The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 127 Popcorn Project

Chapter 127 Popcorn Project

This kind of slavery relationship characterized by personal attachment is a contractual relationship recognized by the law of the Dade Dynasty, and it is also a mainstream value recognized by society.

If Jia Min directly challenged this system, not only would it be impossible to succeed, but he would also be putting himself at a huge risk.

However, given the current situation of the Jia Mansion, if reforms are not carried out, defeat is doomed, and it is only a matter of time.

Therefore, Jia Min had no choice but to adopt this roundabout strategy, starting from a business point of view, and turning a political issue that was actually relatively sensitive into an economic issue to operate.Thereby breaking a gap in the system.

Jia Min never underestimated the determination of the masters to maintain this kind of slavery.

The Jia family, like other big families, of course also pay attention to family affection.However, it is definitely not just about family affection.

When family affection and interests conflict, family affection often gives way to interests.

In the original book of the Red Chamber, Jia Mu abandoned Daiyu and let Baoyu marry Baochai, which is the logic of this behavior.

When Jia Min came to Rongguo Mansion, he was poisoned on the road, which is also the logic of this behavior.

If you want the masters to accept the reform and improve the situation of the subordinates, you must make them accept it.The two sides reached a compromise.When they see the benefits of this reform and the benefits they get from it are greater than before, they will accept and even welcome this reform.

This is Jia Min's strategic intention.

Of course, this strategic intention, he can't say it clearly yet.This involves the issue of time difference and concept change.

This kind of difference in concept is not only true on such lofty issues, but also on some small things in life.

At this time, the conversation between Ping'er and Qingwen in the Farming School is a concrete manifestation of this difference in concept.

As soon as Jia Min arrived at the gate of the Farming and Reading Institute, she heard Qingwen's shrill voice.On a whim, Jia Min stopped quietly, wanting to hear what she had to say.I'm still thinking about it in my heart, isn't she talking about me?
What do you really want? Qingwen and Hepinger are really talking about Jia Min behind his back.

"As for your fourth master, he has no rules at all, and he doesn't even pay attention to his ancestors. He said a lot of inappropriate things that day in Rongxi hall, and even our second master Bao scared him. My heart was trembling. If it wasn't for him, how could Second Master Bao have been sick for so many days? I think he is out of tune."

"Keep your voice down, don't let others hear you."

This is Ping'er's voice.

"So what if I hear it, even in front of him, I dare to say it."

Alas, this Qingwen not only has a problem with her EQ, but also her IQ.

Keep saying that it's your fourth master, Ping'er has redeemed herself now, and I'm not her master anymore.But you, now my slave, I am your master.Why can't you even calculate this account?
Now I am still thinking about Baoyu. They gave you to me. Did Baoyu stop me?Have you ever come to see you?It's this time, and I'm still putting my hot face on my cold butt.You've been with Baoyu for so long, and you haven't even figured out who he is?
Besides, I have reconciled with those masters now, but you still treat me as an enemy, it seems that you are more master than master.You have been poisoned by this feudal ethics too deeply.

You still dare to say it in front of me. Once I go in, I will see how brave you are and dare to say it to my face.

"You don't know our fourth master. In fact, our fourth master is a very good person. There is no airs, and he is also very good to us. He is kind and has no temper at all. We But everyone likes this kind of grandfather."

Qingwen, listen, listen to what Ping'er said, how pertinent is your evaluation of me.

They have all redeemed themselves, and they keep saying that it is our master.After all, Ping'er is still close to me.

"I don't believe that he is as good as you said. As a master, how can you not let your servants accept, and he never bullies you?"

It was Qingwen's angry youth voice again.

"If you want to talk about this, it's true. If he gets angry with you, he can really drive you to death."

Ping'er, you have no conscience when you talk like that. When did I get angry with you, but you are the one who threw face at me.

"Don't talk about anything else, just talk about eating at the bar that time. Fourth Master ate too much, so he started talking nonsense."

"Oh? What is he talking about?"

"He said, there are boats made of latte. You say, what is this nonsense? My family is also in the south, and I have been on a boat. In this world, there are only boats made of wood. Where can there be iron boats? Even if we don’t have his ability to write poems, he shouldn’t underestimate us, the iron is so heavy, once thrown into the water, it will sink to the bottom, can it still float on the water?”

Ping'er was obviously a little angry when he said that, and his voice became higher.

For a moment, Jia Min actually felt that what she said made sense.

However, my aircraft carrier, destroyer, frigate and so on are really made of iron, so why didn't they sink?

Oh, it turns out that the law of buoyancy is at work.However, how to explain it to Ping'er?Is the buoyancy of water equal to the weight of an object displacing the same volume of water?
No, this law of buoyancy was discovered by Archimedes thousands of years ago, so how come the world doesn’t know about it until now?It seems that cultural exchange between China and the West is really necessary.

"That's not counting. The fourth master also said that with that iron sheet, you can make a big iron bird, which can fly in the sky, accommodate hundreds of people in it, and run three or four thousand miles in an hour. It takes less than an hour to arrive here from Jinling. If that's the case, wouldn't it be the God of Heaven?"

"Iron is so heavy, how can it float in the sky? If you throw it up, it will fall down. Even if there are people on it, you can't fall to your death? Besides, how can you throw an iron bird into the sky?"

"How dare he say such nonsensical words? Fortunately, I didn't hear it. If I had heard it, he would have been so angry to death."

Ping'er, I'm really wronged, I really didn't lie to you.Can't fly?aerodynamics…….Forget it, I don't understand aerodynamics, so how can I explain it to her?
"He also said..."

and also?How much fake wine did I drink and what did I tell her?
"He also said that some people can go to the moon in a boat. Can anyone go to the moon? From ancient times to the present, Chang'e has been there."

"No, there is Wu Gang on it. But, they are all gods, and they all passed from the sky. This person is absolutely impossible to get on. Besides, the boats are all walking in the water, so what? You can walk in the sky, so it can be seen that your fourth master is talking nonsense."

Qingwen made a supplement, and her thinking was meticulous and her logic was clear.

"There are even more inconsequential words, I can't even say them."

Ping'er, you never finished, what did I say?

"The fourth master even said that there are still men and women marrying men and women marrying women in this world. Even the male emperor did this, and even the empress did it. Not to mention, I have heard of such a thing. But I have to tell the world so that the whole world knows, and I have to invite monks and Taoists to testify, even the law agrees. It can be seen that they don't even want a face."

"Such things do happen. Second Master Bao and Qin Zhong are like this. However, they were also sneaky, and they are not as shameless as your fourth master."

Qingwen, you bastard, why am I shameless?I'm just talking about it, and I haven't done it?
Ping'er, you fool, why are you talking about everything?
Forget it, this time it's a lesson, don't tell them about these things in the future.They didn't believe me when I told them, but it seemed to me that I was mentally ill.

"If you want to say shameless, it's out of the question. Our fourth master is still a gentleman."

Well, after all, Ping'er understood me, and finally told the truth.

"The reason why he is talking nonsense is because he is hysterical. These days, I have been thinking about finding a doctor for him."

Ping'er, you stupid hoof, why am I mentally ill?You are mentally ill.I still need to find a doctor for me, I... oh, forget it, because you still care about me, I won't bother with you.

"These words are just for the two of us to talk about. You don't want to talk about it outside. If my fourth master hears it, I'm afraid he will scold me."

Still scolding you?Spanking your ass is considered light.As far as Qingwen's mouth is concerned, can you not pass it on?However, it doesn't matter, if it is really going to spread out, I will give it a dead end.

Forget it, I have to go in, let them talk like this, maybe they will say something else.I have to scare them well, lest they always talk about me like this together in the future.

Jia Min suddenly pushed the door open and entered the courtyard, startling Ping'er and Qingwen.

"You two said bad things about me just now, but I heard them all."

After Jia Min finished speaking, he ignored the two of them, went into the room and changed his clothes.When he came out, there were no shadows of the two of them, and he didn't know where they had gone.

Back in the East Flower Hall, Liu Cheng was already waiting there with an excited look on his face.Seeing Jia Min, he hastily greeted him.Seeing that there was no one around, he spoke.

"Fourth Master, that matter is over."

"Oh? It's really done, have you got the sample?"

"Here it is, take a look, is it what you said?"

"Go, go into the house and talk."

Liu Cheng followed Jia Min into the East Flower Hall, took out a package from his arms, put it on the table, looked out the window again, and then carefully opened the small package.

It turned out to be popcorn.

As early as two months ago, Jia Min drew a picture for Liu Cheng and explained the principle of the popcorn machine.After many experiments, Liu Cheng finally made the popcorn machine.

The popcorn that popped now fully meets the requirements.

The lock plan is for women like maids and women, and the popcorn machine is for men.

The lock plan and the popcorn plan are two wheels, and Jia Min wants to put them on the car of Jia's house, so that Jia's house can move in the direction he planned.

(End of this chapter)

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