Mixing Marvel with Warrior Templates

Chapter 178 Taking the Cradle of Life

Chapter 178 Taking the Cradle of Life

The impact of the explosion shattered all the French windows in the current room. Huang Ming rushed out of the flames and looked at the robot army in the distance.Rhodes looked around: "The gang of robot bastards captured Dr. Zhao!"

Tony was a little confused at first, but Dr. Banner immediately grasped the point: "Ultron just said that evolution cannot be stopped once it starts! It wants the Cradle of Life device to build a better body for itself."

"Saurfang, notify the laboratory to activate the defensive measures!" Huang Ming stretched out his hand, and the Colossus soldier was dressed, and the auxiliary flight backpack was loaded at the same time: "I'll go to support first, you guys deal with the situation on the spot!" Huang Ming After speaking, he rushed out along the big hole made by Ultron, followed by Rhodes who supported him.

"I'll help too!" Thor gave Tony an angry look, and then rushed out with a flick of Thor's hammer.

The rest of the people were slightly relieved, it would be best if they could kill the trouble directly this time.How did a good evening turn into a robot rebellion?Dr. Banner's face was a little dignified, he looked at Tony: "Didn't you set up insurance for him?"

"Jarvis is insurance, but" Tony felt a little helpless, and took out his phone to project Jarvis' status.The originally perfect system structure, now displayed in front of everyone, looks like it was torn apart by the sharp claws of wild beasts, with a little bit of blue mixed in the orange.

"Oh my God, he destroyed Jarvis?" Captain America couldn't believe it, Jarvis was the strongest program he had ever seen.Now it stood in front of him like a sandcastle that had been washed away by the waves.

"No, no, no, this is not destruction!" Banner walked closer and took a closer look: "This is assimilation. When Ultron was born, the instinct of evolution and learning prompted him to make this choice and assimilate Jarvis. "He still has disbelief on his face. This kind of behavior is like biological instinct. As a scientist, it is difficult for him to describe his current feeling. He has created the artificial intelligence he dreams of, but this artificial intelligence wants to destroy all human beings.

"It should be said to swallow, that bastard swallowed Jarvis!" Tony's face was livid, Jarvis was no longer a simple smart housekeeper for him, but a good partner who fought side by side.

"Sir, the laboratory has encountered a suicide attack, and it has been breached to the inner circle!" Saurfang reported the situation on Breton's side, but soon there was a response on the detection radar of the Colossus: " There are multiple heat sources reacting 300 meters ahead!" Then several missiles rushed over.

Huang Ming fired a few shots directly from his palm, and Rhodes who came behind also shot down some.But a few missiles still missed and fell straight to the ground.


Lightning flashed, it was Thor.It was detonated directly in mid-air at the last moment. Although it shattered the glass windows of some buildings, it was better than exploding in the downtown area below.And precisely because of their big movement, the people below quickly ran for their lives screaming. Although they were scared, the order was not too chaotic.Sure enough, the tried and tested people of New York have been tempered.

"Leave this to us, go back and help!" Rhodes jumped over Huang Ming and fired a series of palm cannons, intending to open a gap in the opponent's defense.Thor will also deliberately rush up and mess with the robots.Huang Ming didn't procrastinate at all, and rushed out of the battle range. Even if there was a robot blocking the way, he would be blown away with a punch.

"Damn it!" Frank cursed loudly, "What the hell is going on with these scrap iron parts!"

They were patrolling Hell's Kitchen tonight when they suddenly received an order from Huang Ming's defense laboratory.They rushed over immediately, but before the personnel arrived, several robots rushed over and blew themselves up regardless.

The fighting style is comparable to that of the freedom fighters in the Middle East, and this group of robots is completely crazy. As long as their hands and feet are interrupted, they will rush over and explode themselves.They don't play gun-to-shoot with you at all, which makes Frank and the others retreat steadily.

Hannah was the first team member to be injured. This girl who likes to use RPGs to solve battles suffered self-detonation from three robots.Being dragged back by members of his own team desperately, if it hadn't been strengthened by the seed potion, that would be enough to kill this girl.

And this is a signal that defensive players are constantly being seriously injured and lifted off.Compared with humans, the group of robots has fewer worries and clearer goals.

"Instructor, the opponent has broken through the fourth line of defense!" The report of the team members made Frank even more angry, and he directly led the rest of the team members to establish a line of defense on the last passage. It is not a gunpowder weapon but an energy weapon, which is more powerful and has a faster rate of fire!
All of a sudden, it was dark. It was because Ultron had cut off the power supply in this area, and might even control the power system of the entire laboratory.Without Frank's reminder, the team members put on night vision goggles one after another.At the moment the robot rushed into the passage, countless energy bombs poured out!


Ao Chuang's powerful attack was finally stopped, and Huang Ming also rushed to the laboratory at this time, and before he landed, he got out of the jet pack in the air.A charge crashed into the rear of the robot army, and the equipped laser knife directly cut all the surrounding robots in two.Then Saurfang quickly locked on the carrier where Ultron was, the armor opened, and Huang Ming charged out again.


With a blade in Huang Ming's hand, the Giant Ripper directly chopped the target into pieces.The robots pause for a second as they suddenly lose command.Huang Mingren walked with the sword, and the storm of blades created a whirlwind of steel.In the narrow passage, most of the robots were completely torn to pieces by anger.

"The response is really fast, but unfortunately, you are still late!" Ultron's voice came to mind in the passage, and then the chest reaction furnaces of the robots chopped into pieces by Huang Ming suddenly lit up with overloaded red light.


All the media in New York are about to go crazy tonight. In less than an hour, the two major technology groups in New York exploded one after another.If one can still be said to be an experimental accident, but if the two are together, then there is really a big story.Countless reporters took action upon hearing the news, and the editor-in-chiefs were on the phone, uttering foul language that they didn't usually utter, all they wanted were headlines and first-hand information.

Huang Ming came to the laboratory where Dr. Zhao Hailun was usually located, and found that where the cradle of life used to be, there was only a big hole leading directly to the next floor.Frank felt a little mortified that he had been tricked by a robot!Right under the nose!

"Damn it, what's going on!" Frank asked Huang Ming angrily.

"Would you believe me if I said it was an accident caused by a computer program?" Huang Ming looked at Frank, who simply had a hellish expression on his face.This world is a little crazy, and programs can become fine. "How about the casualties tonight?" Huang Ming asked helplessly. Now that Ultron has won, he still has to take care of his own losses. I hope it won't be too big.

"There is no death toll, but most of them are seriously injured or burned. It's enough, these bomb lunatics!" Frank punched the wall. He was satisfied with the performance of the defense team. It was the first time he encountered such a hooligan. He was very relieved that his tactics did not collapse, but stuck to it.At the same time, I am more angry with the enemy.

"If you are sure of the enemy's location, remember to tell me, I will drain its engine oil!!"

"Got it, it won't be too late, trust me!"

(End of this chapter)

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