Chapter 429
Zhuyue shivered subconsciously, but her tone became more stubborn: "But I don't want to divorce him! Just like I don't want to follow you."

Long Qingcang was completely irritated by these words, staring at Zhuyue, even his eyes that were suppressing the storm were a little bloody red, he didn't speak, but Zhuyue felt a creepy feeling of being about to be swallowed.

Like a deer aware of the imminent crisis, her instinct for survival made her turn around and flee in a panic subconsciously, but Long Qingcang was even faster, like a dragon swimming in water, he pounced on him in one fell swoop, crushing Zhuyue on the bluestone on the bank. on the ground.

He looked down at the people below him, his eyes were dark and bloody like a beast about to devour food.His breathing was fast and suppressed, a pure masculine strength and animal brutality lurking in his blood vessels seemed to be released in an instant.The words were spoken slowly, and it sounded like every word would bite, "Woman, it seems that the way of peace talks is not suitable for you and me. There is a kind of person who is not suitable for having a choice."

Zhuyue tried her best to control her voice not to tremble, she gritted her teeth and said, "Long Qingcang, let me tell you, there is Biluo pollen hidden in my teeth, if you touch me again today, I will swallow it." She died Staring at Long Qingcang's eyes, he believed that his own were also blood red.

Long Qingcang's facial lines tightened suddenly, and he grabbed Zhuyue's jaw, his bloodshot eyes froze into ice, and his tone was so cold that Zhuyue shivered severely: "Damn woman! You Threatening me again! Why do you think I will compromise for your life!"

Zhuyue stared at him fiercely, and said word by word: "I didn't ask you. You can choose not to compromise."

The ice in Long Qingcang's eyes suddenly shattered, "You want to die! I'll help you!" He raised his fist and threw it at Zhuyue.

Zhuyue just closed her eyes, not even frowning.

With a sound of "touch", the fist brushed Zi Zhuyue's cheek, and hit the bluestone floor, the stone slab was smashed to pieces.

Opening his eyes again every month, he saw Long Qingcang's pupils trembling.His face, rigid as stone, was almost distorted with jealousy.

Zhuyue's tense emotions were on the verge of collapse, and she pushed him away.Backed away in panic, protecting her lower abdomen.Watching him warily.Long Qing froze for a moment, and also sat on the ground.

The airflow between the two was very heavy.No one spoke for a long time.Only the water waves reflected the light of the moonlight, slowly fading and reflecting on the faces of the two people.

When Zhuyue thought they were really going to sit like this until the end of time, Long Qingcang opened his mouth, his tense tone was as stiff as a stone, but it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength: "I will ask one last time, get rid of the child!" , follow me, and I will treat you well. Are you willing?" For him who has always been proud and arrogant, this has lowered his self-esteem to the limit.

He looked up at her, waiting for her answer.

Facing Shanglong Qingcang's eyes, Zhuyue felt her heart was hit hard by the torrent in his eyes, an instinctive awareness of avoiding danger made Zhuyue subconsciously shake her head.

Only she knew that the rejection this time was not for anything else, but because the look in Long Qingcang's eyes made her feel dangerous.It's like a person who fell off a cliff and was lucky enough not to fall to his death, but this time saw a higher and more dangerous cliff.She instinctively wanted to escape.

Long Qingcang closed his eyes heavily, and when he opened them again, there was nothing inside, he stood up, walked away without hesitation.

Looking at Long Qingcang's back in a daze month by month, she should feel relaxed, but her heart seems to be empty, obviously she is the victim, but why, she feels that she has hurt Long Qingcang?But this kind of thought only stayed for a moment, and the next moment Long Qingcang rushed back like a beast, grabbed Zhuyue from the ground like an eagle catching a chicken, and held him in front of him, nose to nose, grinding his teeth He said cruelly: "I changed my mind! I don't want you! But I will never let you go! You must stay by my side! If you don't want to be a concubine, be a slave! Don't play tricks with me, otherwise, I have a thousand tricks If you can be tortured, you can't live but die!"

Zhuyue knew from Long Qingcang's eyes that this time, she really couldn't escape.

What Long Qingcang brought back to the Jinling Palace was not Hua Zhuyue, but the other shore.Hua Zhuyue is a princess, while Bi An is just a slave.Long Qingcang's close maid in the Prince's Hall of the East Palace.

Serving tea and water by Long Qingcang's side every day, serving meals, bathing and going to bed, doing everything a maid should do.I don't know if her previous threats had any effect, or if Long Qingcang has lost interest in her because of her hatred to the bone, in short, Long Qingcang treats Zhuyue no differently from other maids. At least, she didn't ask her to serve her bed. Instruct her to do this and that, but don't bother to look at her directly.

What is even more fortunate is that the emperor Long Yulie and the empress Lan Bingyan have not returned from their wanderings, and both are not in the palace, which saves Zhuyue a lot of heart.The work of a maid is not very heavy, and she has a lot of leisure.After a few days of peace, I comforted myself month by month seeking joy in the bitterness. In fact, such a comfortable and stable life is also happy, and I have a little fantasy in my heart. If Long Qingcang can let her go like this, just let her be a Maid, give birth to a child with peace of mind, it's not bad to live here like this.The so-called great hermit lives in the city, who would have thought that Princess Haisha, who has been married thousands of miles away, is currently working as a maid in the Jinling Palace?The palace is so big, how could the empress notice a small maid, she doesn't have to worry about being discovered, but if she misses her one day, she sneaks to Mianfeng Palace to have a look at her, such a day Not bad either.

But Zhuyue was wrong. She was willing to give up her noble status as a princess and concubine to live a small, stable and peaceful life, but when God is unfeeling, even a little bit of extravagant hope will not be fulfilled.How can the complexity of personnel affairs in the Prince's Palace be comparable to that in the Princess Tower?Concubine Lan is dead, but there are still concubines Chen, Concubine E, Concubine Xue, Concubine Zhu, Concubine Ming and many other side concubines in the Prince's Palace.The battle between the concubines was ten thousand times more intense than Zhuyue imagined.Originally, this was not about a maid.Zhu Yue didn't want to get into the muddy waters where concubines competed for favor, but she was guilty of pregnant jade. Her outstanding appearance and seductive figure made the concubines in the harem feel uneasy the first moment she appeared in the East Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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