Chapter 280
"Continue." After getting his permission, Han Zhiyu continued to work.

The emperor sat aside, staring at his queen intently.

When you are busy, time always flies by.

Before I knew it, it was time for lunch.

"Does Your Majesty want to stay for dinner?" Han Zhiyu asked the person who had been waiting for a long time after finishing the last question.

Ying Yu nodded obediently: "Okay."

His smile became more and more obvious, and finally he couldn't help laughing and said: "In the past, at this time, you would definitely not keep the widow, but to send it off to His Majesty respectfully. Now it seems that the treatment is different after all."

After hearing what he said, the maids in the palace smiled quietly, and withdrew in agreement.

Only the two of them are left to get along.

It was nothing at first, but as soon as they left, it seemed that there was something embarrassing, and the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

Han Zhiyu gave him a blank look: "Forget it, don't think about these things, I'll show you something fun when you're full."

In the eyes of the emperor, her appearance seemed to be coquettish, and he asked with a half-smile, "Is it fun?"

"That's right, the kind that most people can become addicted to." Han Zhiyu nodded.

After eating the meal, the emperor asked curiously, "What's so fun?"

At first, I thought it should be nothing, but I was caught all morning, so Ying Yu also became very interested at the moment.

Han Zhiyu smiled: "I have already sent people to invite Ning Jieyu and Wan Jieyu to come over. I also asked the construction office to bring back the things I had to do a few days ago."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

"What do you call us here in such a hurry, this is not like your style." Wan Jieyu's voice sounded a little unhappy when she heard it before seeing anyone.

Originally, when she was reading a book with Yingying, she was called over.

What a disappointment.

Compared to her, Ning Jieyu seemed to be looking forward to it a lot: "Your Majesty has a reason for calling us here, there must be something interesting."

This is the queen's brainless fan, the kind who wants to brag about everything.

Wan Jieyu obviously didn't believe it, after all, she was the one who was tricked by the queen the most times.

Old tool man.

Hearing their voices, Ying Yu frowned slightly, but because they had a good personal relationship with Han Zhiyu, they didn't say anything.

"What are you two muttering outside, why don't you hurry up and greet His Majesty." Han Zhiyu yawned, with a look of indifference.

Hearing her words, the two outside the door came in to salute: "The concubine waits to see His Majesty."

The two girls are like budding flowers on the branches of cardamom, and their figures also look slender and plump.

But the etiquette is a bit rough.

If the aristocratic family saw their foolishness, their hearts would probably be broken.

"Well, get up." Ying Yu responded lightly.

I was a little dissatisfied, I didn't salute the queen, did I not take the queen in my heart at all?

This feeling became more and more obvious in his heart, and then he realized that he was the redundant one.

And it's kind of redundant.

"It's very cold, why does your lady wear so little?"

"Don't put some water basins next to the stove. If it is dry, it must be dry sore throat."

And so on, the two people moved the emperor into a marginal person in different ways of language.

But Ying Yu was a little dumbfounded: "Zhiyu."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ning Jieyu or Wan Jieyu would immediately interrupt him, thinking of various ways to stop him from speaking.

It's obviously their own harem, they love to fight for favor so much, but they fight for the queen with the widow, and they fall.

(End of this chapter)

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