The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 306 Hit You Tonight

Chapter 306 Hit You Tonight
At the Erdaojiang Ferry, it is now the turn of Commander Doma to perform guard duties here.

Doma's greatest wish in this life is to become a centurion.At that time, not only will he be able to command a hundred people, but he will also be able to obtain more pastures.

If he went out to fight and robbed things, he could also get more slaves, livestock and other spoils of war.

In fact, Doma was also unwilling to fight in the past. Many people he knew, including his two brothers, died in the war.

Although they got some things, they never had the chance to enjoy those spoils again.

However, whether to fight or not is not decided by himself, but by the leader.

Although he hates the chiefs very much now, because the chiefs received the tribute money but did not hand it over to the imperial court, so now the imperial court came to ask for money, and came to harass the grassland every day, and the grassland they made was not at all safe.

Due to Bu Kui's spice embargo, his skin has rotted a lot this year.Later, I spent a lot of money to buy some smuggled goods, so I was able to get used to it.Nevertheless, much mutton had to be thrown away for want of salt and spices.

It is also because there are not enough spices, and he did not catch minks and marmots this year.

Because the shaman disappeared, the flock of sheep fell ill in summer, and more than 20 sheep died without timely treatment.

A refugee who was taken in before also disappeared for no reason.Some people said that he ran away, and some people said that he was arrested by Bu Kui's officers and soldiers.

What happened, Doma didn't know.Anyway, that slave is gone.

Duoma is not the only one who is unlucky. Many families on the grassland are in a similar situation to him this year.All suffered heavy losses.

After all, he is still a ten-man leader, and he still had a little family background before. Those ordinary people are not as good as them.

Therefore, today's minions are simply full of complaints.It seems that only the headman and her cronies, not only did not suffer losses, but also made a fortune from smuggling.

Sitting at the door of the yurt, Doma was just thinking wildly.

Occasionally, a gust of autumn wind blows, bringing a little bit of coolness.However, more often, the autumn sun shines on the body, giving people a warm feeling.

It's already Mid-Autumn Festival, and now it's time to start cutting grass.Thinking that she will be able to go home in a few days, Doma has some expectations.

After returning home, he has to hurry up and prepare the grass for this winter.If you don't prepare, it will snow in a few days, and the grassland will be covered by heavy snow. This winter's sheep will starve to death.

Now, Doma very much hopes that Bu Kui and the tribe will have a quick fight.After the fight is over and the winner is decided, I can live my life with peace of mind.

As for who wins and who loses, Doma actually doesn't care much.

When Bu Kui won, he also asked for money from the followers. They also said that they would not ask for money from ordinary followers.Not only did he have nothing to lose, but he also saved himself from going to war again.

If the tribe wins, he won't get anything. Even if it's good, the leaders have to go. When it's his turn, there's nothing left.

In case of bad luck, you might lose your life.

There was another shout in the river, a small boat was in the middle of the river.Putting it on, a person bent a bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow.

Doma wasn't in a hurry, he didn't even stand up.

He knew that those were Bu Kui's officers and soldiers, and he also knew that they were not here to attack.But to deliver a letter.

Sure enough, after shooting an arrow, the boat slowly rowed back.

Doma was too lazy to get up, and shouted into the yurt. A tribal warrior came out, picked up the arrow that fell on the ground, untied a piece of paper tied to it, put it in his bosom, and rode on a horse to deliver a letter to the headmen.

This kind of letter started on August [-]th, one a day, and Doma was used to it.

The first letter was sent back to Lamei Huatou when he went back.Doma didn't know Chinese characters, so he didn't know what was written in the letter.However, he heard from others that the letter said: I will beat you tonight.

In other words, Bu Kui is coming to attack the grassland tonight.That night, Lameihua summoned [-] tribal warriors to stand ready for battle. However, until dawn, no one of Bu Kui's soldiers came.

The same is true for the three days of fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth.A letter every day, and in the end I didn't see a single soldier coming from them.

Later Doma figured it out.

Bu Kui was still the same as before, also came to harass.In the past, small groups of troops were sent, but now even small groups of troops are not coming.

Still going to the grassland to fight?Do they dare?What to fight with?
With his less than 2000 troops, how dare he come to the grassland?There are [-] tribal warriors here.

If it weren't for the fear of the imperial court increasing its troops, they would have killed Bu Kui long ago and killed him to death.

Not only did Doma not believe that Bu Kui would come to attack, but neither did McCain.

Previously, Lameihua had sent him several letters, saying that Bu Kui was coming to attack, but when he was ready, no one was there.

For three consecutive days, they were so tormented that they dared not sleep at night and could not work during the day, and the tribal fighters were full of resentment.Later, McKayman no longer believed that Bu Kui would come to attack these nonsense.

Lameihua didn't send him a letter saying these things anymore, but the big shaman said these things to him now.

The great shaman Molu Dawa has been missing for several months. McKayman has been looking for him everywhere, but he has not been found.Later, someone went to Bukui to buy salt, and said that he had seen Morudawa in Bukui and was wandering in the street.

However, this is clearly a lie.Since Molu Dawa can hang out, why didn't he come back?

Now Molu Dawa came back, but he came to persuade McKaymen to surrender to Bu Kui.

As the great shaman of the Mailai tribe, Molu Dawa enjoys high prestige among the tribe, so Maikaimen also respects him very much.

However, it is impossible to turn respect into respect and make him surrender.

"Molu Dawa, you mean, Bu Kui will come to beat us tonight?"


"How did you know?"

"They told me."

"They've been told several times, but they never came."

"This time it's true, and God told me."

"Okay, even if they come, will there be fewer people?"

"They said, come two battalions."

"How many people are in the two battalions?"

"800 people."

"How many warriors are there in our tribe?"

"4000 people."

"We have 4000 people, and they have 800 people. You want me to surrender to them?"



"Can't beat them."

"Molu Dawa, don't you think your words are ridiculous?"

"It's not funny at all. I'm telling the truth."

"After staying in Bukui for so long, you came to this conclusion?"


"You said they released you later, you can move around freely, why didn't you come back?"

"I want to see who that Jia Min is."

"Did you see it?"

"I see."

"Who is he?"

"He is someone we can't beat. He is also someone we can rely on."

"Why do you say that?"

"Based on the two things he did."

"The first thing?"

"His reforms."

"I've heard of those things. Let's talk about the second one."

"His government corps."

"How many people are there in his army regiment?"

"Less than 2000 people."

"He came with 800 people, and he wanted to beat us 4000 people. We still can't beat him?"


"They have been here before, but they lost every time."

"That's what they did on purpose."

"How did you know?"

"Jia Min told me."

"When did I tell you?"


"Where did I tell you?"

"His training ground, he invited me to watch his training."

"After watching the training, do you think our 800 warriors can't beat his [-]?"

"Yes, I can't beat it."


"Their firearms are too powerful."

"We have firearms, too."

"It's incomparable to other people's."

"Do you think I will surrender to them?"

"No, so, you will harm the tribe."

"Do you know what surrender means?"

"I know, it's just taking out some money. But, it can save your life. If the money is gone, you can make more money. If you lose your life, you will lose everything."

"It's all my money, not yours. Naturally, you don't feel bad about it."

"It's not your money, it's the court's money, the people's money. You just keep it for a while. I told Jia Min, and he agreed. As long as you surrender and hand over the tribute, you can Get the title of the imperial court and continue to be the leader. Otherwise...."

"How about it?"

"Otherwise, when they defeat you, the end will be miserable."

"What kind of tragedy?"

"The worst outcome is that you die and the money is handed over."

"What about the good result?"

"You don't die, hand over the money, and then leave the Wendula grassland."

"I am the master here, and I am leaving, what will the tribe do?"

"You are not the master of this place. If you are short of a headman, the tribe can do whatever you want. The imperial court will take over here."

"Do you think the court will do better than me?"


"Then you still ask me to surrender?"

"The situation forced me to do this. You can't ask your followers to accompany you to die for your money."

"They want it."

"They don't want to, it's just your own idea."

"Morudawa, you have changed. I can no longer recognize you. We have been good brothers since we were young. It has been decades. I didn't expect you to become like this."

"McKayman, I haven't changed, but you. Power has lost your mind, and money has blinded your once sharp eyes. The magnanimous and selfless prairie eagle in the past is gone, and now only McKay, a miser The door is open."

"Morudawa, you can't convince me, I will not surrender, I will win, I am not fighting alone, the other three tribes are also standing with me."

"They won't win either. If they are as obsessed as you are, they will end up the same way as you. So, McCaman, surrender. For the Horde, and for yourself."

"Here I have the final say, I am the leader."

"You're just a dummy."

"Molu Dawa, for the sake of past affection, I won't kill you, you can go."

"I can't go."


Morodawa didn't answer.However, a voice sounded outside the yurt.

"Because we're here."

In came two men dressed in black, strangers.

McKayman reached for the knife, but the blunderbuss in the man's hand rang.McKayman withdrew his hand in shock.

Someone put the blunderbuss on McKayman's head.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Wei Ruoshui, the captain of the owl unit of the Bukui Mansion Corps."

(End of this chapter)

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