Inheritance of Endless Martial Spirit

Chapter 338 Five directions and five lines, Tathagata Buddha

Chapter 338 Five directions and five elements, Tathagata Buddha

Just as the Eighteen Arhats spoke, the entire Golden Light World trembled.

The sound of the Sanskrit sound is unprecedentedly loud, and the light of the Buddha shines everywhere. The thought of rebirth in bliss arises in people's hearts, which is so strong that they can hardly be restrained. This is not a method of bewitching, but pure reverence and yearning.

Fortunately, Shen Lin's heart was firm, far beyond that of ordinary people, and in a short while, he had stabilized his mind and watched the Buddha's manifestation quietly.

The golden light condensed, and five figures slowly appeared in front of Shen Lin, then slowly approached and merged together.

The five Tathagatas are originally the five incarnations of the Buddha.There is a record in the Buddhist secret book "The Origin of Tathagata": "The Ming King of the five directions is the manifestation of the five Buddhas of the five directions; the names of the five Buddhas of the five directions are different, but they are all of the same body, and they are the manifestation of Vairocana Buddha."

This Vairocana Buddha is also the Buddha king among the ten heavenly kings.Under Shen Lin's gaze, the appearance of Tathagata Buddha gradually became clear.

The Tathagata dharmakaya has 32 appearances, which are different from ordinary people. Each appearance is not innately owned by the Tathagata Buddha of the five directions and five elements, but is achieved after a very long practice and enlightenment.According to the "Mahayana Hundred Blessings Adornment Sutra", it is recorded that every time one hundred blessings are cultivated, a bodhisattva will be adorned with one image. Bodhisattvas will have to go through one hundred kalpas before they can achieve good phases. When the Buddha was in the land of cause, due to his unremitting efforts, it took 91 kalpas to achieve perfect phases. karma.

Each of these 32 phases is a kind of Buddha's virtue.

The flatness of the feet: the soles of the feet are straight and soft, and they live close to the ground. This is the appearance that the Buddha felt when he practiced the six paramitas when he practiced the bodhisattva way. It expresses the virtue of guiding benefits.

Yin hidden phase like a horse: the male root is hidden in the body, like the Yin phase of a horse.This phase is obtained by cutting off adultery and rescuing the fearful public. It means a long life and the virtue of many disciples.

The shape of the wheel under the foot: the flesh pattern of a thousand-spoke wheel appears in the center of the foot.This phase can subdue enemies and demons, which means breaking through the virtue of ignorance and ignorance.

Slender fingers: Both hands and feet are slender and straight.It is the appearance obtained by respecting and worshiping the teachers and breaking the arrogance. It means a long life and the virtue of making all living beings love and return.

Heel Guangping phase: The heel is perfect and wide flat, which is obtained by observing the precepts, listening to the law, and diligently practicing the industry, and expresses the virtues of all sentient beings in the future.

Unadorned net pattern between fingers: Between the fingers of the hands and feet, there are patterns of intertwined intertwined nets, like the king of geese, when he stretches his finger, it will appear, and if it is not stretched, it will not appear.This phase is created by practicing the four methods of taking care of all living beings, and it represents the virtue of leaving troubles and evil karma and reaching the other side of inaction.

The feet are high and full, expressing the virtue of benefiting all living beings and great compassion.

The scorpion is like the king of deer, expressing the virtue of eliminating all sins and obstacles.

Hands down over knees, expressing the virtue of subduing all demons and mourning all living beings.

The body is broad and the length is equal, expressing the noble and free virtue of the Supreme Dharma King.

The hairy appearance on the body can make all the living beings who look up to them happy and benefit endlessly.

The appearance of the pores is the appearance obtained by respecting and supporting all sentient beings, teaching people tirelessly, getting close to the wise, and sweeping away the thorns and thorns.

The golden appearance of the body is the appearance that is felt by avoiding all anger and looking at all living beings with loving eyes.This virtue can make all the living beings who look up to him hate and love happiness, eliminate crimes and generate goodness.

Putting light on the body means that all wishes can be satisfied.

The skin is moisturized, which means the Buddha's equality and innocence, and the virtue of benefiting all living beings with great compassion.

The seven places of prosperity and fullness indicate that all sentient beings can eliminate crimes and generate good virtues.

The two armpits are full of appearance, which is the appearance that the Buddha gave all living beings medical treatment, food, and self-seeing.

The upper body is like a lion, expressing the virtue of majesty, compassion and satisfaction.

The body shape is upright and straight, which can make all living beings who see and hear stop suffering, gain righteous thoughts, and practice the ten good deeds.

The two shoulders are perfect, which means that there are boundless merits such as eliminating confusion and karma.

Teeth have forty phases, which can stop the evil karma of all living beings, eliminate immeasurable crimes, and enjoy immeasurable happiness.

The teeth are closely connected, which means that you can get the virtue of being clean, harmonious and concentric.

The teeth are even and white, which can destroy the three strong and strong poisons of all sentient beings.

The cheeks are full and full, and those who see this will get rid of the sins of life and death for a hundred kalpas and see the Buddhas face to face.

It often gets the taste, which means that the Buddha's wonderful method can satisfy the virtue of the will of all living beings.

With a wide tongue and good looks, it can eliminate the sins of life and death for 80 billion [-] kalpas, and it is worth encountering [-] billion Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The sound is like the appearance of the Brahma king, and those who hear it will benefit from the goodness according to their roots, and the big and small powers will also be confused and eliminated.

The cyan hue of the eyes is the appearance that is felt by giving to beggars with compassion, eyes and joy, life after life.

The eyelashes are like the appearance of a bull king. This appearance is obtained by viewing all living beings as parents, loving and caring for all living beings with the heart of thinking of a child.

On the top of the top is the appearance of the meat bun, teaching people to accept and uphold the ten virtuous methods, and to accept and uphold the appearance.

The appearance of the white hair between the eyebrows is that when the Buddha was in the land of cause, he saw all living beings practicing the three studies and praised them, so he felt this wonderful appearance.

In addition to these 32 differences from ordinary people, the Tathagata Dharmakaya has eighty other advantages.

The so-called "good" refers to subtle and difficult to see, not easy to detect, but can make people feel joyful and joyful.

It is recorded in the Huayan Jing Suishu Yanyi note: "The body of the Tathagata, the fingers and claws are narrow and long. Thin and smooth. The hands and feet are round. Slender and soft. The joints and bones do not appear. There is no difference between the hands and feet. The fingers are full. The hands and feet are round. Soft and clean Glossy. Tendons knotted. Deep hidden. Two ankles deep."

The Buddhist classics have already recorded the Dharma body of Tathagata in detail, but now that the Dharma body of Tathagata Buddha has really solidified, Shen Lin just felt that all the records are empty, and no matter how he describes it, he can't really describe it. The Tathagata's Dharma is explained to the end.

As long as he stands in that place, there will be the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. Every movement, even every expression of his, contains profound and wonderful Buddhist principles.With a smile on his face, even a gangster full of evil will suddenly realize Jialuo and become a Buddha immediately.

Shen Lin knelt down slowly: "The junior of the human race, Shen Lin, has met the Buddha Lord Tathagata."

This kneeling is not kneeling to worship the Buddha's strength, nor is it kneeling because of belief, but because the person in front of him is one of the eighteen sages of the human race in ancient times, and one of the ten heavenly kings. Every descendant of the human race can do this now The stability all depended on their humiliation at the beginning.

Based on this alone, it is worthy of Shen Lin's kneeling.

Tathagata Buddha looked at Shen Lin, smiled slightly, without saying a word, slowly stretched out his right palm, and stamped on the ground under Shen Lin's feet.

The right palm fell slowly, growing in size at an extremely fast speed, and finally turned into an incomparably huge mountain, lying between Shen Lin and Tathagata Buddha.The mountain is in the state of stretching five fingers, pointing directly at the sky. Each finger has its own color and emits different breaths, but it flows and grows with each other, and the source is endless.

This is one of the Buddha's unique tricks, banning supernatural powers, five elements and five fingers.

In ancient times, countless alien races fell under this magical power.

(End of this chapter)

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