The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 368 Breakthrough Progress

Chapter 368 Breakthrough Progress

Guo Qisheng's sigh was tantamount to admitting that he was the informer back then.

However, this is still far from enough, and something substantial is still missing.

"Although you have unavoidable difficulties, after all, you are still a person who has read the books of sages. For your own selfishness, you have done such unkind and unrighteous things, and you have no guilt in your heart?"

"Falsely accusing others like this, once exposed, are you not afraid of being punished by the heavens? Are you afraid of the king's law? You think the Luo family is powerful, but can he guarantee that it will always be like this? How many prominent families, in the end, all their families were copied and beheaded, and the nine clans were exterminated. It is not a night. between?"

"The two brothers, Luo Qihua and Luo Qiping, were considered prominent at the beginning, but so what? Luo Qiping fell out of favor, and finally died of depression?"

Luo Qiping is Luo Qihua's younger brother and Luo Hanlin's father.

"Although Luo Qihua still has some power, once this matter is exposed, do you think the emperor will spare him? Even if he is not pursued, once he loses power, those enemies will let him go? Some disciples are true, but the world will eventually It's not from his Luo family. Those people are paid by the imperial court, not from his Luo family. By that time, he will be useless, and how many people will serve him like before?"

"And you, I'm wondering how you survived all these years. The Luo family didn't silence you, it's because your ancestors were virtuous. After you pretended to be crazy, the yamen used to look for you everywhere, and you were lucky , and hid in the past. Otherwise, how can you survive to this day? Call me Luo Qiping, and I will silence you."

"Do you know why you have survived to this day? Do you think that the Luo family is lenient to you? Let me tell you, it is because the person who was chasing you in the Ministry of Punishment back then lied and said you were dead in order to receive a bounty. It’s yours. Otherwise, the Luo family would have found you long ago.”

"They have such a big handle in your hands, can he fall asleep? How did Shen Youshan, who informed you with you, die? Don't you know? Do you think it was really a sudden illness?"

This is the first step in Jia Min's heart-to-heart battle: understanding the truth.

The second step is to move with emotion.

"Look at yourself, you still don't look like the Pianpian son who was facing the wind in the jade tree back then, but now you are only in your thirties, and it should be the time when you are in the prime of life, but what about you?" You look like you are dying A person who walks like a corpse for a day, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts."

"In the past few days, I have also visited the yamen. Anyone dares to reprimand you. But, do you dare to speak up? You dare not. Because you are afraid of offending them, and if they track down your old background, You will be exposed, so you can only swallow your anger and make a compromise."

"Not to mention official career matters, even if it is a family matter, parents look forward to their son's return day and night, and occasionally go home, they have to sneak around, and outsiders say they are relatives. When they arrive at their own home, they dare not show their faces. You're on your toes."

"I'm over 30 years old, and I'm still alone, and I don't even dare to marry. That's right, who would betroth his own girl to a man of unknown origin? When you grow old in the future, who will take care of you? Who will take care of you? Who will die for you? After a hundred years, who will burn paper at your grave?"

"Don't say it."

Guo Qisheng was already in tears.

However, just this, the fire is not enough, it is necessary to completely destroy his inner defense line.

"Those people who were framed by you, do you know how miserable they have been in these years? All of them bear the infamy of cheating, not only destroying their future in life, but also making them suffer in shame and suffering throughout their lives , enduring the discrimination and contempt of the world."

"Their family members have suffered great humiliation because of this, and they cannot hold their heads up in front of others. Their descendants have also been cut off from the imperial examination. You have not only harmed those people, but also how many families have you harmed? They provoked you You. How can you bear it? If these sufferings and shame were placed on your family, how would you feel?"

"That Hua Yusheng was such a romantic and talented person back then, because of your own selfishness, you suffered unfair injustice in the bitter and cold place in the extreme north of Bukina, and you were crazy every day, and other people wandered around. You can walk around, but he was locked in a cell."

"And your friend Cong Xiucai felt sorry for his friend, so he went to Bukui to accompany Hua Yusheng to make up for the guilt in his heart. Actually, how can you blame Cong Xiucai? Compared with Cong Xiucai, don't you have a little bit in your heart?" Do you feel guilty?"

"Seeing the miserable situation of these people, don't you feel indifferent? Are you really hard-hearted?"

Woooooo... Guo Qisheng couldn't cry anymore.

Jia Min stopped for a while, drinking slowly by himself.

Now, Guo Qisheng needs a period of time to digest his words and convince himself in his heart.

"Come on, Brother Guo, have another drink."

Guo Qisheng raised his glass mechanically and drank it down.

"You think you're hiding well here. You think too simply. I didn't know you before, and I could find you. If someone else has the heart, would it be difficult to find you?"

"Besides, if I want to harm you, I just need to go to the governor's office tomorrow to expose your identity. Do you know what the consequences will be? How many people will use you as a sacrifice to please Luo Qihua? At that time, you will Find someone to stand up for you?"

"Take a step back, even if they don't dedicate you to Luo Qihua, can you still stay here? But, where else can you go? The world is so big. Where is your place?"

"Think about it for yourself, how long can you live?"

"Brother Jia, show me the way, what should I do?"

"It's said that you have to tie the bell to untie it. There is a way, but you have to walk it yourself. In fact, you should know how to do it yourself. I don't believe it. You haven't checked it yourself."

"For today's plan, long-term pain is worse than short-term. Only by changing your mind and fighting back can you get out of the desperate situation."

"Brother Jia, to tell you the truth, it's not that I haven't thought about it. I'm just afraid that before I say anything, the Luo family will silence me first."

"Hmph, the Luo family wants to silence it, and it's a bad idea. As long as you can produce enough evidence to bring down his family, what's the problem?"

"I've pondered over this matter over and over again, but I can't figure it out. Brother Jia will teach me."

This persuasion is to lure and benefit.Now, it can be said that it is a matter of course.

"Since you say so, let me teach you something."

"Brother Jia, tell me quickly, I can't wait anymore."

"Although this matter has to be done, there is no rush. The most important thing is to protect yourself first. If you die before you leave the teacher, it is better to live here. Tell me, is this the truth?"

"Yes, yes, it's more important to protect yourself first."

Jia Min's words reached Guo Qisheng's heart, and he immediately liked Jia Min greatly.

"Where do you think is the safest place for you to go? I can arrange for you to go."

Where am I safest?
Guo Qisheng was at a loss.The world is so big, he really can't find such a place.Where is he not the same as he is now?

"If you can't find it, I have a place to put you."

"Where to? As long as it's a safe place, it's anywhere in the world."

"Bu Kui."

"Bu Kui?"

"Yes, it's Bu Kui. The reason why I arranged for you to go there is that no one would have expected you to be there. The second is that there is my army regiment there to protect you. You are absolutely safe there."

"Third, after this matter subsides in the future, you can rush back to the imperial capital from Bukui, or even return to your hometown in full clothes."

It was Jia Min's plan to let Guo Qisheng go to Bukui.

How could he not hold such an important witness in his own hands?Once it is confirmed that the Xinyou case is related to the Luo family, Guo Qisheng will be a key killer.

"I don't dare to think about returning to my hometown or something. As long as I can ask the victim to forgive me and seek forgiveness from the Holy One, I will be content with this rest of my life."

"Brother Guo is self-effacing. If you can fight back and bring down the Luo family, it will be a great achievement. At that time, it is reasonable for the emperor to reward you. However, you can't act too hastily at this time. Just rely on yourself The strength is far from enough."

"That's right, I'm a soft-spoken person nowadays, if I come forward to report, I'm afraid the Luo family will attack me before the news is sent out."

"The Luo family is next to the Ludong Academy, and there are peaches and plums all over the world. The disciples are old and old, and they are everywhere. It is really not to be underestimated."

"Hmph, others are afraid of the Luo family, but I am not. Although I am a commoner now, I still recognize a few people in the court."

"Brother Jia is from the Rongguo Mansion, so he has a lot of contacts. It's easy to bring down the Luo family."

"It's not that easy, the Luo family is still quite powerful. However, it depends on what you can come up with."

"Of course there are things. One is the person who ordered me back then, and the other is cheating in the examination room of Ludong Academy. With these two things, it is enough for his Luo family to drink a pot."

"Who ordered you back then?"

"Wanxin Hall."

"Wanxintang? Today's household secretary?"

This was beyond Jia Min's surprise.He had always thought that the Luo family had directly instigated it.

"It's Wanxintang, who is also a student of the Luo family. So is Li Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of War. They are all from Ludong Academy."

They are all from Ludong Academy, no wonder the voices are so consistent in the battle this time.

"You said cheating in the examination room of Ludong Academy? What's going on?"

This is a major discovery.

"Ludong Academy has been proud of the imperial examinations for so many years. In fact, many times, it is related to cheating. It is more difficult to cheat in general examinations. Children's examinations and rural examinations are much easier. This matter has long been an open issue in Ludong Academy. The secret is only unknown to outsiders.”

"However, although cheating in the examination is rare, it is not without it. Xin Youke will take the examination, and Ludong Academy cheated."

"You mean, Xinyou will take the exam, and Ludong Academy not only framed the South Chamber for cheating, but it also cheated in the North Chamber?"


"Any clues?"

"Naturally, someone deliberately leaked the exam questions at that time."

If true, this would be of great significance.

As long as the chief examiner of the year and the candidate who took the exam from Ludong Academy are found, there will be a breakthrough in the case.

(End of this chapter)

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