Farmhouse Food Daily

Chapter 153 Seeing Heizi

Chapter 153 Seeing Heizi

Wei Feng looked at Chen Ping and smiled, this girl, everything is written on her face, she is thinking of working hard to make money so that she can pay back her money.

After everything was done, the people called by Mr. Pang left, and Chen Ping put away everything that should be collected.

"Mr. Wei, sister, let's have dinner together. I've booked a seat in Qianli. It's the first time I see Chen Ping's sister today. I'll give my brother a face."

Over there, Boss Pang invited him to dinner again, and when he went to the wine table, he drank a little wine, and the relationship naturally became closer again.

Chen Ping looked at Wei Feng. She didn't want to go, but she just bought a house, so it's not good to refuse. She also knew that Mr. Pang wanted to invite Wei Feng, and everything depended on Wei Feng. If Wei Feng wanted to go , then she has nothing to say, just go.

"Mr. Pang, next time, next time I'll be the host. We still have something to do today, so don't bother me."

Wei Feng stood up, the matter was done, what to eat, he and Chen Ping went back to the restaurant to eat with this time, it was much more comfortable than going out to eat with Mr. Pang.

He has never eaten anything delicious, so this meal is not bad.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Mr. Wei. Sister Chen Ping, you are welcome to drink tea with Mr. Wei next time if you have nothing to do."

Mr. Pang held Wei Feng's hand, sent Wei Feng and Chen Ping to the door, and delivered them to the car himself.

Seeing President Pang disappear, Chen Ping breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression became much more relaxed.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Wei Feng smiled.

"No, it's just, how should I put it, I'm not from the same road, I'm just an ordinary person, and I'm not too comfortable in contact with these bosses who do business."

There was no need for Chen Ping to hide it, as it was not suitable for her to be in contact with these people.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Wei Feng, and hurriedly said: "Brother Wei, you are not included in this. You are different from them. You don't have their polite hypocrisy. We get along very well with you, and the people in the hotel are very friendly. I like you."

Chen Ping was afraid that Wei Feng would think too much. After all, Wei Feng was also a member of that circle. Speaking of which, it was not normal for Wei Feng to get along with them, but Chen Ping didn't feel that Wei Feng made her feel uncomfortable. In front of Wei Feng, she really felt pretty good, and everyone liked Wei Feng very much.

"I know."

Wei Feng said he didn't care. He naturally understood what Chen Ping was thinking, and he could also understand how Chen Ping felt. In fact, he brought Chen Ping here on purpose, otherwise he would just ask his subordinates to help Chen Ping do it. No need. He came out in person.

But if he really gets along with Chen Ping in the future, it is impossible for him not to bring Chen Ping to meet people. Chen Ping may not be able to adapt to it. If he touches and feels it a little now, he will not be uncomfortable in the future.

Of course, he won't take Chen Ping always to socialize in the future, and he won't always go there himself. He has already started to let go and live a life of his own, which is good.

When Wei Feng and Chen Ping returned to the hotel after eleven o'clock, guests had already arrived. Here, Wei Feng entered the room and drank two cups of tea before coming out. Chen Ping had disappeared.

Seeing that the battery car was not there, Wei Feng laughed, that means he left again.

Chen Ping did go up the mountain. She went early today, so she could go to Mushroom Village for lunch. Besides, she wanted to see Heizi.

When she got to the spot where she met Heizi, she didn't see Heizi, so she looked up, which tree was Heizi on?Does this little guy know she's coming?

Suddenly Chen Ping heard a voice, she looked at a tall pine tree, a black shadow came down slowly.

It's sunspots.

Chen Ping was pleasantly surprised.

Heizi jumped down quickly, it wanted to jump on Chen Ping's head, it wanted to grab Chen Ping, it wanted to bite Chen Ping a few mouthfuls, the woman said she gave it pine nuts, but it hadn't been seen for several days, it was really pissed off. Uncle.

But that time it scared Chen Ping, and Chen Ping seemed to say that she would not give the pine nuts if it scared her again, forget it, don't scare her anymore.

Heizi stared at Chen Ping, saw Chen Ping smile, and turned around angrily, facing the pine tree, stretched out its small paws to scratch the pine tree, but Chen Ping wouldn't let it scratch it.

"Still angry, turn around and let me see. It's not that I haven't come these few days. I came late. You weren't there when I came. Don't blame me. I came early today on purpose. If you ignore me , I'm leaving."

Chen Ping thought it was funny, this sunspot was like an angry child, he still turned his back to her and ignored her.

When Heizi heard what Chen Ping said, he turned around and yelled at Chen Ping, looking very dissatisfied. This woman even threatened it, who told her to come late, which made my uncle wait in vain.

But for the sake of her coming early today, please forgive her, who made Mr. Hei generous.

"Okay, don't be angry, come, let me eat pine nuts for you."

Chen Ping took out the pine nuts and touched Heizi's head by the way.

Heizi is too lazy to resist now, and he doesn't even bother to roll his eyes, it's useless anyway.

"I'm not sure when I come every day. Don't be angry if you can't wait for me. I'll come as early as possible."

Chen Ping whispered to Heizi, she liked Heizi very much in her heart, but she also had selfishness, she fed Heizi, and she also wanted to see Heizi, otherwise she would just put half a bag of pine nuts in this place, let Heizi move and eat whatever he wanted, Heizi didn't have to wait for her.

But Chen Ping didn't. She still hoped to meet Heizi every time, feed it, and talk to it.

Heizi glanced at Chen Ping. It is lonely here, but it has lived here for many years. It has long been integrated with the pine forest. It has never wanted to go outside, but there is a person like Chen Ping. It waits, but it finds it interesting.

"Would you like to go to Mushroom Village with me?"

Chen Ping saw that Heizi had finished eating the pine nuts, so she asked Heizi.

Heizi looked at her, shook his head, and then jumped up the tree.

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

Chen Ping waved at it.

When they arrived at Mushroom Village and Liu's house, Chen Ping didn't find Liu Cheng, so she asked Grandma Ma, and Grandma Ma said that Liu Cheng had gone to the town to change things. Aunt Chun came to see her before, and now Aunt Chun went back to cook.

"Grandma, what do you want to eat? I'll make lunch."

Here Chen Ping rolled up her sleeves. Now that she is at Liu's house, she feels like this is her own home.

"I want to drink egg soup, Pingzi, take a look at what's in the kitchen, and cook something you like."

Grandma Ma and Chen Ping are also welcome.


Chen Ping agreed and went into the kitchen.

Now there are seasonal dishes, such as fried meat and steamed buns.

There is also fish and chicken.

Chen Ping didn't bother. She brought a tofu mixed with shallots, made a sauced eggplant, fried a dried tofu, made an egg soup, and heated up the steamed buns. This was a complete meal.

As soon as the food was put on the kang table, Aunt Chun over there came over. She had prepared it and served it to Grandma Ma. Unexpectedly, Chen Ping came and prepared the food.

"Pingzi is here, your hands and feet are so fast, you have done so much in a short while."

Aunt Chun praised Chen Ping.

"Auntie, come over and have something to eat."

Chen Ping smiled.

"No, there is still a whole family waiting for me. This is my fried dish. You can try it too."

Aunt Chun put down the food she brought, and she left.

(End of this chapter)

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