Chapter 111 Frank

A lazy afternoon and a lazy breeze can always make people want to take a nap, especially those positions with extremely boring work content, such as John who is on duty today.He is a security guard of a bank. After staying up late last night to watch the football game, he had a harmonious exchange with his wife in the morning.

These two high-intensity activities have completely drained his energy during the day. No matter how much he drinks coffee or goes to see the beautiful women working in the bank to relieve his fatigue, it will not help.The eyelids seemed to be tied with two pieces of lead, and there was a sense of emptiness unique to middle-aged people in the back of the waist, and the mind was so dizzy that the few people who came in just now were carrying large packages and didn't scan them properly.

But someone noticed that Frank, who came to the bank to withdraw money today, came in when these people with unusually large packages came in.Years of combat experience told him that these four people were not here to withdraw money or argue with the business manager. These four people had a strong smell of gunpowder, or they were soldiers.

This discovery made Frank quietly hide behind the pillars in the bank lobby, and slowly approached one of them through the crowd.As the distance shortened, Frank became more certain of his own judgment. The group of people would stand in a reasonable blockade position when they entered the door. As long as a few automatic rifles were brought in, a good blockade line of fire would be formed.

Thinking of what might happen later, Frank secretly took the ballistic knife he hid on his body into the palm of his hand, then silently occupied a reasonable attacking position, and had a reasonable assault distance from the gate, ensuring that he could attack within three seconds after launching the attack. You can safely get your weapon in your car.

"Oh~hey, watch your walk!!"

At this time, a young man dressed in hip hop and jingling all over his body bumped into the shoulders of the black man among the four.The pale young man became anxious all of a sudden, and yelled loudly: "Apologize to me!! Hurry up!! You nigga!!!" As if I am the best in the world, you have to kneel and lick, Frank Just said that the bastard bastard must have just had a high.

The black brother who was hit took a step back, showing his white teeth, and a very friendly smile appeared on his face.At the same time, the coat was gently flapped: "Excuse me, I'm really sorry, do you need me to pay for your medical expenses?"

"Hmph! That's the best."


Gunpowder and gunpowder smoke, bullet casings falling to the ground, and the sound of gunfire resounding in the lobby!Immediately, the noisy bank hall was quiet for a while, but soon like a tiger breaking into the sheepfold, the desperate screams exploded.Everyone was panicking, and they were all moving away from the smiling black man.

"bang bang bang"

"Get down on the ground for me!! Those who want to eat bullets can continue to stand!!"

At this time, the other three also lifted their coats, and one of them fired into the sky to control the scene, while the other two turned their guns and fired at two people who were approaching the door and John.Blood and wailing immediately spread. John was lucky and was only shot in the shoulder, but the 5.56 caliber m16 bullet still opened a big hole in him and shattered his shoulder.

The leading bald-headed man threw the travel bag he brought directly to the counter, signaling the teller to fill up the two travel bags. At the same time, in order to make the work efficiency of these tellers meet his satisfaction, he directly took out a bag from his arms. The bomb, snapped onto the isolation glass.

"I'll give you two minutes!! Otherwise!!! Hmph!" After speaking, the bald head raised the bomb switch in his hand, which made Frank, who wanted to kill him with a ballistic knife, press his own thoughts and silently Taking back the other knife, he concentrated on preparing his breakout plan.

The black man who shot first still had the same smile, but his face was spattered with blood, and there were even a few drops of blood on his teeth.In an instant, everyone in the hall wanted to stay away from this demon. At this moment, there was a white-collar man in a suit, who was about to move away from the black man, and moved quietly, but unexpectedly stepped on an uncle who was lying on the ground behind him.


The pain of the leather sole on the heel directly rubbing against the fingers made the uncle scream.At the same time, ignoring that someone was attacking them with a gun, he pushed the white-collar away with his backhand. This was like a signal, causing a little confusion in the crowd again.

"Don't move!!"

"Damn it, don't move!!"

Those two who were in charge of monitoring and watching the wind directly yelled and kicked to control the order, but the result could only cause greater riots.And taking this opportunity, Frank moved a certain distance to the door, and at the same time got closer to the black man who exchanged places with his companion.The ballistic knife in hand is ready, just waiting for an excellent time.

Frank knew that time would not be long, and it should arrive soon.Because after the riot, the stable crowd broke out again, and there was only one way to stop it.


At the same time as a shot was fired, Frank jumped up like a cheetah, jumped and stepped forward, and rushed out of the black man's blind spot!While everyone was attracted by the gunshots led by the robbers.Lift the ballistic knife in your hand, aim and shoot, all in one go.




"Bang bang bang bang!"

When the other three found out, Frank's big hand had already cut off the black man's throat, and used it as a meat shield to block the door, resisting the subsequent shooting!Roll over as a standard tactical move to dodge bullets that go through corpses.Frank, who quickly returned to his car, immediately pulled out the body armor and an M16 optional fire automatic rifle from under the rear seat.

With a click, the bullet is loaded!

Looking back to the bank, I found that no one was chasing out, but there were gunshots and more screams from inside.Frank cursed under his breath, but he couldn't help it. When he found out, those people had already spread out.With no weapons in hand and hostages all around, this is the best solution.

He trotted resolutely and walked around to a small building on the side of the bank.Grab the window sill on the first floor, quickly climb to the rooftop on the third floor, set up the gun, and start aiming and locking. The whole process took less than 30 seconds.Of course, it is also the habit of soldiers, let him step on the surrounding area before entering the bank to do business.

Through the window, Frank could see that the three robbers were standing in the same position as before, still one in the middle of the lobby, and the other two were guarding both sides of the gate.At the same time, the robbers were yelling at everyone, and there were several people who were shot and convulsed lying on the ground.

Frank calmed his breathing, and took the lead in putting the leading strong man into his scope.But because of his breakout, at this moment, the bald man suddenly left his position, then paced left and right, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, directly detonating the bomb that had just been attached to the glass partition!

Now, everyone ignored the threat of guns and shouted in despair.At the same time, several tellers who were loading money were directly hit by the blast, and were blown a meter or two into the wall, and one of them was even covered with glass shards.

"This bastard!" Frank cursed in a low voice, then retracted the gun and shifted the shooting position.Because the explosion just now had a great impact on his shooting range, but the bank has only one exit, so it is convenient for him to sit on the sidelines.And at this time, sirens sounded from the corner of the street in the distance!

"Hmph, it will be too late when you guys come." Frank complained about the efficiency of NYPD, and at the same time put his finger on the trigger. At this time, the three robbers just ran out of the door and knew how to use tactical movements to cover them. It's a pity that their opponent is the equally experienced Frank.

After letting go of the first two robbers, Frank pulled the trigger the moment the bald man appeared in the crosshairs!
"Bang bang bang!"

The rapid three-point shot directly hit the heart, neck, and face, and then killed the other two robbers with two precise bursts before they could react.

After finishing all this, Frank retracted his gun and returned to the car with an expression as if nothing had happened, let alone his heart rate.Instead, he was thinking about the recent changes in New York law and order in the car. This was the third blatant criminal operation he encountered today.

It was as if someone flipped the switch on crime in New York all of a sudden, and all the criminals kept popping up like they were in a carnival.Since he had just returned, Frank decided to ask insiders: "Maybe I should ask some good friends tonight." After making up his mind, he drove away from the scene of the incident.

(End of this chapter)

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