Chapter 273 Birth 3
The steward of the big kitchen has been replaced by someone from Yinti, who was directly executed by Yinti because of corruption.Now that he has changed people, Yinti has also accepted Hezhuo's suggestion, and he will be rotated every three years. If he is found to be corrupt, he will be kicked out immediately. If it is serious, he will be killed by a stick.

Because the Prince of Zhijun’s mansion had gift money and other things to give away during New Year’s festivals. After all, it was rich. If they were greedy, it wouldn’t make sense.

Someone touches the high voltage line, but Yinti and Zhuo You have a way, they have repeatedly warned, and they have died before, if they seek death themselves, no one else can do anything about it.

However, since the chicken incident, the chickens, ducks, geese, mutton, pork, chickens, ducks, and vegetables in the mansion are all taken from Hezhuo's dowry shop, with clearly marked prices, and will be delivered every day.

If there is only He Zhuo and a Fujin in the mansion, and only He Zhuo's children, then no money will be collected, after all, it is his own person, but there are more than a dozen concubines in the mansion, Yinti, and the children of concubines , Why is this money and excellence, you have to collect money.

The money is reasonable and reasonable, it is the market price, but there is no extra charge, and it is delivered every day, fresh and self-delivered, which is great, so that it saves the effort of going out to buy.

After leaving the palace and building the mansion, it is firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, and it costs money to raise it.

In the mansion, there are only Yinti, the county king, Hezhuo, the heir Fujin, Nalan, the side Fujin, and Hongyu, the heir, with salary, Lumi, ice and charcoal.

There are no other people, not even such grandsons as Xiao Zhenbao, Hong Fang, and Hong Wei.

When I was in the palace before, everyone had their share. Even the concubine Gege was raised by Kangxi with his son. Only after he left the palace by himself did he realize that daily necessities are expensive.

However, besides Lumi, Yinti's masters also ate tribute rice. In addition, rice grains were also produced on Yinti's Zhuangzi, including whole grains and miscellaneous grains.

However, the expenses of the mansion are still huge. Do you still remember the two skinny horses sent to Yinti, the eldest son of the emperor, by the people below when the mansion was first opened?

Not long after, these two people were transferred by Yinti to his subordinates. This thin horse is not cheap, usually 2000 taels.

Where there is a demand, there is a market. This lean horse has a great market among the dignitaries in the capital, and some people specially search for the best lean horse as a gift to celebrate their birthdays.

I heard that the ninth elder brother Yinhu once bought more than a dozen skinny horses, just to win over officials for the eighth elder brother Yinhu.

However, because Concubine Wen Xi has been living well, although the tenth elder brother Yin is still on good terms with the ninth elder brother, he has not entered the eighth elder brother's camp, and the eight beiles and his wife have repeatedly wooed them to no avail.

Lord Shi didn't get involved in this matter, and for a while, Lord Shi even walked around the Babeile couple, and the seventh princess born out of Concubine Wen Xi was not interested in Bafujin.

This can only be said to be the strength of the mother, if there is a mother in the direction, she will not go wrong.

So now there are only two concubines in Yinti's backyard, one is Ergege Fangwan's biological mother, Chao's concubine, and the other is fifth elder brother Honghan's biological mother, Qian's concubine.

Kangxi basically went to Changchun Garden every year. Basically, if he didn’t go outside the Great Wall to escape the heat in summer, he would usually stay in Changchun Garden.

Therefore, the princes of the sub-fu also have gardens around Changchun Garden. Yinti was assigned to "Qinyuan", and Sibeile Yinzhen was assigned to "Yuanmingyuan".

So Hezhuo would come to "Qinyuan" every year. At the beginning, Jin Nalan had just been married for two years, and during this time he was housekeeper in the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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