qualified Queen

After finishing speaking, Ying Yu walked down neatly.

Han Zhiyu looked at him with a smile. .

After he came to the front, he reluctantly said: "On such an occasion, the queen was supposed to be worshiped together, but you actually left the widow alone, it is really cruel."

"Ham, what's the point of praying for the New Year's Eve, being happy is the most important thing." Han Zhiyu winked at him with a fawning look.

Although the two of them did not act ambiguously, their intimacy did not seem to be fake.

Surrounded by singing and dancing, everyone is smiling. Chinese New Year is a day of reunion.

Han Ying smiled, raised her cup and said, "Come, respect your majesty and empress."

He smiled sincerely, as if he was sincerely happy for his sister's happiness.

"Come on, the widow should also respect my uncle." Ying Yu patted him on the shoulder.

The emperor behaved like this, and he didn't put on airs at all, and the people who were listening to the movement slowly let go.

The hot pot is also served, and it is made of mandarin ducks.

Originally, it was winter, and the delicious dishes were cold.

But the hot pot needs to put the vegetables in the pot, and the steaming looks very smoky.

And because of Han Zhiyu's interest, she also wrote the score of the Spring Festival Overture to the musicians, and this was the background music.

With relatives and friends around, and warm food, it is rare for everyone to feel a little satisfied. Isn't this more delicious than eating leftovers in previous years?

When everyone was full, they all moved to another place.

If it was for eating before, then this one is for watching performances.

Seats are lined up with snacks and steaming teapots.

There are performances on the stage, and this year it is not just the singing and dancing of some Jiaofangsi.

I also prepared some juggling and the like, which is much fresher.

Then the concubines in the crowd started to ask, "Are you playing cards?"

"What is playing cards?"

"It's just a fun one, I'll teach you."

Conversations like this abound, and at first some dismissed it.

From the back, you can only see the heads below, and the sound of cards being played.

"You did a good job today, you are a very qualified queen." Ying Yu poked the hairpin on her head, and praised her like she usually encourages others.

Han Zhiyu was stunned, she didn't expect him to say such a thing suddenly.

Then he smiled: "Well, you are also a very good emperor."

Until late, the fireworks suddenly bloomed.

When I was addicted to playing cards, there was such a sound that everyone looked up.

The fireworks under the night sky are one after another, the beauty is thrilling.

Here, the banquet is almost over.

Han Zhiyu and the emperor quietly left the arena, just like when the Tathagata came, no one noticed.

At such a time, no one should be reduced to someone's foil, and everyone should be their own protagonist.

After finishing the matter, Han Zhiyu's time suddenly became free.

But she didn't have the opportunity to indulge in work, because the emperor was on vacation.

It's like a wild horse that has run off its rein, and it can't be pulled back.

"Zhiyu, let's go out of the palace to play."

"Zhiyu, let's go offer incense."

"Zhiyu, Zhiyu."

With one sound, he was like a carving knife, leaving deeper and deeper marks on Han Zhiyu's side.

Han Zhiyu could only respond one by one: "I'm here, I'm here."

On New Year's Eve, there was a small banquet.

Those who are willing to go home will go home for the New Year, and those who do not want to stay in the palace.

Ying Yu always remembers one thing.

It is the great seal that Han Zhiyu promised all the concubines before.

(End of this chapter)

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