Chapter 136

"I really shouldn't have too many illusions about your writing level. You really dare to imagine this kind of ghost and animal plot with no survivors." Han Zhiyu said and patted her chest.

I was afraid that if I couldn't catch my breath, I would be passed out by her.

Although Wanmei couldn't understand what ghosts she was talking about, she understood the level of writing.

Her eyes suddenly became less friendly: "Writing level? How is my level?"

Han Zhiyu took a sharp breath, it's too bad, she is considered an adult.

"No, your level is quite good, but I may not be suitable for watching this." Han Zhiyu forced a smile when she spoke.

Although she knew that she didn't care about what she said, Wan Meiren's complexion was visibly improved by the naked eye.

Picking up the book and forcing myself to take a look, I put the lid on it and said, "There must be someone who likes your type, do you want to publish a book?"

She can't be tortured alone, she will die together.

She made an opinion with this idea in mind.

Surprisingly, Wanmei, who has always been very confident, said indifferently: "No need."

"Don't you like it?" Han Zhiyu thought she finally had some self-knowledge.

Unexpectedly, Wanmei just said leisurely: "That's not true, it's just that my pen and ink are not for ordinary people to read. I think you are just right."

Han Zhiyu's expression froze immediately, I didn't really want such an honor.

Fortunately, Wanmei sneered: "You're kidding, this thing is very tiring to write. If I hadn't agreed to you, I would have stopped writing it a long time ago."

"Cough, it's okay. Although it's a pity to give up, there will always be something else that suits you." Han Zhiyu said something that violated her conscience, but at the same time she was thankful that there was no thunder.

Not surprisingly, the night she slept with Wanmei was not very peaceful, and her dreams were full of strange things.

And Wanmei was disturbed by her restless sleeping position and didn't sleep well.

After laughing at each other's dark circles early in the morning, Wanmei invited Han Zhiyu away in a hurry, as if she was afraid that she would rely on her.

Han Zhiyu stood outside her palace gate, feeling a bit like someone had pulled up her pants and refused to admit it.

Before thinking about it, she was sleepy again, and fell asleep while driving the sedan chair, and then went back to her room and slept until the afternoon.

When she woke up, she didn't say a word, she just lay on her side on the bed and fiddled with the curtains with her hands.

Jing Huan saw that the curtain was floating and realized that she was awake.

"Ma'am, do you want to get up?" Jing Huan asked, but she didn't interrupt her elegant mood, so she didn't roll up the curtain.

Han Zhiyu said sullenly, "I'm sorry."

The spirited person has become like this now.

Lingyun, who was following her, said, "Your Majesty just stayed with Wanmei for two more days, and she became unhappy with her. It can be seen that there is absolutely no benefit to being with her."

Although her tone was worried and complaining, she didn't mean to say it.

"It has nothing to do with others." Han Zhiyu put down her hands, "It's just that I think everyone has something to do, but I am very free."

Lingyun quickly denied it: "You are obviously very powerful, how can you be so self-pitying."

No other advantages, just like listening to rainbow farts.

Han Zhiyu put her chin on her hands on purpose: "What use can I be, it's just a decoration in this palace."

"The empress is managing the harem now. Although she doesn't have to do everything herself, she selects talented people, and everything is in order. How many people in the palace are grateful for the empress' kindness, and the slaves and maidservants are very respectful when they go out." Lingyun was very proud when he said this.

 Second bomb
(End of this chapter)

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