The Story of Dafujin Parenting in Qing Dynasty

Chapter 203 The Drunken "Big Cat"

Chapter 203 The Drunken "Big Cat"

And Yinti has been living outside the palace, and it would be nice to meet Kangxi a few times a year. After returning home, watching them show "love" every day, it can be tolerated, but I can't help it. For a while, I always run to Concubine Hui cried in the palace, but Concubine Hui didn't tell him when she asked him, and she found out about the situation later, which is one of the reasons why Concubine Hui hated the prince so much.

Yinti drank alone there, feeling depressed, thinking about himself, Fujin, his father-in-law said that he was masturbated by the official, and he immediately masturbated, the elder brother of the prince, Huang Ama heard that he was a strong man, and sent him to Yuqing like a reward palace.

Grandpa's elder brother was born in the period of filial piety, so he couldn't make a big deal for three full moons. When he was one year old, Fujin was talking about the emperor's first grandson, so he didn't make a big deal for fear of getting in the way of people's eyes.

Grandpa's second son, Xisan and Manyue did not make a big deal because of the war.

There is no reason for the third son-in-law this time, it is because the crown prince has no healthy heirs, Hong Yu suffered two disasters, frightened Fujin, and there is no big deal.

The eldest son of the grandpa was not given a name until he was one year old, and the second and third sons were not given a name. The elder brother of the prince was given a name after the full moon, but he was born out of character. What do you mean!
Even those born to the crown prince are more noble than the eldest son, let alone the second son.

Yinti thought about when he was a child, he was a background board, following behind their father and son, he was an outsider, the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, the more he drank, and finally he collapsed.

The third elder brother has an average capacity for alcohol, so if he pours the crown prince like this, the crown prince is not drunk yet, he himself is drunk first.

The fifth elder brother was depressed and drunk.

In the end, Kangxi's sons, from the first to the fifth, all fell down and were all carried back.

When Kangxi knew about it, he was reviewing the memorial. After a long silence, he continued to review the memorial. No one knew what he meant.

Yinti was carried back, and before he entered the main courtyard, he vomited, and Liu Bajin was thrown up all over.

Hezhuo and the others left first, and Fujin saw that the princes were very happy, so they made an appointment to come back first.

He Zhuo heard the news and came out to see, this big alcoholic, Yinti's drinking capacity has also been trained in the army, and he doesn't get drunk very much normally, it's how much he drank.

"Eunuch Liu, go wash and change your clothes first, and I'll take care of you." He Zhuo took over the stinky drunkard.

Liu Bajin didn't look like he was looking good, so he hurriedly went down to take a bath and change clothes. After getting it back, he was exhausted. He knew that he felt uncomfortable. You said Long Live, why are you so biased? Seeing that you are wronged and sad , Liu Bajin also felt wronged for his master, the emperor really is.

But he only dared to say it in his heart, not daring to speak out.

He Zhuo asked Zhou Fugui and several young eunuchs to carry them into the clean room, asked Zhou Fugui to drag Yinti's coat, and let them go out.

Yinti was really drunk, even when He Zhuo splashed water on his head, there was no big reaction, and he muttered: "Huang Ama, Huang Ama,..."

He Zhuo was not polite to him, he washed him hard, dried his hair, and threw him on the bed.

The weather is still not hot, and the cold is not bad,

In order to prevent the man from falling down in the middle of the night, he moved a stool to the side.

When he turned to leave, he was held by the hand, and the big drunk cat muttered: "Huang Ama, Huang Ama," and then called again: "Er Niang, Er Niang" and then stopped calling Huang A It's too late, I keep calling my mother.

What can He Zhuo do, He Zhuo is also very helpless, he can only be this man's mother for a while, coaxing him like a son, patting and humming little songs.

"Baoqing, Erniang is here, go to sleep..." He Zhuo groaned, and the man fell asleep after a while, but he didn't let go of He Zhuo's arm, and He Zhuo let him hug him for a while, thinking I still couldn't pull it out, and I was worried that I would wake up and make a fuss, so I directly clicked Yinti's sleeping point, stuffed him with a big pillow, closed a bowl of hangover soup for him, and got used to a bowl of honey water , so that you won't have a headache when you wake up.

 Today's Chapter 5

(End of this chapter)

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