Chapter 54 The Hunt Begins

The ceremony before the hunt was complicated and spectacular, but Yu Ci didn't have the heart to appreciate it.

She followed Jian Jun into the hunting ground on horseback, and then stopped silently facing south, watching the heroic cavalry chasing the prey in the hunting ground absent-mindedly.

When the Imperial Forest Army passed by Jianjun with the beast for the third time, the ceremony officer presented a bow and arrow.When Jun opened his bow and shot an arrow, an elk fell down in response.The surrounding mountains shouted long live, Yuanlu galloped out carrying the banner of the emperor, the sergeants of the three armies blew their flute horns, and the brave men chased their prey.

The hunt finally reached its climax.

Seeing Jun's arrow hit, he felt proud, so he looked back at Yuci with a smile.Xie Ci had something on her mind secretly, but she didn't see it.Seeing that Jun was a little disappointed, he turned his horse's head and walked to her side, asking, "Is the queen feeling unwell?"

Yu Ci hadn't recovered yet, she just looked up at Jianjun in a daze.

Jian Jun was dressed in vermilion, with a gold woven armor and a brown bearskin pointed hat.The bright color made his face even more tender.He is thin in stature, so he doesn't look bloated in winter clothes, but looks more straight.

Probably because his horse was more powerful than others, Yu Ci felt that he was taller than herself.

But in the heavy rain, the thin touch of his body is still clear.Yu Ci still remembered that at that time he said in a daze, "When I opened my eyes, I couldn't find the queen anywhere."

Jian Jun saw that Miu Ci didn't answer, so he couldn't help being a little flustered, and called her twice again.

Only then did Yu Ci hear his voice, and said with a quick smile, "It's okay, don't worry."

Jian Jun was still worried, and tried to shake her hand. Afraid that he would fall down, she hurriedly handed it to him, and said with a smile, "Why do you have to hold hands and talk every time? Like a child."

Jian Jun said: "If you don't hold it firmly, you always feel uneasy. Minmin doesn't take me seriously. I held your hand so that you can know that you are talking to me."

Yu Ci was about to pull back subconsciously, but seeing Jun clenched her hands tightly, she smiled and said, "Don't move around. I'm not good at riding. It would be embarrassing to be pulled off my horse by you in public."

Yu Ci said helplessly, "Wouldn't it be embarrassing to hold hands in public?"

Jian Jun smiled and said, "Anyway, no one saw it."

Just as he was talking, Guier held a snow-white rabbit in his arms, reined in his horse and stopped in front of Jianjun, picked up the rabbit's ears with a smile, and said: "The rabbit hurts its leg, your empress is a bodhisattva, can you please?" Help me with a doctor?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, seeing Jun quickly let go of Yuci's hand, he said with a smile: "I can't go into battle today. There are many rules in the Central Plains, and if I go into battle in person, the soldiers must not dare to hunt more than me. My archery skills, noble son Brother, it’s not that I don’t know.” As he spoke, he ordered someone to pick up the rabbit.

Gui'er laughed and said: "It is true that there are many rules. There are even more rules when there are women. They are obviously prey, but they cannot be shot."

Miu Ci's mood, which was rarely relieved, was completely ruined. She didn't want to talk nonsense with this man, so she turned her horse's head and wanted to rest on the stage.Behind Gui'er hurriedly said: "Empress Empress, do you want a rabbit?"

Yu Ci said bluntly, "No!"

Gui'er laughed and said, "You really don't want it? If you really don't want it, I'll break its neck."

Yu Ci was so angry that she slammed back on the horse and snatched the rabbit from her hand. She glared at him and said, "Get out, get out as far as you can!"

Seeing that Jun had never seen Miu Ci out of control, he couldn't help laughing out loud, Your Majesty, please talk slowly, I'll go first or I will lose to Yuanlu, Miu Ci dismounted and sat on the stage down.

She looked at the wound on the rabbit's leg, then handed it over to Ah Ling, asking her to disinfect and bandage it.

The wound was obviously an arrow wound, and it was an arrow wound that pierced even the bone.To be able to pull this kind of hard bow and have such shooting skills, Yu Ci would not think of him at all.

Seeing that Jun couldn't shoot by himself, he felt bored after a while, so he also went up to the high platform and sat down beside Yu Ci.

There was charcoal grilled meat and hot tea on the high platform, and Yu Ci poured a cup of hot tea for him.

Jian Jun smiled and asked, "Why does the Queen hate Gui Er so much?"

Concubine said: "The rabbit's leg was shot off on purpose. This man is so cruel and innocent, the concubine really can't like it."

Jian Jun thought for a while, and said, "Maybe the western border is too bitter and cold. It's not easy for people to survive. How can there be extra mercy for wild beasts? I don't realize that he is a cruel person."

Concubine said: "Your Majesty is too close to him, and my concubine always feels bad."

Jian Jun asked: "How do you say?"

Yu Ci said: "Her subordinates died for him, and his tribe is still slaves. But this man is wandering happily, which shows that he doesn't have much mercy for his own people. Such a cold-blooded person, I'm afraid Backlash against your benefactor is not good for His Majesty."

Jian Jun doesn't think so, but he doesn't want to persuade Yu Ci - he has been with Gui'er for a long time, and he understands the charm of this person very well.Selfishly, she doesn't want Miu Chi to meet him.If Gui'er hadn't left on his own accord today, he would have found an excuse to drive him away from Yu Ci.

So he changed the topic and said with a smile: "I understand the Queen's worries, and I will naturally pay attention to it in the future. I think the Queen seems to have something on her mind today, so it's okay to tell me."

He brought up the topic interrupted by Gui'er again, and Yu Ci fell silent again.

So she said calmly, "The concubine is thinking about someone, she is pregnant now, should His Majesty give her a seal?
Jian Jun couldn't help but feel embarrassed: she is already the ninth concubine, that's enough.Winter hunting today, not talking about the harem.

Yuci smiled and said: "The emperor's heir is not just a matter of the harem. If she gives birth to the emperor's eldest son
Jian Jun grabbed Miu Ci's hand.

Yu Ci paused for a moment, and the sadness in her heart spread little by little.

"...Give me some more time." Jian Jun looked at him fixedly, not without anxiety, but he didn't back away, "I told Minmin, I want to be with you wholeheartedly. Count... the queen will give me a little more time."

Lin Xiuyi and the child in her womb are proof of his disloyalty to concubine.They stand between him and Yu Ci, and they are the past that he must face.But he still doesn't have enough courage and confidence to face it.

But he didn't know that Yu Ci didn't have much time to wait for him.

Yu Ci looked at him quietly, then lowered her head after a while, and said with a smile, "Yes."

On the hunting ground, drums and horns blare, the sound of horseshoes is dense and dense, and the sound of yelling is endless.

All the armies have made gains, and Guier and Yuanlu, the two single-handed soldiers, did their part. Unfortunately, there are too many people and they are not vegetarians. Their prey is often intercepted halfway by bullying more or less.

When Gui'er intercepted the third elk, Yuan Lu silently took aim at her horse.

Although it is really uncomfortable to be robbed all the time, the hunting ground is originally a place for competition.It's not that the prey you've been chasing for a long time belongs to you, and whoever wins will win, and if you are squeezed to the back, you can only blame yourself for your poor riding skills.Gui'er doesn't care as long as it's not that the prey shot by others should be counted as his own trophies.

What's more, Yuan Lu dares you to use a sword, he likes it very much.

Therefore, Gui'er quickly steered the horse and passed Yuanlu shoulder to shoulder, and raised his hand to pull out the peacock feathers on his pocket.He shook Yuanlu.

Yuanlu is a good rider and archer, how could he be willing to be swept away by Guier, he immediately reached out to grab Guier's leather hat, Guier turned sideways, Yuanlu couldn't catch it, he instead grabbed Guier's rein, and pressed Saddle kicked her up.

The two quickly wrestled together.Yuan Lu's face was indifferent, and the arrow did not change direction because of Gui'er's disturbance, waiting for the opportunity to attack like a lurking cheetah.

Yuanlu finally managed to take off Gui'er's hat, picked it up with one hand, laughed and rode his horse and ran away.

Gui'er secretly thought that it was not good, and sure enough, with a sound of "嗖", Yuan Lu's horse had already fallen forward.He accelerated rapidly, held the rein with one hand again, and flew out with his body, but one foot was caught by the stirrup.I was afraid that if I fell, I would break my neck.

Gui'er quickly popped out a throwing knife and cut the stirrup rope.

Yuanlu hit the ground with his right arm and fell to the ground with a bang.

Yuanlu sat up, moved his right arm, squeezed his joints, and knew that his arm was broken.

He has been injured for a hundred days, not to mention that he is not too young, he may lose half of his efforts when he recovers, but he still said to Gui'er's unbeatable smiling face, "You saved me."

Soon someone saw the feathered arrow on the horse's neck, but at this time, there was no clue as to who shot it.Gui'er's riding and archery skills are the best among all. Today, he grabbed the prey of the audience and stole the limelight. It's really hard to pinpoint who is jealous of them—but no one thinks it's a mistake.

The others and Yuan Lu himself could only swallow this breath forcefully.

Soon someone came to report that Yuan Lu was injured.

But he didn't expect Xie Ci to be more concerned than him, asking: "How did you get hurt?
The visitor said: "When I won the hat with Prince Gui'er, I was hit by a horse and injured."

Jianjun went to visit Yuanlu.Yu Ci was sitting on the high platform holding the shochu, silently watching the hunt.

The sound of the wind is clear and strong, and the horn bow is clanging.Zhongmu is still picturesque, but the theme has changed.

Suddenly the sound of horseshoes rattled, and Yuan Lu came down to the high platform. He was dressed in plain military attire, making him tall and handsome, as light as bamboo.

His dark eyes were gentle, and he stared quietly at Yuci. When Yuci looked back, he silently lowered his head and asked after a long while, "Can I offer you a glass of wine?"

Yuci looked at Yuanlu with cold eyes.She really wanted to accuse this person right here, beat him up, and let him understand that he is not the only human being in this world.Let him understand that murder violates the king's law, even if he is a king, he will have to pay the price.

But she was afraid that what she revealed would harm Jianjun's future.

Ah Ling, give her a glass of wine. ’ she said at last.

 The second update in the afternoon is around 3 o'clock, the third update is at 6 o'clock, and the fourth update in the evening is around 8 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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