Chapter 461
Michurin was the first to rush into the open space of the outpost, and his men followed suit.

However, there is nothing here except an empty space.

The woman who ran in just now was gone, and none of the vehicles full of goods had been seen.

In an instant, an ominous feeling rose.The pride and anticipation that filled my heart just now disappeared in an instant.

He knew that the other party was already prepared.

However, he didn't panic, let alone fear.

For such a long time, he has been galloping here.He is aware of the power of some local forces.

No one is his opponent, even if he is prepared, he is not an opponent.

Now seeing him coming, not obediently offering women and property, and even daring to hide, Michurin was very displeased.

It was an affront to his dignity, a blatant contempt for his power and prestige.

There is only one end for such a person: to be punished more severely.

"My warriors, how dare they...,"

Michurin wanted to say a few more words, but before he could finish, he was covered by a voice that suddenly remembered.

It was a mess of gunshots, followed by dense bows and arrows.

Immediately afterwards, people appeared on the three streets leading from the open space to other places at the same time.

Everywhere, more than a dozen people carried huge horse refusal posts to block the road.

The people around him fell down one after another, and the screams continued immediately.Lost the master's war horse, ran around, and immediately disrupted the formation.

"The 100th commander, go and move the horse rejection post."

However, no one responded to him.

In the midst of the chaos, tongues of flame suddenly spewed out from the surrounding roofs.

Such a fire is very strange.It was the first time for Michurin to see it.

It's like a long line, spraying out more than ten horse lengths.

There is such a fire?

Before he could figure it out, the flames sprayed into his cavalry.As if carrying oil, a raging fire immediately ignited in the cavalry.

After being burned by the fire, the horse team became more chaotic and huddled together in a mess.

Those usually loyal companions, very obedient horses, completely lost control at this time.

The horses and many soldiers were on fire.Those who wanted to get off their horses and roll on the ground, trying to put out the fire on their bodies, either walked a few steps before being hit by the opponent's firecrackers, or they were shot to death by arrows.

Many people were trampled to death by their own horses.

The way out was blocked, and the speed and impact that his own cavalry was best at could not be used at all.

The formation was disrupted, and his command completely failed.The person he was looking for could not be found, and the orders issued were not obeyed.

The entire team is completely out of control.

These former warriors, at this moment, are all like cowards, only thinking about running for their lives.However, there was no escape.

It seems that all struggles are in vain.

As if these were not miserable enough, another strange voice sounded.

It was the sound of gunfire, but it was distinctly different from the muffled sounds of gunfire.

If I'm in a good mood, I'll call that a cheerful voice.

Da da da, da da da, that is the sound of continuous shooting.

As these sounds sounded, the people around them fell down one after another.

Unlike before, this time they didn't fall down one by one, but fell down piece by piece.

What kind of musket is this?Can it shoot continuously?It seems like a huge sickle that reaps people like wheat.

The Cossack cavalry still had some shocks at the beginning, but now there are fewer and fewer charges.

The enemies were hiding in the dark, and even if they found the opponents behind those houses and ruined walls, they were shot down one after another before they rushed to the front.

The saber used to be their sharpest weapon, but now it is useless at all.

The musket is their most powerful attack weapon, but now they can't find a target to shoot.

The blazing fire, with billowing smoke, blocked their sight and prevented them from seeing the target clearly.

Loading ammunition while marching was once the most proud tactical skill of the Cossack cavalry.

Each of them has undergone long and rigorous training for this purpose.

Just relying on this unique skill made many cavalry fear them.

However, the fires burning everywhere made it impossible for them to reload immediately.

What's more, due to the continuous fire, the gunpowder on many people was ignited.A gun without powder becomes a stick.

Who is this?Still a caravan?

Over the years, I have seen many caravans, but I have never encountered such a caravan.

Not only is the attack force powerful, but the tactics are also very good. Even the most powerful tribal armed forces I have encountered have never made me so passive.

From the moment they rushed in, there was almost no way to fight back, only being beaten passively.

Who are they?

Michurin finally discovered that the caravan, which he thought was easy to get, was a formidable opponent.

Things are not that simple, the situation seems to be getting out of control.

Standing behind the door of his barn, Liu Gengxin trembled with excitement.

"Boys, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot these bastards!"

Since the beginning of the war, he seems to be the only one who can say this sentence.

This time, he organized fifty young and strong men from his village to join the war.

However, Jia Guerrilla disagreed, and only let them watch the battle from a distance, and told them to learn how to fight.

Learning is a good thing.It is said that Guerrilla Jia is the best at fighting. He once defeated the four tribes of South Wendura and the Tatars of North Wendura with less and more.

However, these Cossacks are really hateful.

Not only burned, killed and looted everywhere, but also kept going to Tongyuan Fort to blackmail.The villagers have long hated them.

Now that I have a chance to fight them, I can take revenge, so why would I just watch from the sidelines?Only by killing a few of them with his own hands can the hatred in his heart be relieved.

So, Liu Gengxin brought about twenty people to his warehouse.

To be honest, they were also very scared at first, because they had dealt with the Cossacks several times over the years, and they suffered every time.

But this time it was different.These arrogant and invincible Cossacks in the past are like dogs in the water at this time, they can only be beaten passively.

If you don't take the opportunity to take revenge at this time, what are you waiting for?
Two Cossacks rushed this way.

"Aim at them and shoot together. Listen to my command and let the arrows go!"

A dozen or so people shot arrows together, and the two guys shook twice and fell off their horses.

"Uncle, we're here too."

It turned out that it was Liu Gengxin's nephew, who led more than 20 people and came with bows and arrows.

These people were specially called by Liu Gengxin after the start just now.With this opportunity to beat up the Cossack, he didn't want to enjoy it to himself, he wanted everyone to follow suit.

Liu Gengxin felt a little tired, so he sat down on the bench, took out the cigarette pouch, filled a pot of cigarettes, and looked across from the small window next to the door while smoking.

In the heyday of the Tongyuanbao outpost seven or eighty years ago, the yard was surrounded by houses,

Now there are no outposts, many old houses have collapsed, and only some ruins remain.

On the opposite side, there are a few women brought by Jia Guerrilla.

I really didn't expect that the woman under Jia Guerrilla's band would also join the battle at this time.

They are all the ladies of the Rongguo Mansion, and it is really unexpected that they can also fight.

Not only Liu Gengxin did not expect, even Jia Min and the entire caravan did not expect Baochai and others to join the battle this time.

However, they themselves had already thought of it.

They have planned it since the first day they made bait by the small lake outside the village.

The reason for this is because they held a breath in their hearts.

This tone is not only for Jia Min, but also for the Cossacks.

For Jia Min, it was because Jia Min wanted them to be bait.

Originally, it was fine to make bait, but after making bait, they were not allowed to fight. Instead, they were told to retreat to the mountains with the villagers.

Isn't this obviously looking down on yourself and treating yourself like a vase?
I have also trained in the military. If I don't use it to fight after learning the skills, what else can I learn it for?
Angry at the Cossacks because these lunatics wanted to rob them.

It made them feel offended.

Who are you?They are all ladies, and these barbarians from the nameless place dare to have such an evil intention.

This is the first time I have heard such a thing, or even such a word, for so many years.

If you don't teach them a lesson for such a life-and-death idiot, what's the deal?
Jia Min couldn't resist, so he had to call them.However, Wei Ruolan also arranged for Wei Ruolan to take a few of them, directing and protecting them at the same time.If the situation is not good, retreat immediately.

However, it seems that there is no need to retreat now.

The battle situation has already taken a clear advantage, and several people have become addicted to playing.I wanted to ask them to retreat, but they were unwilling to retreat.

"Miss Lin, lower your head and don't go beyond the sandbags. By the way, that's it, between the two sandbags. You can see her, don't let him see you."

Daiyu was holding a long gun, feeling a little anxious.

Sister Bao, Miaoyu, and Qingwen have all killed the enemy, but she has not killed a single one so far.

She felt that she was a little stupid and seemed inferior to them.

Although I came later, I have also trained soldiers.

When it comes to poetry, Daiyu feels that she is worse than them. Now that she is fighting, if she is not as good as them, how will she behave in front of them in the future?
She hated herself a little. When she first started fighting, she was very scared when she heard the sound of firecrackers, saw a big fire burning, and saw a person being killed.

I was so sick in my heart, I had no strength in my hands and feet, I just wanted to yell, I just wanted to run away, run to a place where there was no one, and cry a lot.

If it wasn't for someone around him, he might have escaped long ago.

"Miss Lin, there is a guy coming this way, this person belongs to you. Don't worry, aim, just like Chen Yejun usually taught you, did you aim?"

Wei Ruolan's voice seemed to come from the sky.

However, Daiyu still heard clearly.


"Don't worry, I told you to let go, just let it go, okay, one, two, three. Let it go!"

Daiyu closed her eyes and instinctively pulled the trigger.At this moment, it seems that I don't know anything in my heart.

I don't know how long it took before Daiyu came back to her senses.

I saw a Cossack lying on the ground five or six feet away from me, and seemed to be still struggling, but after a few struggles, he stopped moving.

"Okay, Miss Lin, you beat him well, you beat him to death."

I actually killed someone?God, I actually killed someone?
Daiyu felt bewildered.His hands and feet trembled involuntarily.

Putting a hand on her head, Daiyu calmed down a little.

It turned out that Baochai was touching her head,

"Okay, Yan'er will kill people too. Don't be afraid, I was also very scared when I killed the first one."

(End of this chapter)

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