The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 334 Encountering a Foreign Woman

Chapter 334 Encountering a Foreign Woman

The hottest topic in the imperial capital these days is undoubtedly Jia's Mansion.

Since the news that Jia Min was about to be impeached due to his defeat in Bukui, this reversal is even more dramatic.

Coupled with the fact that Jia Yuanchun was conferred the title of noble concubine, Jia's mansion seemed to become very popular all of a sudden.For several days in a row, there was an endless stream of congratulatory people from various aristocratic families and acquaintances, making Jia's mansion lively for quite a while.

At the same time, Bu Kui has also become the focus of discussion.

Jia Min defeated 700 prairie cavalry with [-] men, letting people see that the miraculous prairie cavalry that had been passed down before did not seem to be so invincible, and sometimes they were vulnerable.

Zhao Bancheng, Huang Xide, Hu Yidao, Shopkeeper Sun and Shen Bingyi came back with the imperial envoy Jiang Mingqian.

With their return, the topic of doing business in Bukui also became heated in the circle of businessmen in the imperial capital.Those shrewd businessmen came to visit one after another, carefully understood Bu Kui's situation, and tried to find business opportunities.

Now there are still two months before the Chinese New Year. The impatient people can't wait for the Chinese New Year and don't care about the cold weather, so they embark on the road to Bukui.

More people are planning to go to Bukui to celebrate the new year.

It has to be said that many of them are indeed discerning.Because with the establishment of prefectures and counties in the South Wendura Grassland, a lot of business opportunities will indeed emerge.

People in the officialdom, especially those alternate officials, also have the opportunity to fill the vacancies at this time.

Although Bu Kui's sky is high and the earth is far away, after all, he still has the opportunity to officially become an official.Although it is not a good job there now, this qualification is very important.Squeeze into the officialdom first, get a position, work there for a few years, and move around later, you may not find a good job.

Therefore, in the past few days, the official office has also become lively.Some people who are considered to be able to talk in the court have more guests.

Regarding the topic of Bu Kui, the most discussed circle is the Fubingtuan of other families in the imperial capital.

Prior to this, many of the government corps of various families were already in a half-dead state, some secretly reduced the number of people, and some cut the cost.It was only because he was afraid of the emperor's investigation that he reluctantly kept it, and did not revoke it publicly.

In the past, Jia Min's army regiment was just a joke in their eyes.Even if Jia Min wiped out the Wulongshan bandits, they thought it was luck.

At the beginning, when Jia Min's troops went to Bukui, they thought it was the beginning of bad luck.He even secretly rejoiced that he didn't take this job.

Later, it was reported that Jia Min was fighting with the four major tribes, and it was even believed that Jia Min was committing suicide.

When the news of Jia Min's impeachment came out, this view was considered finally confirmed.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the plot turned sharply.At first they didn't believe it was true, so they tried to prove it repeatedly.

When the news of Jia Min and other members of the Fubingtuan being promoted came out, people reluctantly believed that all this was true.

Afterwards, people regretted it, because they were unlucky at the beginning, and they gave Jia Min such a good opportunity.If he had gone by himself, he would have done better than Jia Min.

Even a person who can only walk and make quilts can achieve such a record. If he goes by himself, wouldn't it be even more brilliant?

The victory of the South Wendura Grassland, whether it is in the court or in the folk, has a huge impact.

This is a turning point in people's psychology.In addition to letting out a sigh of relief, a kind of optimism gradually spread in the ruling and opposition parties.

People discovered that the myth of the so-called prairie cavalry was just to frighten themselves.As long as the imperial court sends out an army, it is actually easy to defeat them.

Encouraged by the withdrawal of the 70-year tribute, Hubu's mood became optimistic.

Although those from South Wendura have been collected, those from North Wendura have not yet been collected, and there are more tributes there. Together, there are more than 100 million taels of silver.Wouldn't it be better if we started a war against North Wendu and took back the tribute there?

Similar sentiments permeated the bureaucracy.

The territory of the North Wendura Grassland is larger than that of the South Wendura.Three prefectures and [-] counties can be established in South Wendura, wouldn't there be more in North Wendura?

The more prefectures and counties are established, the more officials are needed.Those officials waiting to be replaced have a place to go, and the court can sell more officials and receive more money.

Such optimism.Naturally, it also spread to the Ministry of War.

The real reason why Jia Min was sent to Bukui was automatically ignored by people.It is more said that this is a strategic arrangement of the Ministry of War.When Jia Min was sent to Bukui, it was with the mission of recovering the South Wendula Grassland.

At the time when no one was optimistic about Jia Min and his army, it was they who resisted all opinions and had a unique insight and insisted on using Jia Min, which is why they achieved today's brilliant victory.

Some people have already begun to formulate a battle plan to recover the North Wendura Grassland, and it is said that it will be submitted to the military ministers for discussion in the near future.

After hearing the news, many people who were eager to make contributions were moved upon hearing the news and asked for a fight one after another.Even many government corps have begun to connect together, preparing to integrate their teams and participate in the battle of North Wendura Grassland.

The imperial court's preparation to launch the Battle of the North Wendura Grassland was not groundless.At least three ministers have proposed war during the court meeting.It is said that there are several papers proposing war.

Amid this general optimism, there are also discordant voices.

It is said that this voice mainly came from Jiang Shilang, the imperial envoy who inspected Bu Kui before.Jiang Shilang's point of view came from Bu Kui's guerrilla Jia Min.

It is said that Jia Min firmly opposes the war against North Wendura, because the Tatars in North Wendura are powerful, and there is no hope of winning the war now.

If he really wanted to go to war, he would have to wait until a year later, when he was ready.

As Jia Min, who defeated [-] prairie cavalry with [-] government soldiers, it is really incredible for people to put forward this point of view.

However, after careful analysis, people seem to understand Jia Min's intention.It should be that Jia Min is afraid that others will take his credit, so he left North Wendura to himself, so that he can monopolize this huge credit in the future.

He was born in Wutanhua, and in less than a year, he was promoted to two levels.At only 16 years old, he has become a guerrilla of the third grade, so he is naturally unwilling to share his fat with others.

Therefore, because of the victory in the South Wendula Grassland, the good impression of Jia Min has dimmed in the hearts of many people.

Naturally, some voices believed that Jia Min should be transferred from Bukui, and someone else should go to Bukui to take charge of the overall situation, and then start the war against the North Wendula grassland.

Jia Min won the South Wendula Grassland War, but the Dade Empire has many troops, and Jia Min is not the only one who can fight. Without him, wouldn't there be wars?

Jia Min's great victory in Bukui not only brought great glory to the Jia family, but also had a great impact.

This is what changed the mentality of Baoyu, Jia Rong, Xue Pan and Jia Huan.

Previously, they were very repulsive about going to Bukui, thinking that once they got there, they would not be able to return.Now, they don't think so.

Of course, Jia Min's victory was only one reason.The more important reason was that they saw Bu Kui's opportunity.

Bukui is a good place for promotion.

It was because of the fact that in Bukui, the fourth son of Min was promoted to two levels in less than a year.Now it is a guerrilla of the third grade.

Jia Lian became a garrison, and Jia Qiang, Jia Yun, Qin Zhong and others were just their followers, who ate and drank with them all day long, and now they have become the garrison of the fifth rank.

When these people get there, they can easily get promoted. I don't know how many times stronger than those people. When I arrive in Bukui, I can earn some military merits. In addition, there is Jia Yuanchun in the palace and my uncle Wang Ziteng outside. Wouldn't he be promoted? Easy?

Originally, they didn't want to go to Bukui because the mountains were high and the water was far away, and the weather was freezing. Now that Jia Lian came back and told them the real situation in Bukui, they realized that it wasn't that scary there.

Even Baochai, Heping'er and Qingwen can stay there, so can't I?It's getting cold, but just put on more clothes and go outside less, it's not insurmountable.

What's more, staying at home and avoiding the hat of military service is always on his own head.It's actually not a good feeling to be worried every day, it's better to go to Bukui happily, earn some military merits and come back, and get a half-time official in the future.

Anyway, sooner or later I will go to Bukui, so why not go earlier.

At this time, Baoyu, Jia Rong, Xue Pan, and Jia Huan were discussing this matter in Ziwei Sheren cafeteria.

Tonight, Jia Rong is the host and wants to invite Jia Lian to have a drink.

In fact, this restaurant was opened by Jia Lian and Xue Pan in partnership, and if Jia Lian was invited to a banquet here, it could be regarded as having a drink at his own home.

Sitting next to them were three young women dressed in different races.

Under normal circumstances, women would not eat in restaurants outside.Even if there are, they must be accompanied by men at home and avoid men outside.

However, if it is a woman of a different race, it is different.People's customs and habits are different from our own, so we can't use the etiquette of Han to ask others.

These women of different races are very beautiful, especially the one in the lead, who is dressed gorgeously, has bright eyes and white teeth, and in every move, she inadvertently shows infinite charm.

Even Baoyu and other people who are used to seeing beautiful women can't help but feel a little bit moved.From time to time, it is necessary to secretly take a look.

The woman also seemed to be very generous. When she saw her, she was not very shy, and she just gave her a wink, which made people feel itchy.

When Baoyu looked at her again, the woman stood up, walked to Baoyu's table, and smiled brightly.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Xie Baochai, and I am known as Wintersweet Flower. Recently, the emperor gave me a title called 'The Flower of Wendura'."

(End of this chapter)

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