Inheritance of Endless Martial Spirit

Chapter 345 Illuminated Nature, Senluo Demonic Way

Chapter 345 Illuminated Nature, Senluo Demonic Way

In a world as pitch-black as ink, every inch of space is filled with aggressive magic. Ordinary people only need to absorb a trace, and they will be controlled by the demonic desire in their hearts, and they will fall into the magic way and cannot extricate themselves.

Senluo Demon Realm is the home field of Demon Lord Senluo, and in this world, he is the absolute master.Everything is integrated into the way of the 'demon', which is weird and somewhat inexplicably harmonious.

However, in this aura, there is a small spot that is incompatible with the surrounding aura, and it is particularly eye-catching.

It was a person, dressed in black, which matched the surrounding environment quite well. However, when anyone saw this person, he could immediately distinguish him from the surrounding environment.

There is no other reason, only one word, potential.

His momentum has run counter to the demonic nature around him, or in other words, he is fighting against this pervasive demonic nature. He persists in this demonic world, insists on holding on to his own heart, and walks alone.

He took a step with difficulty, the crimson brilliance in his eyes was raised for a while, and the violent killing intent burst out suddenly, but when he stepped on the other heel, the eyes changed back to the original, as if they hadn't changed One step later, the killing intent completely disappeared.

Blocking is worse than sparse, this is right, after these days, Lord Sen Luo smashed Shen Lin's seal of his own demon nature with a magic knife, and Shen Lin's demonic thoughts were in a state of catharsis every moment.

This is different from the enchantment seduced by the "ruthless" drug power. This kind of demonic nature not only contains Shen Lin's own demonic desire, but also Senluo Demon Lord constantly wants to seduce him with his own demonic thoughts, making him slowly move towards pure magic transformation.

In the past ten days, Shen Lin's heart has been wandering between the magic way and the ordinary way, without knowing the direction.

In his heart, there was a voice telling him to stick to the rules of this world, not to be independent, not to fall into evil heretics; while another voice was full of bewitching meaning, telling Shen Lin to follow the rules of the heart. Go with your own feelings, follow your inner feelings, that way, you will get everything you want.

At every moment, Shen Lin is transforming between a simple person and a demon who does whatever he wants, becoming a demon with one thought, and exiting a demon with one thought.

At the beginning, every time Shen Lin fell into a demon, he would be completely controlled by the demonic thoughts in his heart and lose his normality. However, after continuously inhaling the surrounding demonic energy, diluting and replenishing his own demonic thoughts, the demonic nature in Shen Lin's body unexpectedly disappeared. Something unnoticeable has changed.

The most obvious difference was that, five days after the release of the demonic thoughts, Shen Lin was able to restore his own consciousness piecemeal when he was possessed by the demonic thoughts, thus manipulating his thoughts to compete with the magical thoughts.But now, on the tenth day, Shen Lin's consciousness had fully recovered, even if he was possessed by a demon, he could still control his actions.

The difference lies in whether or not he is possessed by a demon, which affects Shen Lin's views on things in the world.

Normal Shen Lin, because of the hardships along the way, has many concerns in his heart, and is quite constrained in his actions. Although he is thoughtful, he is too indecisive; while Shen Lin, who is possessed by demons, is just the opposite. Not only his strength has increased sharply, but his mind has become more decisive, Because you act according to your heart, you will inevitably be reckless and lack consideration.

The two states, like day and night, flame and water, and like the yin and yang sides of Tai Chi, mutually generate and restrain each other, are constantly competing for the home court in Shen Lin's heart.

Shen Lin tightly closed her eyes, two thoughts kept making sounds in Shen Lin's heart, and gradually, it seemed that in Shen Lin's spiritual sea, two completely different Shen Lin were born.

One of them was dressed in white, with an indifferent face, showing no emotion, all emotions were only manifested in those deep pupils.

But the other one was extraordinarily flamboyant, wearing a black robe, flying in the sea of ​​spirits, making hunting sounds.His laughter is unrestrained and arbitrary, as if all the rules and constraints in the world are as fragile as a thin piece of paper to him, breaking at the touch of a finger.

"You can't let your desires dominate you. You still have Master, Miss, and many people who care about you. They don't want you to fall into the devil's way and be dominated by the desires in your heart." Chen Lin in white looked indifferent, and said Plain, but the light in the pupils flickers, obviously there is no lack of truth in it.

The black robe Shen Lin laughed wantonly, mockingly said: "How do you want to imprison your own nature? Just because of a 'dragon's fate', you suppress your own nature hard, and you don't get close to anyone easily."

"So what? Isn't it the same result? The Tang Sect was destroyed, and Su Yi also fell into this almost eternal lethargy, which is no different from death." The black robe smiled hysterically, "Since the thief God let you No matter how you walk on thin ice, you are still doomed to be miserable and lonely, so why do you have to be like a timid ant, desperately trying to survive under the law of heaven?"

Bai Yi Shen Lin said: "Don't get too close to the one you love, it's for their own good, don't you want to try to lose the feeling of losing your loved ones again?"

The black robe Shen Lin snorted: "The sky makes you lonely, do you dare to be lonely? Why don't you go against the sky? Are you just a coward? A coward who only bows his head when facing the world?"

"Becoming a demon overnight is worse than cultivating the Tao for a hundred years. How can you reach the pinnacle of martial arts if you don't understand your thoughts? How can you break the shackles of your own destiny?" Chen Lin in the black robe snorted coldly, and the spiritual world was overwhelmed like a demon god who destroyed the world, "Since In the ancient times, Pan Gu was able to break through the sky with his strength, and even split the sky and the earth, so why can't you become the supreme martial arts true god, split the eyeless sky, and get back your rights?"

Cleave the eyeless way of heaven and regain your full strength.

Shen Lin opened his eyes suddenly, the crimson light was more intense than ever, but this time, it was more clear than ever.

His consciousness was not infected by the magic thoughts, he was sober and calm. In the spiritual world, Chen Lin in white and Chen Lin in black had the same smile on their faces, and they gradually came together, facing each other, stretching out two The two identical hands fit together.

Then, compatible.

The crimson light in Shen Lin's eyes slowly subsided, he laughed, the black light of the divine stone subsided, and changed back to the shining golden light again.

"Thank you for the kindness of the demon king." Shen Lin's petrified knife calmly drew a knife, and the black light was faint.

The void was shattered, Shen Lin flew in and disappeared in the fourth day.

"You are finally back." Looking at Shen Lin's disappearing back, Mori Mori's figure gradually manifested, "Do whatever you want, and understand my way of magic? Hey! Who in this world can really do whatever he wants!"

Flying in the sky lightly, the sword is fast and hard to chase.

In this world, where is there anyone who can do whatever he wants?Under the Dao of Heaven, even the Demon Lord Sen Luo, no.
(End of this chapter)

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