The Summoning of the Troubled Times at the End of the Sui Dynasty

Chapter 411 All betrayed relatives and beheaded Dong Zhuo

Chapter 411 All betrayed relatives and beheaded Dong Zhuo
After some attacks, relying on Li Cunxiao's super martial arts, even though the Qi army had only 18 people, they miraculously defeated the defenders at the top of the city.

Above the city tower, there are bloodstains, and there are corpses everywhere, which can be described as a mess.

At this time, Li Cunxiao's body was filled with a strong murderous aura, and the strong fighting spirit of the [-] soldiers under his command was also majestic and majestic, shaking the soldiers of the Liang army.

For a moment, although the Qi army had less than twenty cavalry, the momentum exuded vaguely was like the galloping momentum of thousands of troops and horses.

In fact, most of the assistance was deterred by Li Cunxiao's bravery, which made the Liang army retreat step by step and dare not fight!

The defenders on the front line of the city were quickly repelled. At this time, Li Cunxiao ordered in a loud voice: "Soldiers, continue to charge."

"Break into the palace and capture Dong Zhuo!"

"Kill kill!"

As soon as the words fell, the 18 people followed Li Cunxiao's pace to attack the city and began to attack.

Immediately, another bloody massacre broke out above and below the city, and a long road of blood gushed across. The soldiers of the Liang army were gradually slaughtered, wailing everywhere, and fell in a pool of blood.

In the city, of course, the news of the killing on the city could not be concealed from the nobles in the city, they all obeyed Cai Yong's instructions, and each commanded their own private soldiers to kill on the top of the city.

"Mr. Cai, we just received information from the spy on the city wall, saying that a fierce battle is taking place on the city wall at this time. Shall we act immediately?"

Immediately, all the Patriarchs gathered together, among which Patriarch Wang was the first to tell his information.

Hearing this, Cai Yong raised his majestic body and said slowly: "But the Qi army is attacking on a large scale?"

Immediately, the head of the Li family stood up and explained: "It's hard to tell in the dark, and it is not clear whether it is the Qi army, but one of them is very brave, and he is in the Liang army."

After hearing the words, Cai Yong slowly pondered, thinking about the pros and cons, as if making some decision for a long time, said in a deep voice: "In this case, the Patriarchs should lead their own troops to support."

"From the point of view of the old man, success or failure depends on one move!"

Although it is not completely sure that the Qi army is the one who attacked the city, anyone who can attack Dong Zhuo other than the Hu people is an ally.

Based on this, it is understandable for the major families to provide assistance!
After all, what the wealthy family cares about is the interests of the family, and who to rely on is a secondary consideration.

Immediately afterwards, the major families each led their private soldiers towards the head of the city.

As for the leaders, they are Wang and Li, whose families are the most powerful.


It is only said that after the Liang army at the head of the city was defeated by the eighteen cavalry led by Li Cunxiao, they fled straight away.

Immediately afterwards, Li Cunxiao knew that his side was small and could not fight for a long time.

Therefore, Li Cunxiao's vision was very sharp, and he aimed his target at the direction of the palace.

"Brothers, the butcher Dong Zhuo is cruel and ruthless. He kills innocent people indiscriminately, harms the people, and even colludes with the bandits outside, eating inside and outside!"

"At this time, the brothers, together with the general, entered the palace and smashed Dong Zhuo's body into thousands of pieces."


All of a sudden, 20 people raised their weapons all the way and killed them along the way to the brightly lit palace.

It's just that there were originally [-] Liang troops stationed in Jiuyuan City, but a turning point happened at this very moment.

After the battle began, the main force of the Liang army did not appear at all, as if the world had evaporated!
Charged all the way, Li Cunxiao led all the family's private soldiers who were coming to help.

Immediately, Li Cunxiao waved his hand to signal his army to stop, seeing that the soldiers on the other side of the street were not wearing armor.

Obviously, Li Cunxiao can be sure that this is not a soldier of the Liang army.

Afterwards, Li Cunxiao roared loudly, saying: "People in front, stop immediately!"

"Who are you and where are you going?"

For a moment, between Li Cunxiao's words, his whole body revealed an extremely powerful aura, which made people daunting!
Just saying, how did the family's private soldiers experience such a battle, and when Li Cunxiao's aura broke out, they immediately panicked.

Hearing this, Patriarch Wang calmed down a little, and slowly explained: "I wonder if the general in front is an elite division under King Qi's command?"

"We are all families in Jiuyuan City. We have long been unable to bear the cruelty of King Dong Mo. However, Dong Piffu's strength is superior, so our families have been holding back and waiting for opportunities!"

"Now that we heard that the city was attacked, we have reached an agreement. We know that the attack must be from the elite of Daqi, so we specially led private soldiers to come to help."

"Using hope as an internal response to open the gates of the city, enlarging the army to enter the city, and contributing my modest strength to capture Dong Zhuo!"

After some explanations from the Patriarch of the Wang family, Li Cunxiao finally figured out the ins and outs.

Immediately, Li Cunxiao took advantage of his commander-in-chief and ordered the head of the Li family to continue to lead private soldiers into the direction of the city gate, so as to completely control the entire city.

As for the Patriarch Wang who answered, he acted as a guide for Li Cunxiao and the others, leading them to the palace to capture and kill Dong Zhuo.

In fact, due to Dong Zhuo's expanding ambitions, the terrain where his palace was built was also at the highest point in the city, and its location was extremely conspicuous.

However, the terrain of the streets in the city is complicated and the roads are criss-crossed, and Li Cunxiao and the others are not familiar with Jiuyuan City.

It is conceivable that if there is no guide to lead the way, it is still difficult to find the palace, and it is not easy.

It is only said that under the leadership of the Patriarch of the Wang family, Li Cunxiao and his group not only increased their speed, but also gradually approached the palace.

Along the way, the remnants of the Liang army they encountered were also dismissed within minutes.

As for the captives?If not, Li Cunxiao ordered to kill them all, leaving no blade of grass.

After all, most of Dong Zhuo's direct descendants were from Qiang soldiers, with a dark and cunning character engraved in their bones.

Moreover, the bloody massacre in Jiuyuan City this time is also inseparable from the Liang army.


Jiuyuan, Lianggong, Dong Zhuo's bedroom
On the trembling golden dragon bed, several civilian girls were seen in miniature, naked, and Dong Zhuo was also naked, with a lewd smile on his face.

After a long time, Dong Zhuo was slumped on the dragon bed, as if he still had something to say.

However, Dong Zhuo couldn't bear to look at these folk girls he had played with just now, and kicked them off the dragon bed one after another.

Suddenly, in an instant, Dong Zhuo narrowed his eyes and saw one of the many women standing beside the palace.

I saw that the woman who was noticed was extremely upright, with black black hair, beautiful eyes, and an aura of talent that could be felt directly.

This is Cai Yong's daughter, the talented Cai Wenji who was forced into the palace.

Immediately, Dong Zhuo got up immediately, and Cai Wenji was forcibly pressed on the dragon bed before Cai Wenji came over at a rapid speed.

It's just that when Dong Zhuo was doing this beastly thing, the palace gate was suddenly opened.

"Report, Your Majesty, a group of dozens of soldiers from outside the palace has already entered."

"Although this team is small in number, its combat power is extremely strong."

"Especially the leading general among them is unstoppable. Our army can't resist, and Xiang Zhengxiang entered the palace. Please retreat quickly and avoid the edge!"


However, now that Dong Zhuoqi is full of desire, how can he listen to the words of the imperial guards?

As soon as the words fell, Dong Zhuo kicked him up and kicked him away.

Just when Dong Zhuo was about to "do things" again, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and when he looked up, he saw that it was a strangely shaped Biyan Laojiao.

Dong Zhuo was officially captured by Li Cunxiao!
With Dong Zhuo captured, Jiuyuan City naturally became the territory of the Qi army, and the Qi army's battle flag was planted.

However, after searching all over the city, there was no sign of Dong Zhuo's chief advisor Li Ru and his son-in-law Niu Fu.

In the end, it was learned through intelligence that before the war, Niu Fu was persuaded by Li Ru to defect from Dong Zhuo.

Moreover, since the command of the [-] Liang troops in the city is in the hands of Niu Fu.

Therefore, when Li Cunxiao made a surprise attack, Niu Fu and Li Ru did not resist, so they quietly led the army to abandon Dong Zhuo and left quietly!

The reason why he gave up on Dong Zhuo was because Li Ru was deeply disappointed with what Dong Zhuo had done.

From the very beginning, Dong Zhuo's self-confidence swelled, he refused to listen to dissuasion, and established himself as emperor, resulting in isolation and helplessness, and was attacked by the Sui army.

And now he is self-defeating and slaughtering the people without authorization, so that the sky is angry and people complain. In addition, Li Ru speculates that Dong Ping is forcing against Lu Bu.

Therefore, from the fact that the major families in the city deliberately flattered Dong Zhuo, but Li Ru did not come out to persuade or stop him, it can be seen that Li Ru has completely lost confidence in Dong Zhuo.

Ancient language: The ruler also chooses the minister, and the minister also chooses the ruler!


Two days later, the leader of Qi, Gao Qi, finally led the main force and arrived in Jiuyuan City.

After marching for half a month, the Qi army was sleeping in the open, and they were already exhausted!

Therefore, Gao Qi immediately let the army enter the city, and went to the military camp in the city to rest first.

At this time, in order to please Gao Qi, the wealthy families in the city also donated money and food one after another as a contribution!

Seeing this, although Gao Qi is well aware of the plans of the wealthy family.

However, Gao Qi was helpless, even if he wanted to suppress the wealthy family, he didn't have any chance.

After all, the powerful clans unite to show their favor to him, so he can't look coldly at him.

It can be said that Gao Qi has a deep understanding of how powerful the powerful family is!

Especially the powerful families who occupy the local area, they are really the local tyrants.

If you want money and money, you need food and food, you need power and power, you almost live like an emperor.

Therefore, Gao Qi was not willing to offend the power of his powerful clan unless he had to.

Moreover, now that the Qi army is still far away from the rule, and the troops are on an expedition, and they are in a different place, it is even more impossible for Gao Qi to suppress his local wealthy family.

Otherwise, it would be a disaster if so many powerful families played tricks behind their backs and took refuge in Hu Kou!
Don't think that the wealthy family can't do something to vote for Hu. If you really think so, that's a big mistake.

It should be noted that the local wealthy families only care about their own interests. For their own interests, it is not uncommon at all to change one side to curry favor with the other.

On the contrary, it is the aristocratic families who are truly integrated with the country. The reason is also because the power of the aristocratic families comes from the emperor, and the fundamental power is in the center.

Therefore, at this time, the aristocratic families and the imperial power are both prosperous and both prosperous, and both are damaged.

If the country perishes, the foundation of the aristocratic family will be destroyed, and their rights will be severely damaged.

The local wealthy families are different, their rights come from the locality.

Even if they change sides, they can still dominate the local area without any influence.

Therefore, just weighing the pros and cons, Gao Qi did not dare to attack the Hao family easily.


"King Qi, Cun Xiao has something important to report, and the general will attack Jiuyuan that day, enter the palace, and capture the traitor Dong Zhuo alive on the spot."

"He is being detained now. I don't know what King Qi thinks, how should he deal with it?"

It is only said that at this time, it was supposed to be Dong Zhuo's palace, but it became a place where Gao Qi discussed with all civil and military officials.

As for Gao Qi, he is even higher than the dragon seat.

Hearing this, Gao Qi couldn't help showing a look of extreme hatred, and said angrily: "Here's an order to bring the thief to the palace!"

Hearing the order, Chen Dao, his personal guard, immediately received the order with fists cupped, and then went to the prison in the city to escort Dong Zhuo.

Time passed slowly, and after a long time, Dong Zhuo was finally taken to the main hall, and then Chen Dao forced him to kneel facing Gao Qi.

However, unexpectedly, Dong Zhuo's seemingly plump body still stood firm, knelt down without any hesitation, and faced Gao Qi.

After all, Gao Qi is only in his twenties now, and has just reached the crown, while Dong Zhuo is already in his early fifties.

In addition, Dong Zhuo was born in Xizhou. Xizhou has been a place where Han and Hu have lived together since ancient times.

Therefore, whether it is character or qualifications, Dong Zhuo looks down on Gao Qi extremely, so why would he kneel down to Gao Qi?

However, how could Chen Dao do what he wished, for a moment Chen Dao kicked him all the way up to his knees.

Suddenly, Dong Zhuo couldn't stand upright, and suddenly knelt down, unable to get up.

Seeing this, Gao Qi didn't show the slightest pity, only endless indifference.

After all, ever since Dong Zhuo colluded with Hu Kou, he has become a must-kill man in Gao Qi's heart since he wantonly bullied the people.

How could Gao Qi show mercy to him, it would be extra merciful not to kill him on the spot.

"Dong Zhuo, are you convicted?"

For a moment, Gao Qi's eyes were cold, he looked at each other closely, and said coldly.

"Hmph, I am the emperor, the ruler of a country, Gao Qi, you are not qualified to point fingers."

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo snorted coldly, and said with an extremely disdainful request.

Immediately, Gao Qi gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "Dong Zhuo, you colluded with the Hu Kou, let the Hu Kou enter the customs, and invaded our Chinese territory."

"Secondly, you ordered without authorization, acted recklessly and massacred people."

"Now that you have committed this heinous crime, how can I forgive you?"

"Left and right, hold Dong Zhuo down, behead him three days later, and then leave his corpse in the market for two days."

For a while, Gao Qi counted Dong Zhuo's crimes, and then coldly sentenced Dong Zhuo to death.


"I am the emperor, who of you dare to touch me?"

It's just that Dong Zhuo couldn't help laughing when he was escorted away, and resisted with all his might.

However, all this seems insignificant in the slightest!

Three days later, in the downtown area, Gao Qi ordered Dong Zhuo to be beheaded here.

Suddenly, the news spread to the city, and people flocked to watch it.

After all, Dong Zhuo's massacre in Jiuyuan caused many people not to let him look directly.

It only said that on the way Dong Zhuo was escorted to the execution ground in the downtown area, Dong Zhuo's whole body had already been smashed by the people with all kinds of filth, which was extremely smelly.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Zhuo was formally bound to the execution ground, and after being charged with crimes, he was formally executed!

At this time, facing the threat of death, Dong Zhuo finally felt the fear, and could not help begging for mercy regardless of his majesty.

However, how could Gao Qi sympathize?

As soon as the knife fell, Dong Zhuo's head fell to the ground, and donated blood continued to spray out from his body!

(End of this chapter)

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