The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 194 Cheating Allegation

Chapter 194 Cheating Allegation ([-])

Xiutong took a look, it was a poem, and the name of the poem was "Long Lovesickness".

After clearing his throat, Xiu Tonggui began to read.

"One mountain, two mountains, the mountains are far away, the sky is high, the smoke is cold, and the water is cold, and Acacia Maple Leaf Dan."

He stopped for a while, looked at Jia Min, and continued to read the next column.

"The chrysanthemums are blooming, but the chrysanthemums are dying. The wild goose flies high and the man has not yet returned, and the wind and the moon are idle."

The mountains in the distance, the maple leaves nearby, the chrysanthemums in the ground, and the flying geese in the sky.There are far and near, mountains and trees, heaven and earth, stillness and movement.The artistic conception of the poem is perfectly integrated with the scene in front of you.There is also a kind of bleak air in autumn and winter, which is quite consistent with Jia Min's current state of mind.

Either way, it's an excellent piece of work.

With this poem, who dares to say that Jia Min has never read a book?Who dares to say that he has no talent?People who can write such poems can't even answer some simple martial arts scriptures?Do people with such talent still use it to cheat?

Like the current sports and art special examinations, the culture test in Wuju is very simple compared to Wenju.

It is precisely because of this that martial arts are looked down upon by many literati.Enlarged to the whole society, there is also this ethos of emphasizing civility over martial arts.

As long as someone with a little brains saw Jia Min's "Long Lovesickness", he would come to the conclusion that with Jia Min's cultural level, it is absolutely possible to get an excellent result in the martial arts exam.

From this point of view, there is no need for him to take the risk of cheating.

The martial arts part of the exam, the entire exam process was held in full view of the public.A few arrows hit the target, whether the bow was drawn or not, and whether the stone was lifted or not was obvious to all. The judging criteria were very intuitive and clear, and the results came out on the spot.Even if you want to cheat, it is very difficult.

But is there another situation?In this case, the poems are very good, but the scriptures are not?

The examiners naturally thought of this, so another round of assessment was conducted.

"Jia Min, until now, we will not hide it from you. We have received a report that you cheated in the exam. To be cautious, to give the whistleblower an explanation, and to clarify yourself, so we now You will also be tested."

"My lord, I can say responsibly that I have not cheated in any way. However, in order to convince people, I am willing to accept the assessment, so please ask your lord to come up with a question."

"Okay, at such a young age, with such a broad-mindedness and magnanimity, the achievements in the future will be limitless. Now, the three of us will take turns to write the questions. The questions are also very simple, and we will not deliberately make things difficult for you. They are all "The Analects", "The Analects" Mencius and Seven Classics of Martial Arts, we give you a topic, and you recite it to us."

After Chen Hanlin finished speaking, he looked at Jia Min earnestly.

This kind of random questioning by three people can indeed test Jia Min's familiarity with these scriptures.

If Jia Min could memorize the questions they randomly asked, the false accusation that he didn't understand the scriptures would be self-defeating.

Chen Hanlin came up with the question first, which was to recite "The Analects of Confucius? Tabor".

Jia Min recited it without thinking.

"Zeng Zi said: 'Scholars can't be resolute, the responsibilities are heavy and the road is long. Ren takes it as his own responsibility, isn't it too heavy? Isn't it too far away after death?'".

The second question was written by Chen Hanlin, reciting "The Analects of Confucius? Wei Linggong".

"Zigong asked: 'Is there anyone who has a word that can be practiced all his life?' Zi said: 'Is it pardon! Do not do to others what you do not want yourself to do to others'".

The two topics that Xiu Tonggui proposed are both from Mencius.They are "Liang Huiwang Zhangju II" and "Gaozi Zhangju I".

Finally, there are two topics given by the man from the Ministry of War, namely "Nine Places" and "Yongjian Chapter" in "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

These classics are all very familiar to Jia Min, and he has memorized them fluently for a long time, and he memorized them fluently as soon as the topic came up.Not only very fluent, but also very accurate sentence reading.As soon as I heard it, I knew that Jia Min was very familiar with the scriptures.

In this round of assessment, Jia Min's performance was perfect and impeccable.

"Jia Min, there is one last thing. This matter may make you feel wronged, but in order to thoroughly clarify the truth, I still hope that you will do what you can."

"My lord, it's okay to say, as long as I can do it, I can do it."

"This round is to take off all your clothes and have them inspected carefully by the soldiers in front of us. What do you think?"

That's insulting.

At this moment, the anger in Jia Min's heart was aroused.He decided that after this incident, the false accusers must pay a heavy price.

"Okay, just listen to the adults' arrangements!"

As Jia Min spoke, he began to take off his clothes, and quickly stripped himself naked.

The two soldiers checked carefully, even pinching the seams bit by bit, but in the end they still found nothing.

Jia Min put on his clothes.

"Three adults, do you want me to do anything?"

Jia Min's voice became cold.

"Jia Min, no need, you can go back."

"In that case, I have something to say."

"Go ahead."

"Since my lord said someone reported me for cheating, I'll ask my lord to find out who framed me and for what purpose?"

"Our Jia family is also from a clean family. We have suffered such a great humiliation for no reason. Should we give us an explanation? Please ask a few adults to look into it. If you can't give me an account of the Jia family, then we will seek justice ourselves. .That's all for now, goodbye!"

Without hesitation, Jia Min turned around and left.

After leaving the examination room, I saw Ping'er, Qingwen, Jiao Li and Wei Ruolan waiting anxiously.

Jia Min sorted out her emotions, tried to calm herself down, smiled, and lightly patted Ping'er and Qingwen on the shoulders.

"It's okay, let's go home."

I thought I would meet Niu Jizong, Ma Shangde and others, but I looked around, but I didn't see them.

"Have you seen Niu Jizong and Marchangde?"

Jia Min asked Wei Ruolan
"They stayed here for a while and left first. How?"

"It's okay, let's go home."

At this time, in the room just now, Chen Hanlin and several other examiners were interrogating the invigilating soldiers.

"When Jia Min entered the venue, did he check carefully?"

"Received the order of the adults, and carefully checked him, and he did not carry any prohibited items."

"What about the answer?"

"Since he entered the field, we have focused on him, and there is no violation. If there is, he will be caught on the spot."

"Okay, you guys go down and ask people from Wanping County to come in."

The soldiers retreated, and two yamen servants from Wanping County came in.Presented Jia Min's examination paper for culture class in Wanping County Children's Examination.

This is because the examiners specially transferred Jia Min's test paper from Wanping County after receiving the report.

The three examiners got together and began to review Jia Min's examination papers.Afterwards, they transferred the test papers for today's exam and began to review them.

There are not many questions on the two test papers, and the number of words is not many, but the three of them read it for a long time.

After about half an hour, it was finally over.

"You two, what's your opinion?"

"The font, handwriting, writing format, and even the style of writing are all completely consistent, and it is indeed done by one person."

Although Xiu Tonggui's voice was flat, it couldn't hide a sense of depression.

"Master Cheng, what do you mean?"

Chen Hanlin looked at the man from the military department.

"No problem, it seems that there is no cheating."

Adult Cheng's words seemed a little helpless.

"I also agree with the two of you. Jia Min's suspicion of cheating can be ruled out. The results are valid."

It was concluded that several people did not have an easy time.

The words that Jia Min dropped before leaving made them worry.

Since Jia Min did not cheat, then reporting Jia Min for cheating has ulterior motives.

This report is very strange.

The children's examination in Wanping County was over, and there was no report.The township examination in Shuntian Prefecture hadn't started yet, so the report came.It is said that Jia Min cheated in the provincial examination.The basis is that Jia Min was illiterate when he was in his hometown in the countryside.

Is there such an illiterate?The scriptures are memorized thoroughly, and the poems have achieved this state.Not to mention being illiterate, who is a master of poetry in the world, who can write a poem like "Long Lovesickness"?
Judging from Jia Min's rural test paper, not only did he answer all the silent writing questions, but he also read the sentences accurately, the format was standardized, and there was not a single typo.

For the policy question, all the main points have been answered, and it is certain to be given a full score. No matter who checks the paper, there will be no objection.

The two theses are also clear and correct in point of view, rigorous in discussion, meaningful in words, and sufficient in evidence.

Coupled with the results of martial arts, it is already a certainty that Jia Min will pass the provincial examination and even rank among the best.

But these are trivial matters.The problem is that Jia Min wants justice in the name of the Jia family.

Although the Jia Mansion is not as good as it used to be, it is still a colossal existence, and it even has a tendency to revive recently.There is Jia Yuanchun in the palace, and Wang Ziteng outside.Jia Min himself is also a business genius and poetry genius, and he was also a brilliant figure before.

If they pursue this matter, it is indeed a headache.

"Lord Xiu, I will trouble you with this matter. If it is resolved in Shuntian Mansion, the matter may be easier to handle. If it is brought to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the trouble will be even more."

Xiu Tonggui was really worried.

According to the jurisdiction, this matter is indeed under the jurisdiction of his Shuntian Prefecture.He still knew about Jia Min.Who is falsely accusing Jia Min of cheating? He also has a general direction in his mind.

It was precisely because of this that he felt that this matter was difficult.

This is no longer a matter for young people, but involves a contest between two family forces.

Although Shuntian Fu Yin has a lot of power, he can't offend just anyone.If you are not careful, you will be thankless.

The one who worries more than the expensive fellowship is Master Cheng.To be precise, it was Cheng Shilang.

He is the Minister of War.He has a colleague who is also the Minister of the Ministry of War. This colleague asked him to do something this time.He did it.

In addition to being a colleague, this colleague has another relationship with him. They are also in-laws.The in-laws are Niu Shilang.

Niu Shilang has a nephew named Niu Jizong.

(End of this chapter)

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