The Summoning of the Troubled Times at the End of the Sui Dynasty

Chapter 134 Secret Weapon, Breakthrough Today

Chapter 134 Secret Weapon, Breakthrough Today

As the arrow nets flying down the sky, the Goguryeo army thought that the Sui army would suffer heavy losses.

But in the next second, the shocking scene shattered the lucky hearts of the Goguryeo soldiers.

Looking around, I saw that the shield formed by the crossed Yanmen army was impeccable and flawless.

The arrows shot by the Goguryeo army fell to the ground.

Except for a few unlucky soldiers who were hit by arrows, the Yanmen Army was almost unscathed!

This scene shocked the Goguryeo soldiers who closed the gate.

This is Gao Qi's shield formation adapted from the "trap camp" created by Gao Shun in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The reason is that it is specially used to defend against the arrows of the defending side when attacking the city.

Judging from the current situation, the effect can be described as quite satisfactory.


Immediately afterwards, as the number of arrows decreased, the Yanmen Army quickly took away the large shield, and took advantage of this short moment of spare time to quickly rush towards the checkpoint.

Wave after wave of Yanmen troops rushed towards the checkpoint, like waves in the tide.

The momentum can be extremely huge!

However, due to the terrain restrictions here, the advantage of the Yanmen Army's large number of troops has not been developed.

At this time, the Koguryo army took advantage of this advantage, and the archers fired all arrows.

The casualties of the Yanmen Army gradually began to rise.

Soon, after several waves of arrow attacks, the cloud echelon team of the Yanmen Army finally approached the front line of the checkpoint.

As the ladder approached, the Yanmen Army began to bravely climb the ladder with their knives and guns in their hands.

"Lei Shi, get ready! Let it go!"

Immediately, the Goguryeo general Hu Ertai saw the opportunity, and beckoned the soldiers to throw down the thunder stones that had been prepared in advance.

In an instant, the thrown Thunder Stone rolled and slid down the ladder with endless momentum.

The monstrous aftermath was like a dry sea and a rock, smashing straight at the Yanmen soldiers.

In an instant, the Yanmen sergeant who was climbing was smashed to bloody flesh by the thunderstones thrown down by the door. It was extremely tragic!

For a time, the battlefield was filled with a bloody smell.

However, although the Goguryeo soldiers relied on the terrain and used the hoarded resources to attack the climbing Yanmen soldiers.

Although the siege battle was fierce, bloody, and cruel, how could the elite Yanmen Army retreat so easily.

I saw that the frantic throwing of thunderstones quickly angered the Yanmen soldiers.

Many Yanmen soldiers were enraged one after another, became even more frantic, and continued to attack Guanshang like a god of death.


As time went by, the Yanmen Army's siege of Jinglan, the 'toubore', finally came slowly.

I saw many archers of the Yanmen Army standing on the fences of several wells that were higher than Guancheng.

The condescending bow and arrow are aimed at the Koguryo soldiers who are closing.

Immediately, the Goguryeo soldiers were like live targets, exposed to the bows and arrows of the Yanmen Army.

With an order, arrows shot out from the well fence all over the sky, and went straight to the Koguryo soldiers who closed the gate.

For a while, there were repeated screams, and the strong smell of blood surged again.

The Koguryo soldiers were like living targets, being attacked condescendingly by the archers on the well fence.

The casualties became heavy in an instant!
However, the most fatal blow has just come.

In the blink of an eye, there was a sound from behind the Yanmen Army.

Looking carefully, it is a giant siege - Chongche!

As the rushing car approached the closing door, it began to slam into the closing door.

In an instant, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, the earth trembled, and the whole checkpoint seemed to be "shaking the earth and shaking the mountains".

In an instant, the Yanmen Army's cloud ladder siege team, the well fence cover team, and the car rush attack team.

The three cooperated with each other and attacked together, and the Goguryeo army was exhausted and embarrassed in an instant!
"Report, general! The gatekeeper in the center of Guancheng can't bear the impact of the car, it's about to explode!"

Suddenly, a Goguryeo soldier rushed to Hu Ertai's side and reported anxiously.

Hearing this, Hu Ertai thought for a while, and then said: "Quickly order the soldiers on the left and right to go to reinforcements, and they are pouring down the fire oil prepared in advance."

Immediately after accepting the military order, the Goguryeo soldiers immediately took the order and left!

"Brothers, quickly pour the fire oil down!"

With the Goguryeo reinforcements on the left and right, the Goguryeo soldiers who delivered the order immediately delivered the order.

As soon as the words fell, several ceramic jars slipped from the door in an instant, smashing right next to the car.

Seeing this, the Goguryeo general Hu Ertai cheered, turned his sword, and ordered loudly: "Quick, rocket, light it!"

Immediately, following Hu Ertai's order, Goguryeo soldiers lit rockets one after another, aiming at the wooden chariot.

In a short time, countless rockets flew down, igniting the fire oil in the broken ceramic jar.

In an instant, the fire spread out, devouring all the Yanmen soldiers who could not withdraw in the future.

As the Chongche was destroyed by the fire, the pressure on the Goguryeo soldiers was greatly reduced.

It's just that the archers on the well fence are still shooting arrows unscrupulously at the closed Goguryeo soldiers.

The defense of Goguryeo soldiers is still extremely difficult, coupled with the crazy Yanmen Erlang climbing the ladder infinitely.

For a time, Goguryeo's situation was extremely difficult, and it was possible to be broken at any time.

Seeing that it was only the first day, and the Yanmen Army's offensive was so fierce, Hu Ertai couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable.

I promised myself that I would stick to it within a month.

But it was only the first day, and there was a tendency to be breached by the Sui army.

"Thunderstone, rolling log, boiled water, let it go!"

Seeing that the Yanmen Army's offensive became more and more fierce, Hu Ertai also lost his former composure, and ordered like crazy.

With the invasion of boiled water, thunder stones and rolling logs, the Yanmen army, like a tide, was shot down the ladder and was thrown to a bloody mess.

For a time, the battlefield was extremely bloody and brutal!
This offensive and defensive battle has entered the most intense stage.

The longer the time lasted, the disadvantageous situation of the Goguryeo army became apparent.

Since the Yanmen Army has tens of thousands of troops, Goguryeo only has [-] troops left behind.

As the Yanmen army continued to make up, and Goguryeo had already run out of reserves, the defense became more and more difficult at this time.

Central Army, Gao Qi Department
"General, now Goguryeo is just at the end of its battle, why not lead the army back to the camp to rest and break through tomorrow?"

Suddenly, Chen Dao, who was at the side, saw that the army was exhausted, and couldn't help admonishing him.

"Withdraw the troops? Give Goguryeo a chance to breathe? If I don't break through the gate today, I will swear not to withdraw my troops!"

Hearing this, Gao Qi couldn't help but sneered, and then spoke.


Hearing this, Chen Dao wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Gao Qi waving his hand.

I saw Gao Qi laughing and said: "Haha! There will be a secret weapon, and today is the day to break through!"

Just to say, after Gao Qi said something, Liu Bowen also sneered.

What kind of secret weapon can Gao Qi quickly break through?

(End of this chapter)

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