magic maker

Chapter 956

Chapter 956
Facing the Outer Gods who fought more and more bravely, the army of the Spirit Tribe retreated steadily.And the Outer God not only achieves the effect of supporting war with battle by devouring the power of the bloodline of the spirit race, but also continuously strengthens its combat power.

The Outer Gods seemed to have a clear goal, and never entangled too much with the Spirit Race army, and went straight to kill in the direction of the Longhua Empire.The spirit clan army, which had no way to retreat, finally had to retreat to the territory of the Longhua Empire.

"The goal of the Outer God seems to be... the Light Gate."

After realizing the goal of the Outer God, the Spirit Race no longer dared to be careless.Because what is connected behind the light gate is the spirit world, the birthplace of the spirit race.If the light gate falls and the outer gods enter the spirit world, I am afraid that the spirit world will be devastated.

The Light Gate of the Spirit Clan has always been the place that the Spirit Clan pays the most attention to, and the Spirit Clan has always left special personnel here to guard it.However, it wasn't until the Outer Gods launched a surprise attack on the Light Gate that the Spirit Race truly realized that the protection was not enough.

"What should we do? Many clansmen have died in battle..."

"The light gate must not be lost, otherwise the spirit world will be in danger."

Facing an invincible opponent like the Outer God, even if the Spirit Race paid a huge price, they could only slow down the Outer God, and it was impossible to stop the Outer God.Now everyone in the Spirit Clan is completely in disarray, and if this continues, the Guangmen will soon be unable to defend.

The Outer Gods already had the strength to compete with the Realms, but after gaining the power of the bloodlines of the Spirit Race and the Apostles, the Outer Gods' strength once again took a further step forward.Therefore, it is impossible to stop the Outer God only with the defenders of the Spirit Race near the closed gate.

The Eldar are stalling time almost by sacrificing every moment, but this is only stalling.Seeing that the Outer God is getting closer and closer to the Light Gate, the Spirit Race has completely reached the point of powerlessness.

"Stop it."

Several figures appeared out of thin air without warning, and it was the apostles headed by Bu Fan who came.Almost at the same time Bu Fan gave the order, the apostles immediately dispersed and surrounded them.At the same time, Bu Fan immediately mobilized the will of the world to trap the outer god who was already a short distance away from the light gate.


"Why are they here?"

The appearance of the apostles surprised the Spirit Race. The Spirit Race would never have imagined that it was the apostle who helped them at the most critical moment.Only half of the apostles were present, and Bu Fan, who was the leader, still had a chance.The reason why he chose to act at this time was entirely because of Xu You's suggestion to Bufan.

The Light Gate of the Spiritual Race has always been a key point, and has always been a focus of attention from all parties.Xu You took half of the apostles to hide before, in order to secretly accumulate strength and wait for an opportunity to make a move.

When the war between the Pan-American Alliance and the Eldar was resumed, Xu You was keenly aware that things were not that simple.All the previous performances of the Outer God made Xu You doubt the intention of the Outer God.Especially when Leno appeared on the battlefield at that moment, Xu You realized that the Outer God must have other plans.

One trick to eat all over the sky.

The repeated surprise attacks of the Outer Gods naturally reminded Xu You of this possibility.If the various actions of the Pan-American Alliance and the Outer Gods are just appearances, then the real purpose of the Outer Gods is definitely not on the battlefield.In the current Central Realm, the only ones who can attract the attention of the Outer Gods and are worthy of their covetousness are the Spirit Race and the Apostles.

"It seems that you really guessed right."

Xu You's predictions were like a god's concession, and Bu Fan had to sigh that he tried his best to barely retain the outer god.The apostles were thinking of foreign gods from all directions, but Bu Fan looked at Xu You with some anxiety, hesitated and said, "We... really want to do that?"

"Of course." Xu You stared intently at the Outer God, nodded with certainty and said, "Now is not the time for sympathy, we have almost no chance of winning against the Outer God, this is the only chance in the Central Realm."

After Bu Fan was silent for a while, he nodded heavily, knowing that Xu You was right.Although Bu Fan is now a strong man in the realm, facing the foreign gods who have been helpless in the entire magical era, the current Bu Fan is obviously not enough to look at.

The Outer God's surprise attack on the Light Gate of the Spirit Race was obviously against the Spirit Race.But for the Central Realm, this is a rare opportunity, an opportunity to bring disaster to the east.If the outer gods enter the spirit world and abandon the central world, it will be extremely fortunate for the entire central world.

"Compared to the hard-to-compete Outer Gods, these spirit races in the Central Realm are not to be feared."

Bu Fan has doubts about this approach, which Xu You is very clear about.But there is no right or wrong in this matter. If the Central Realm wants to avoid the crisis of destruction, they can only use this method of Li Daitao's rigidity.

The apostles did not come to help the Eldar this time, on the contrary, the apostles came to help the Outer Gods.Of course, the apostles would not do such things blatantly. At least on the surface, the Spirit Race and the apostles still have a comprehensive cooperative relationship.

Pushing the Outer Gods into the Spirit World so that the Central World survived was a fluke in itself.However, what can really determine the future of the Central Realm is such a gamble that they cannot afford to lose.

As for what happened after the Outer God was pushed into the spirit world, neither Bu Fan nor Xu You had thought that far ahead yet.Because as far as the current situation is concerned, it is definitely not a simple matter to help the Outer God secretly without the knowledge of the Spirit Race.

"Help me, don't stand still."

Suddenly one of the Spirit Race crowd came out, and while attacking behind the apostles, he greeted the Spirit Race present loudly.Everyone in the Lingzu just woke up from a dream, and immediately took advantage of the opportunity created by Bu Fan to fight back aggressively.

Lin Donge...

She was the first person to react, and Bu Fan and Xu You looked at each other.One of the two stayed where they were, while the other stepped forward immediately.The ultimate key to success this time lies in Lin Dong'e.

The Outer God is only a stone's throw away from the Light Gate, but was trapped by Bu Fan with the will of the world.The Outer God was naturally unwilling to give up at this point, and tried his best to approach the Guangmen.In order to be able to stop the Outer God, Bu Fan also desperately gathered the will of the world.

The confrontation between Bu Fan and Outer God was simple and rude, and it was the most direct competition of strength.As if in a tug of war, both sides tried their best to pull each other towards themselves.The rest of the apostles and the Spirit Race took this opportunity to attack the Outer God frantically, hoping to completely cut off the possibility of the Outer God entering the Light Gate.

"not good!"

I only heard Bu Fan's exclamation, and the outer god pierced straight into the light gate like an arrow leaving the string.Almost in a short moment, the figure of the Outer God disappeared without a trace.Everyone looked at the Guangmen in front of them with blank faces.

"The light gate... is lost!"

It was not until a long time later that someone responded.The light gate of the spirit clan fell, and the outer gods passed through the light gate of the spirit clan, and they might have already reached the spirit world by now.

(End of this chapter)

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