The Red Mansions Across the Four Seas

Chapter 120 Eight Immortals Refreshing Soup

Chapter 120 Eight Immortals Refreshing Soup

As soon as Jia Lian and Jia Rong left, Jia Min prepared to leave too.The reason why I was here just now is to prevent the announcement from being removed as soon as it is posted.Although there are still many people in the government who have not come to see it, after this period of time, many people have already known about it, and the rest is to spread the word.

What's more, Wang Xifeng and Jia Rong had already come, and finally left in disappointment.The purpose has been achieved.

"Okay, butler, take it off, let's go back."

Lai was eager for this early in the morning, and as soon as he heard what Jia Min said, he immediately went up and uncovered the announcement.

"Go and do it yourself, don't follow me, just come to me if you need anything."

"Yes, fourth master, go slowly."

When Lai Da heard that he was told to leave, he slipped away immediately as if he had heard an imperial decree.

He didn't want to be with this fourth master anymore.It's too easy to offend people.After a long time, maybe one day when you walk at night, someone will beat you with a sap.

When Jia Min arrived at the East Flower Hall, Feng Ziying, Chen Yejun and Wei Ruolan were already waiting here.Perhaps it was because they heard that Jia Min was not leaving, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement.

"Yo, came so fast?"

"One letter from Ning'er, and we're here. Brother Min really won't leave?"

"Yes, I'm not leaving."

"That's good, that's good."

Several people completely relaxed.

"What happened to Niu Jizong and the others these two days?"

"I saw them when I came here just now. They seemed very happy, but Liu Fang looked smug and said that she was waiting for your mansion to receive them."

Feng Ziying has always been relatively calm, and she speaks in a leisurely manner.

"That kid Liu Fang has always been dishonest in his work. When I passed by the station just now, I saw them supervising the work. I thought he wanted to take this opportunity to blackmail you."

Chen Yejun said indignantly.

"Overseer? What are they doing?"

"Isn't it just taking advantage of the fire to rob? Knowing that you are about to take over, you are rushing to build a house on the boundary of their station. When the handover is over, you can ask for a lot of money and extort some money."

Wei Ruolan was also aggrieved by this.

"Oh, he still has this plan? How does he know that I will definitely buy him?"

"The location of the station is the most suitable one. Whoever does it will choose there. At the beginning, it was the boundary you chose."

"He has a good abacus. Forget it, don't worry about them, he can build whatever he wants. How many carriages do they still have in operation?"

"There are only three lines left, and one car on each line can't run twice a day."

"Okay, I got it. Now you go to arrange the long-distance carriage, and proceed according to our original plan. It will officially open on August [-]."

"Brother Min, you mean, tell us to arrange a long-distance carriage, not a bus carriage, right?"

Feng Ziying originally thought that Jia Min called them here today because of the bus carriage.

Because now he has taken over the business of Jia's mansion, he must handle it according to the imperial decree, and now there are only eleven days left. When receiving it, he hit Jia Min hard.

At this time, Jia Min should have devoted all his energy to bargaining with Niu Jizong and the others, or to stop Niu Jizong and the others at this time and tell them to stop building new houses. Unexpectedly, Jia Min ignored this and asked them to push forward instead. The business of long-distance transportation.

What about the bus and carriage?At that time, if the operation cannot be resumed, how can I report to the emperor?
Although my heart is full of doubts, Jia Min has already said so, so what can they do?
Those who were full of doubts were not only Feng Ziying and the others, but also Jia She and Jia Lian.

"In the past two days, he really didn't do anything??"

Although Jia Amnesty believed that his son would not deceive him, he still didn't believe it when he heard Jia Lian say that Jia Min didn't do anything about the bus and carriage.

"Yes, I didn't do anything. If I want to talk about it, I just posted the punishment notice. The boy wonders if he has a way to deal with the bus and carriage. Maybe it's nothing to him The only way is to use this reason to take the opportunity to come back and take revenge on the people in the mansion. On that day, the emperor pursued it. Anyway, he has no family and no business, so he ran away, leaving us who have families and businesses. Here's a hole for him."

"He wants to run away? How can there be such a cheap thing? Since he agreed to this job, even if the emperor beheads, he will also be beheaded. If he wants to take power in this mansion, hmph, he is still young."

"Just now Xing'er came back and said that Niu Jizong was building a house with great fanfare, and he had already said that he didn't have 6 taels of silver, so don't even think about accepting his business. Now that the emperor has picked him out, he is not in a hurry. It’s just a pain for us, where can we get 6 taels?”

"The fourth brother Min is not concerned with business now, but instead made some kind of punishment notice in the mansion. I don't think he has any good intentions."

Jia Lian told Jia Min to be dark again, and the little affection he had just had for Jia Min disappeared.

"Could it be that he has some kind of perfect plan? This man is still tricky. Be careful and don't provoke him recently. I always feel that there seems to be something tricky about it."

Are you still my father?Is it fake?In the past, when I didn't want to fight with Min Lao Si, you always played tricks on me.Why are you shrinking back now? Could it be that you are afraid of him?
"He can do well after leaving the mansion. If he wants to hurt anyone, he doesn't necessarily have to come back to the mansion. If he didn't have a plan in mind, he wouldn't come back to take this muddy water. Let's wait and see what happens. "

Jia Amnesty was somewhat knowledgeable. Jia Min came back not only to punish a few people, he was not that boring.

In the East Flower Hall, Jia Min and Ning'er sat opposite each other.

In the past, Ning'er was a slave and dared not sit in front of Jia Min.Even now, he never expected to sit down in front of Jia Min.It was only at Jia Min's request that he sat down nervously.

Even though he sat down, he still moved his body from time to time, obviously he was not used to it.

"Is everything done?"

"It's done, it's in Xiawazi, three houses, I think it's enough."

"Okay, let Ma Daopo come in, I'll tell him something, and we'll go to Xiawazi to have a look."

Ma Daopo, in the Red Mansion, can be regarded as a well-known figure.Her classic battle example is to partner with Aunt Zhao to curse Baoyu and Wang Xifeng with black witchcraft.

Her biggest characteristic is that she loves money and dares to earn any money.This time, it was Jia Min who asked Ning'er to find him and treat Baoyu.

Early this morning, Jia Qiang went to Yeduju to report the situation in the mansion to Jia Min.The main content of what he said was that Baoyu was pretending to be sick in order to renege on his debts.

Since Jia Qiang was surrendered by Jia Min last time, it was the first time he came to see Jia Min.

The reason why I haven't looked for it before is naturally to observe the direction of the wind.Yesterday I heard that Jia Min was not leaving and was about to return to the government to take power. I was afraid that Jia Min would cause trouble for him, so I decided to go to Jia Min.

After much deliberation, there was nothing worth telling Jia Min, and finally he set his target on Baoyu.

The last time Baoyu tricked others into betting, he also bet 100 taels of silver.The old ancestor said that he would not let others ask Baoyu for money, so he naturally didn't dare to ask for it.So he hated Baoyu in his heart.

Seeing Jia Min gaining power now, and feeling that Jia Min had a grudge against Baoyu, he remembered the idea of ​​using Jia Min's hand to take revenge on Baoyu. Anyway, the money will not come back, so it is better to ask Jia Min to rectify Baoyu, so that he can vent his anger .

Ma Daopo often walked in Jia's mansion. Although she had never seen Jia Min's face, she knew Jia Min's name for a long time.As soon as she heard Ning'er say that Fourth Master Min wanted to give her a way of making money, she immediately followed her.

After entering the house, Jia Min gave her 100 taels of silver bills and a porcelain vase, and after explaining to her, Ma Daopo agreed, happily entered the mansion, and went straight to Jiamu's room.

Ma Daopo's morals are good, and her words are also good.As soon as I saw Jia Mu, I congratulated Jia Mu.

Naturally, Mother Jia didn't know where the joy came from, so Ma Daopo said that her master traveled here yesterday and heard about Baoyu's illness, so he left a bottle of Eight Immortals Xingshen Decoction, which was just used to cure Baoyu. dementia.

Jia's mother was also worried about Baoyu's long illness, and Ma Daopo was an acquaintance who went to the doctor in a hurry, so she wanted to try, so a group of people came to Baoyu's room.

Xiren was watching Baoyu outside, and when he saw someone coming, he hurried back to the house to inform Baoyu.

Baoyu was watching "Hui Zhen Ji" at this time, which was later called "The Peony Pavilion" by Tang Xianzu.In this era, this book is a banned book and has been included in the ranks of Xiao Huangwen.So Baoyu quickly hid the book, lay down on the bed and pretended to be sick.

After Jia's mother asked Xiren about Baoyu's diet and daily life, Ma Daopo also pretended to ask about Baoyu's illness, and then she clapped her hands and said with a smile: "The old ancestor is Hongfu Qitian after all. Baoyu's illness was treated according to the syndrome.

As soon as the ancestor was happy, he asked Xiren and Sheyue to quickly pour out a cup and pour it down for Baoyu.

"Why is it still not good?"

Seeing that Baoyu didn't respond, Jia's mother became anxious.

"The old ancestor is also impatient. This medicine is a good medicine, but it depends on who drinks it. Some drink it and it takes effect on the spot, while others take several hours to take effect. Even if it is a dose of medicine I have to drink it for seven days before the roots go away."

"That's all you have in this bottle. It's been gone for a little while now. I'm afraid you won't be able to drink it for seven days."

"That's okay. My master gave me the prescription too. We are old friends, so I gave this prescription to the mansion. You can match it yourself in the future. If the ancestor is happy, you can reward a few Money. If you don’t give a reward, you are honoring your ancestors.”

"Hey, that's a good thing. You just tell me the prescription, what kind of medicine you use, no matter if it's ginseng antler, I still have it here. If it works, it's not bad for your money. "

"The old ancestors don't know about it. You should know that the treatment of diseases only talks about prescribing the right medicine, not necessarily the expensive ones. I use all ordinary things for this medicine, and you have everything you need in your house, so you don't need to spend money on it." money to buy."

"That's even better. If you dare to ask what they use, I can ask them to prepare more on weekdays."

Jia's mother was worried that Baoyu would fall ill again in the future, so she began to make long-term plans.

(End of this chapter)

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