Mixing Marvel with Warrior Templates

Chapter 197 The Flying City

Chapter 197 The Flying City
As soon as there was a conflict on the castle side, Ultron knew it immediately.He also said to Huang Ming with great appreciation: "I didn't expect you to make so many preparations. I really underestimated you."

"Oh, you've already discovered it." Huang Ming was happy to delay for some time, anyway, the illusion in the cradle still needs a little time to prepare his own tricks. "I'm really flattered to be able to get a powerful artificial intelligence." Huang Ming took a step forward as he said that, and Thor, who broke free from the power grid, also blocked Ultron's retreat from the air.

The other avengers also tacitly blocked Ultron's other escape routes, but Ultron saw it, but he was not nervous at all with his arms crossed: "Hehe~ I advise you to calm down, after all, I still have a A beautiful hostage." This sentence immediately made Tony and the others stop, it is true that they have not received the news that Banner successfully rescued Natasha, so they really can't act rashly.

"So you should return my body to me obediently, and then go to rescue your companions, I think there should be time!" Ultron hooked his fingers, showing that he was holding the wisdom pearl, which was completely worthy of any tricks of the avengers.

Without any hesitation, Huang Ming lifted his foot and kicked it. With a bang, the whole cradle flew towards Ultron. "I'll give it to you if you want it!"


A series of violent friction sounds came, and Ultron was pushed away by the force attached to the cradle for more than ten meters, knocking down several personal guard robots behind him.Tony went straight into the air, Captain America and Quicksilver began to charge, Thor called for thunder and lightning in the air, and Wanda's chaos magic began to exert its power.This sound was like the sound of a battle horn, and everyone started up instantly.

"Kill them!!" Ultron's roar came, and all the robots moved into action.Including the skyscraper where it just stayed, it collapsed directly, and countless mechanical warriors wielding double knives rushed towards the Avengers and those Breton forces.

"But I want to stop your actions first!" Vision suddenly broke open the cradle and rushed towards Ultron the moment Ultron approached.Then he grabbed his head with both hands, but Ultron also pressed the energy cannons of both hands against Vision's double ribs, and the scorching energy was accumulating: "I have known for a long time that they will definitely do something, I just want to I just destroyed you with my own hands. Ah”

Before Ultron finished speaking, there was a scream.He, who shouldn't have felt pain, actually felt intense pain at this moment.But what scares him even more is that his traces on the Internet are being erased little by little.

"No! No! No! You can't do this!!!" Ultron, who suddenly fell into extreme fear, frantically fired the energy cannon in his hand, and the energy knives in both hands kept stabbing in and out of Mirage, But to his surprise, he didn't hit the entity, and all his attacks penetrated the opponent's body.

Obviously the touch of the hands is real, why does the body give people an illusory and elusive feeling?This kind of contradictory paradox caused Ultron's interpretation program to fall into a brief downtime, which made Vision's actions more rapid.Finally, it didn't take long for Vision to directly remove all traces of Ultron, leaving only these robots that had a direct connection with Ultron.

"Look at what you've done!!!" Ultron's voice was angry and frightened, he was no longer everywhere and fearless of death.Returning to the time when he could be eliminated made him feel extremely angry, which was a shame to him, a kind of blasphemy against perfection.

Violent energy exploded in his chest, and the illusion had just ended its ability.For the time being, there was no way to realize the virtualization of the body, and he was directly bombarded by Ao Chuangyi and flew out.At the same time, Natasha's voice also returned to the communication channel: "Do you miss me?"

But at the same time, there was a cheap voice next to Natasha: "Hey, beauty, I rescued you, should you leave me a phone number, or Facebook is fine. Those gangs of revenge Those who don't know how to appreciate you, I can."

But Natasha didn't answer the voice, but everyone could hear her walking away quickly and calling Banner.And the owner who could still hear the voice just now shouted: "Otherwise, it's okay to have a meal together when you have time. I know a restaurant is definitely better than Arabic barbecue!"

Tony here couldn't listen anymore: "Who is this Hundan? Why does this voice sound like you want to hit him so much?"

"Agreed!" Hawkeye praised Tony's words after shooting a dual-knife mechanical warrior.

Here, because Natasha has been rescued, and now Vision has completed what everyone wants to do most, there is nothing to hesitate now.Just start it straight away.Huang Ming, who had endured for a long time, directly rushed forward with a heroic leap at the moment when the illusion was blasted out. The Lionheart Slayer struck Ultron's back with a fatal blow, directly smashing the opponent's jet port. up.

"It seems that your body hasn't been hacked very much~" Huang Ming sneered, and then charged forward again, sweeping and attacking the bodyguard robot that blocked the way.The big knife waved around the top of the head, raised it high, and slashed at Ultron with a victorious pursuit!


Ao Chuang crossed his hands, and the energy knife quickly popped out to block Huang Ming's knife, but he was also half-kneeling on the ground under the strong force. "I never thought you could be so strong, but how are you going to stop my next move?" Ao Chuang pushed Huang Ming away, and then fired a shock bomb to buy time.

Taking advantage of the moment when Huang Ming blocked his eyes, he directly issued an order to the robots who had already guarded the various underground installations: "Start all the engines for me!"


Everyone suddenly felt the ground shaking, and they all thought it was an earthquake, but soon the feeling like an elevator ascending emerged.It made Captain America and the others on the ground feel that something was wrong, while Tony in the air let Friday scan it: "Sir, the whole city is rising, and the speed is accelerating."

"Do not!!!!"

There was a scream, and it turned out that the main highway bridge broke due to the sudden rise, and several cars happened to stop at the fracture.The adults and children in the car fell down one after another, and their desperate cries reached Captain America's ears.But he was being entangled by three or two robots and couldn't get out, so he could only shout anxiously: "Stark! Thor!"

Tony immediately opened the way with the missile, blasted a gap, and accelerated towards the fallen cars: "Friday, check how many spare jets we have?"

"Three, sir."

Thor, who was faster, had already rushed up with a car, and Tony simply transferred the main energy to the propeller, and suddenly increased his speed to reach the bottom of the remaining three cars.The back split open suddenly, and three hexagonal flying machines came out and flew towards the fronts of the three cars.Then, under Friday's control, reverse jetting began, slowing the car's fall.

Tony also took this opportunity to see what Ultron was doing. "Sir, these engines have been set up. When they reach a certain height, they will reverse direction and accelerate to fall to the ground. The main engine has vibration gold!"

(End of this chapter)

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