Chapter 353
Due to Jia Min's guerrilla status as Pu Kui, the war against North Vancouver naturally became a topic of discussion.

Regarding this matter, Jia Min actually didn't want to talk about it anymore.On almost all occasions, he has expressed his anti-war views.

However, King Jing of Beijing is a family friend of the Jia family, and Jia Min has a good impression of him.Therefore, he once again expressed his anti-war views.

Regarding Jia Min's point of view, everyone here is actually well-informed.It has already been mentioned in Jia Min's notebooks before.

However, it is believed that Jia Min's point of view is untenable.

Niu Jizong and Liu Fang even directly said that Jia Min wanted to keep Bei Wendula to himself because of his greed for merit.

It's not the first time Jia Min heard such a point of view. Princess Chang'an once said this, so he didn't bother to refute it.

After eating and drinking to a certain extent, the original order of sitting by table is messed up.Those who knew each other in twos and threes began to hang out.

The first one to leave was King Bei Jing. He was called away by the eunuch, probably because he had some business to leave.

Then Song Kuan, the prince of Dongping, went to the Jiaotai Hall and drank with Li Gan, the prince of Xining, and Han Qi, the prince of Nan'an.

Afterwards, Niu Jizong and Liu Fang also left.I don't know where to go.Zhou Tong stayed with Jia Min for a while, but was called away by a guard.

Wang Xin didn't like Jia Min at first, and he was also very dissatisfied with his father, Wang Ziteng, who said that he would hand over the Wang family's military regiment to Jia Min.

The meaning revealed in the words is that Jia Min tricked his father into doing this.

Jia Min told him that it wasn't what he meant, but Wang Xin still didn't believe it.Jia Min didn't bother to explain to him anymore.

No amount of explanation is of use to a man full of prejudices.

This point has been confirmed many times by Jia Min in Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Rong and Xue Pan.

The other two were not familiar with each other, so they had already gone to other tables.

Now on this table, Jia Min is the only one left.

He also didn't want to go to another table.

He knows few people here.There are a few people, such as Yin Xiutonggui of Shuntian Mansion, Liu Changfeng, Admiral of the Nine Gates, Bachelor of Ji University, etc. They are all older people, and they may not be able to talk to each other when they are with them.

Of course, the more important reason is that his views are different from others.Although he is sitting here, he can also hear other tables talking about the war against North Vancouver.

I am an anti-war faction, and going there will only annoy others.

There is another reason, which is also very important.

Because of the Best Prodigal Award, he offended many people.You might meet someone who won an award somewhere, and it would be bad if you drank too much and had a conflict with him.

Although he can guarantee that he will not pick things up, he cannot guarantee that others will not.

There were more than a dozen tables of people eating and drinking in Qin'an Hall, it was very lively.However, Jia Min felt that he was very lonely.

A eunuch came over, it was Dai Quan.

"Come on, little brother, don't just sit here by yourself."

"where to?"

"The imperial concubine wants to see you, you won't say no, will you?"

Dai Quan said with a smile.

Of course I won't stop going.

Jia Min got up quickly, checked his clothes, and followed.

Soon after arriving at the Zhai Palace, on a table at the gate, I saw a beautiful woman in palace attire, it was my sister Yuan Chun.

Yuan Chun was surrounded by the old lady, two eunuchs and several court ladies.

It is actually a bit particular about choosing this place to meet.

This is an open area, and everyone inside and outside can see it.

Inside the fasting palace, the female guests who came today are eating there. Although they can see here, there is still a distance after all.As a man, Jia Min wouldn't offend the ladies and gentlemen inside.

Therefore, Yuan Chunxuan meeting Jia Min here must have been carefully considered.

Although she is now a noble concubine, her position is probably not so stable after she was newly promoted.

Besides, the battle in the palace is also very complicated, which makes her have to be careful.

Jia Min walked a few steps and was about to kneel down to salute.

"Excuse me, they are all from my own family, so don't talk about those etiquette."

"My brother met my sister."

Inexplicably, Jia Min was a little moved.

Although he had never met Yuan Chun, he still admired this sister in his heart.

Entering the palace in his teens, in this deep palace, he had to go through a lot of hardships and setbacks to be able to get to where he is today.

Although the palace looks peaceful, it is actually full of swords and swords all the time.In order to compete for favor, they will do everything they can.The fierceness of the battle is even more intense than that of the officialdom.

"I know all about the fourth brother, and he did a good job. My sister is very pleased with this."

"Let my sister worry about it."

"Well, I'm still relieved of the fourth brother, but Baoyu often makes me worry. The fourth brother is hardworking, and I have to take care of my brother in the future. Baoyu is a bit stubborn. If there are any deficiencies, you have to take care of it. After all, brothers , is different from outsiders.”

"Don't worry, sister, I will do my best."

"My ancestors and parents are getting old, and my sister will entrust the family affairs to my fourth brother. It doesn't matter how big an official you are, as long as you can keep your family safe and safe."

"Remember my sister's teaching."

After talking for a while, it was all commonplace.Dai Quan coughed, and Jia Min knew that it was time for him to leave.

Even though Yuan Chun said he would be exempt, Jia Min still kowtowed as he was still in the palace at this time.

"Sister, take care."

So he got up and left.

When he turned around, his eyes were a little moist.Thinking about the scene of Yuan Chun's early death in the original novel of the Red Chamber, I feel regretful in my heart.

Although this meeting was just an ordinary conversation, Jia Min felt a heavy responsibility on his body.

This shows that Yuan Chun has actually entrusted him with the responsibility of keeping Jia's house safe and sound.

But can you do it yourself?
Although the Jia Mansion is fairly peaceful this year, what will happen in the future?Will these teammates in the mansion be content with the status quo?

There are also some things that Jia's family did before he came to Jia's house, although they have not been exposed now, but after all, the original sin is still there, hidden dangers have not disappeared, maybe it will explode at some point.

Once the incident occurs, it may bring disaster to the Jia family.

This is really a difficult and huge task.

It is certainly a good thing that Yuanchun was made a noble concubine.However, next, it is time to visit relatives, and the construction of the Grand View Garden will be put on the agenda.

The luxurious Grand View Garden is a huge financial burden. If you are not careful, it will become the last straw that crushes the Jia Mansion.

This project will also be a lucrative job. Once it is launched, many people will follow it and want to make a profit from it.

At that time, will the people in Jia's mansion be honest?
Jia Amnesty, Jia Zhen, and the housekeepers, seeing such a piece of fat, can they not be tempted?
Protecting the safety and security of the Jia Mansion is an understatement, but in fact, it is a long and difficult task.

During the year in Bu Kui, Jia Min was not in Jia's residence, and he could be said to be out of sight and out of mind for the hidden dangers of Jia's residence.However, this does not mean that the problem does not exist.

Although his official career has advanced by leaps and bounds this year, but now, he seems to be in trouble again.

Amid all the clamor for war, he now seems to be the only one who opposes it.Even Shui Rong, the king of Beijing whom he respected more, seemed to be in favor of going to war.This made him feel a deep sense of frustration.

Although the emperor is the final decision-maker, but the voice of starting a war has become imposing, which may not be without the emperor's acquiescence.

It is very likely that the emperor advocates going to war.

Faced with this overwhelming optimism, can I stop it?Once the emperor summons me and proposes to oppose the war, what will the emperor think of me?Will he still trust me?

To be an official in this world, once you lose the trust of the emperor, your official career is basically over.In that case, how can we keep the Jia family safe and sound?
When I saw my sister just now, for a moment, Jia Min wanted to tell her to persuade the emperor to think carefully about going to war, but he immediately denied his idea.

It has always been taboo for the harem to intervene in politics and concubines to be involved in the crown prince dispute.Even if the purpose is good, it will leave a bad impression on the emperor.Jia Min couldn't ask his sister to do such a risky thing.

It's not easy for my sister to be alone in the palace, so I can't make any more trouble for her.

When he returned to Qin'an Hall, he saw that people were still bustling with him. After sitting for a while, no one came to pay attention to him.Jia Min was quite bored, so he told the deacon and eunuch, but seeing no one was paying attention, he left the palace.

Jia Min thought that no one paid attention to him, but he was wrong, someone still paid attention to him.

In a corner of the courtyard outside the gate of Qin'an Hall, three people noticed him.

These three people are Song Kuan, Li Gan, and Han Qi.

"How did this kid go?"

Li Gan said.

"Hey, this kid is pitiful now, and he is the only one who is still shouting not to start a war."

Han Qi joked.

"It's just a small guerrilla attack. How can he control this kind of thing?"

"It turns out that the emperor wanted to summon him today, but why didn't he?"

"He keeps saying that it is not appropriate to go to war. Will the emperor know? What's the use of summoning him again?"

"Forget about him, let's think about our own affairs. If we can control North Wendura this time, the situation in the entire Northeast in the future will be very beneficial to us."

"This matter, the elders are already planning, it seems that we don't need to worry about it."

"Well, it would be great if I changed someone. Jia Huaiyuan Palace has a sister, Concubine Jia Gui, and uncle Wang Ziteng outside, but it's a pity that I can't use it. After all, it's a pity that he is a talent."

Song Kuan couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Wang Xin came to our table just now, and he seemed to look down on Jia Min from what he said."

Li Gan said.

"Wang Xin is an idiot, how can he compare with Jia Huaiyuan."

As Song Kuan said, he couldn't help shaking his head again.Thinking of Jia Min, I really feel sorry for him.

It is really hard to find someone who can achieve such performance in a place like Bukui in just one year.

(End of this chapter)

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