Chapter 364

What happened afterwards was actually similar. When the woman named Gabriela Lopez saw Josh and his party, she was a little taken aback, but she relaxed when she noticed that Logan was also among them.

She was also worried if she had been exposed or something.

After all, although the Sandman trio didn't wear military uniforms or suits, they just put on ordinary casual clothes.

But the military temperament on them is too strong, so strong that even ordinary people can find that these guys are definitely not good.

In fact, Logan didn't plan to have any communication with this woman at first, and he didn't even want to pay attention to this daughter.

But Josh snuffed out his thoughts with one sentence: "Others have stepped on your face, you don't want to take revenge? Besides, she is really your daughter. This woman is the one who protects your daughter. You really don't intend to help ?”

"That's not my daughter!"

Logan muttered, but still walked towards the woman.

As Josh said, it would be absolutely impossible for him to have had such a miserable life before without any intention of revenge, but he had no idea where those guys were at all.

The easiest way is to take this biological daughter, and wait for those bastards to come to the door by themselves.

Of course, if it was before, Logan's first thought would be to leave this ghost place as soon as possible. The woman was obviously injured, and she could call out her name immediately.

His current name is James instead of Logan. In order to avoid trouble and allow Professor Charles to hide safely, he has changed his name a long time ago.

If this woman can directly call out his name, then there is definitely something wrong.

But now, Logan doesn't care about these at all.

Not to mention that he himself has almost recovered, and he is accompanied by a guy who is more terrifying than Charles. Charles told him that the most important thing is that this guy is not a kind person or a person from this world.

This also means that if some blind guys really provoke him, there is only one word waiting for the fate of those guys, and that is death.

Logan's only worry is how many deaths will be. If this guy really brought the world back to the Stone Age as he said, he would really be in big trouble.

Although Logan hated the way the world treated mutants like them, Logan didn't want the world to be treated like that by Josh.

Not only he doesn't want Professor Charles, but he also doesn't want to, so when Logan thinks it's necessary, it's better to try to persuade this terrible magician?
Gabriela, who saw Logan, was extremely excited, because she felt like she was saved.

She immediately approached Logan and said a lot of things, in fact, the meaning was probably to take them away from here to the border, and then give Logan a lot of money or something.

Anyway, this woman spoke fast and with an accent, which made Josh's head growl for a while, and finally had to interrupt her and said, "Can you stop for a while? You have two choices now, one is you Continue to say that we are leaving, and the second is to walk with us to a safe place and you continue to talk."

Josh didn't give this woman any face, he always spoke directly.

What's more, this is really not a place to talk. This kind of motel has very poor sound insulation. God knows if someone overheard what she said. Of course, Josh felt that he didn't need to care even if he heard it, and it would save trouble.

Gabriela also realized that she seemed to be a little too excited, and this is really not a place to talk.

She nodded, and ran back to the room regardless of the injury on her arm, took her bag and mobile phone, and then ran out, just at this time she heard the sound of glass shattering.

"Hey! I warned you off playing that damn ball again! You bitch!"

Like the original book, Laura accidentally broke the glass of the hotel, and the owner of the hotel—that old woman with a very fat face and a very vicious look— came out cursing. Very angry.

"Sorry, she didn't mean it, please stop."

Seeing this situation, Gabriela was worried that such a disturbance would attract other people's attention, so she immediately stepped up, apologizing and begging.

"I said, she was scolding your daughter, why didn't you react at all?" Seeing this situation, Josh looked at Logan curiously.

"Then tell me, what should I do?" Logan sighed helplessly, he was too lazy to argue.

There is no point in arguing with Josh, and he is not Josh's opponent, otherwise he can try some threats.

"Do you need me to teach you how to do it? Are you a man? Stupid ass."


Logan turned his head speechlessly and walked directly towards the fat woman who was still chattering. He is not Josh's opponent, isn't he also the opponent of this annoying woman?

First, he took out a few hundred dollar bills from his pocket and threw them on the woman's face, then directly pulled her collar up, and the woman was pulled up by Logan in this way.

"The money here is enough for you to repair this damn glass, and you don't even need insurance to cover your medical bills! So now you only have two choices, one is to be sent to the hospital by me, and the other is to take your fat butt Get back to your office!"

Logan didn't have a good temper at all, especially when Josh was also pissed off.

Moreover, Logan has no idea not to hit women. He has faced too many women who are like poisonous snakes, and some of them almost killed him. That's all.

Although the proprietress of this inn is powerful and greedy for money, she is not a fool.

Seeing Logan and the people behind him, she quickly realized that these people were not easy to mess with, especially Josh and Natasha, who knew at a glance that they were not bad for money. There is no way to provoke them at all.

Nodding in a hurry, Logan put her down. After glancing at Gabriela and his so-called daughter, he turned around and walked away like the luxury car.

Gabriela also took Laura over immediately, but he was stopped by Josh in the middle of the walk.

"Is your hand hurt?"

"Yes, this morning"

"You don't need to tell me that much."

Josh was not interested in these lines he had heard a long time ago, and the magic power surged. Josh casually threw a healing magic to Gabriela.

A light golden light flew into Gabriela's body, and then she found that the wound on her arm had started to heal!

Gabriela is a nurse, and of course she knows how long it will take for her injury to heal, but what this young man has done now has almost completely overturned her thinking.

She lifted her injured arm and shook it, but she didn't feel any pain at all, which meant that the serious wound healed within a few seconds!

"Are you a mutant too? Same as Mr. Logan?"

"No, I'm not a mutant. I'm a magician."

He casually explained something, and didn't care whether Gabriela believed it or not. Josh directly took Natasha's hand and walked into Logan's luxury car.

Fortunately, Logan's luxury car is big enough, and it can still fit so many people in a little squeeze, otherwise Josh would have to use magic to teleport himself back.

However, Josh noticed that Natasha seemed to be looking at Logan's daughter all the time, which made him suddenly think of something.

It seems that normal women have low immunity to children, and Natasha is actually quite old when she runs around with her. Could it be that she wants a child?

With a look of confusion on his face, Josh said softly, "You like children very much?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

"How about we give birth to one ourselves?"


Natasha changed her color and looked at Josh strangely. It took a long time before she burst out laughing, then she leaned her head on Josh's shoulder and said softly, "I don't have any objections if you want to, but there is one thing you Mistaken."

"Oh? What is that?"

"I just think this child is very pitiful, very much like me before. I have already learned something about this girl from Galen, so I am emotional."

"So it is."

Josh touched Natasha's head. To be honest, if Josh hadn't appeared, Natasha's fate would have been the same.

Not so good—according to ordinary people, she is simply a woman who is unlucky enough to explode.But it wasn't all that bad—at least she was lucky, as far as the agent was concerned.

However, after Josh took her away, there was one less Black Widow in the Marvel universe, and at the same time, her life's destiny was changed.

Now that Natasha sees Laura, she naturally thinks of her past. She knows the girl's experience from Galen, so she feels sorry for her.

"Okay, don't worry. Since we appeared, her fate has changed. By the way, I will burn some more useful memories for you after I go back, so that you will always know nothing when the time comes."

"Hmm, when I go back, I want to be this girl's teacher."

"It's up to you, as long as you're happy anyway."

"With you, I am very happy."

The two hugged each other and said some nasty love words, and then slowly drove towards the place where Charles of Logan lived in seclusion.

Both of them used the language of Muya Continent, and no one in the room could understand it, so they didn't have to worry about throwing dog food.

Of course, even if he can understand Josh, he won't care. It doesn't seem like a big deal to love someone and then two people abuse dogs together, doesn't it?

Anyway, Josh heard that he likes to do this, especially in front of Galen, he prefers to do this.

"When there is a chance, let's find a way to go to Valoran, and take a look at this woman, Carter, and Galen's sister."

(End of this chapter)

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