Chapter 368 Di Jun
Soup Valley.

Here is where the sunrise begins and where the sunset ends.

The sun rises from under the water, and after a circle, it falls back under the water.

On the incomplete building wood, in the palace, sleeps the out-of-place Emperor of Heaven—Jun.

This is the image of a man wearing a feather crown and his body like the sun.

Sitting on a carved wooden throne, surrounded by the dim light of the sun, he slowly woke up from his long sleep.

"Another saint?"

"Isn't that kid Hongjun's disciple?"

"Prove Dao with strength?"

"Don't you need the old man Hongjun's permission to become a saint?"

The remaining power of the Emperor of Heaven allows him to obtain many secrets from the world.

Di Jun is the god of the sun, the god of the week, and the god of time. He has many rights and is powerful.

It's a pity that the existence of a saint is really unreasonable.

After Hongjun became a saint, the Three Realms entered the age of saints.

The era belonging to the ancient gods has gone.

The ancient gods who were at the same time as Di Jun withered or retired one by one.

"Below the saints, they are all ants!"

Di Jun still remembers the battle where Hongjun led the Taoist immortals to the Heavenly Court.

The defeat was terrible!

No one in his deployment can block the power of a saint.

Even with the authority of heaven and earth, he is not the opponent of a saint.

In this regard, Emperor Jun was forced to abdicate and surrender the throne.

"That Hongjun old man actually let the Daoist boy occupy the throne, how can he be able to dominate the Three Realms?"

This is what makes Di Jun most angry.

That kid named Haotian doesn't look like a Heavenly Emperor at all, and his cultivation is not ordinary.

As far as Di Jun is concerned, even if it is his sons in the past, any one of them is more qualified than Haotian to be the Emperor of Heaven.

"The so-called Haotian God is called Haotian if he has a great vitality, and he is called Tiantian if he sees the sky far away. There is nothing more respected by people than the emperor. He entrusts it to the sky, so he is called God."

"Just that kid, he deserves it?"

The suppressed voice recalled in the hall.

However, looking around, one can see the ruins and the desolation, there is not even a single person to speak.

His wife betrayed, his son was plotted against, his arrangements were slaughtered, and he sent away the remaining three or two cats.

Right now, in this dilapidated Heavenly Palace and the old Heavenly Realm that is gradually withering, only his family and widows are left.

The desolate Emperor of Heaven, at present, is only relying on the remaining imperial aura and authority to barely keep this piece of heaven from falling.

But this is obviously not a long-term solution. With Haotian firmly seated on the throne and gradually being known by all beings in the three realms, sooner or later all the power will be transferred... By then, the downcast Emperor will only be a Just a powerful ancient god.

"That Haotian Taoist boy is just a little boy who served Hongjun at any time in the past. He was pulled out by him to replace him. He is just a god statue in the temple. He is doing the work of cashing out puppets. Naturally, he is not worthy of this title."

"Di Jun, poor Taoist came here uninvited, may I have food and drink?"

From the outside, a young man in sackcloth floated in, holding a bamboo stick.

Di Jun smiled bitterly, shook his head and said:

"How can I blame the saint?"

"As for the singing, dancing, drinking and food, there is nothing here right now."

"If the saint doesn't dislike it, then there are still some enlightened beasts in the back of the palace. If they are slaughtered, they can barely enter. As for the others, they are really gone..."

Lin Zhengyang didn't really expect Di Jun to entertain him at first.

He found a place to sit down in the hall, he said with a smile.

"The mysterious bird of destiny descended to give birth to Shang, isn't that mysterious bird your emissary?"

"The people of Yin and Shang are your people, so isn't Di Xin your descendant?"

"At present, the Conferred God is about to be completed. Once the Yin Shang Qi is exhausted, it will be the time when you will be cut off from the moral line in the world."

Di Jun was silent by default.

"The person from the Taoist sect should not kill you, because you have not lost your virtue, and you are still the emperor recognized by the way of heaven. Even if Hongjun has mastered the way of heaven, he is still not the way of heaven after all, and he cannot act against the sky."

"So they slaughtered your deployment, designed to turn your husband and wife against each other, cut your wings, and made you a lonely family...all these are nothing!"

"After all, you have meritorious deeds, you have not lost your virtue, and your throne will not fall. After all, only you can be called the Emperor of Heaven."

"So they sent disciples to preach in the world, known as hundreds of schools, each compiling history books, fabricating myths, dividing your achievements, and burying your name in the world."

"Emperor Ku Gaoxin's family name is Ji, but his mother is missing. He was born with a miraculous spirit, and he said his name is Jun."

"Gao Xin was born as a god, and speaks his own name."

Omitting the word "Jun", this subtle change completely liberated Di Ku from the shadow of Di Jun, achieving the effect of reborn.

The transformation of Dijun was mainly accomplished by creating Di Ku, one of the five emperors, replacing Di Jun with Di Ku, and changing his name and surname.

"Your descendants have changed their names and surnames one after another, but they forgot that Emperor Yan is Houji and Queen Mother Xi is your daughter."

"Dihong became the son of the Yellow Emperor, Shaohao was said to be the grandson of the Yellow Emperor, Di Ku was said to be the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor, Zhongrong became the son of Zhuanxu, Qie became the son of Emperor Ku, and Houji was also possessed by Ku. His wife Changxi remarried to Emperor Ku, and Ehuang entered Hou Yishun's palace."

"Your son's achievements have been grafted on to others, your wife has been said to be someone else's wife, and your name has been distorted, tampered with, and finally forgotten."

"Look, now they're going to erase the merchant's faith in you, and then no one will remember you anymore."

"Thousands of years later, people who remember you will gradually die, who can speak for you?"

"Xuanmen Heavenly Court will eventually usurp the throne, revise the history books, erase the achievements of you and your descendants, so that you can't rest in peace even if you die!"

"From then on, there is only Haotian God, and no more emperors. I only know that there is a Taoist Heavenly Court, but I don't know that there is an ancient Heavenly Court."

After saying this, Di Jun trembled all over, and his eyes were about to burst, but all the unwillingness and anger turned into a long sigh after all.

I saw him leaning on the throne slumped, and said faintly:

"In the past, Hongjun said that if you don't become a saint, you will be an ant in the end. I deeply believe that... Even the emperor with power in the three realms is nothing more than a bigger ant in front of a saint."

"Now, what else can I not comprehend?"

"No matter how happy the ants are, they just end up being crushed to death. What's the difference?"

"If a saint is here to watch the excitement, it is right to come here... A heavenly emperor who sits and waits to die is considered rare, and it is the first time he has opened up the world several times. It is fresher than anything else. , are you satisfied now?"

"Pindao actually wants to ask, are you willing to become a human being?"

(End of this chapter)

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