The goddess of the hundred stars

Chapter 149 Finals Begin

Chapter 149 Finals Begin

"What do you know? This is a good fortune. I wish them the best of luck in the competition."

Jin Yang looked at Qi Ye seriously from top to bottom, "However, you are really beautiful in this dress, so wear it to accompany me to the wedding tomorrow."

Qi Ye raised his arms, stretched out his palms and rejected Jin Yang's proposal, "No. Shouldn't you be the one who gave me the dress when I accompanied you to the wedding? How could I pay for it out of my own pocket?"

Jin Yang smiled coldly, "You are blackmailing me."

Qi Ye sneered back, "You're right. Some knock, why don't you knock?"

When Jin Yang was about to retort, Qi Ye turned his head and frowned and put his index finger on his lips, "Shh, the game is starting to shut up."

Jin Yang's words were interrupted by Qi Ye, but he had no choice but to choke back.

The big screen showed a picture of the explanation.

"Hi everyone, viewers and friends, welcome to the KPL Winter Qualifiers. According to the points ranking, the WAD team that ranked us first in points and our Devil team that ranked second will play today."

"Now that the two teams have sat in their positions, it seems that both teams are a little nervous."

"Yes, because this is related to which team can stand out from the encirclement and get an official seat in the KPL."

Commentary A took a look at the scene of the audience during the shooting with the crane, and two extremely conspicuous people, Qi Ye and Jin Yang, entered the screen.

"It seems that our team bosses also attach great importance to this game. Mr. Qi and Mr. Wan in the dark night, one red and one gold, probably means that Devil can get a good start and win the final championship gold trophy."

Commentary B also smiled and said, "Yes, I feel like a child going to take the college entrance examination. I want the children to hit the ground running and win the gold medal."

"Okay, let's not talk much, let's enter today's BP session."

"The WAD team BAN lost Lu Bu, maybe WAD is going to grab a shooter."

"WAD Ruanxin did use Gongsun Litianxiu in the last few games."

"We saw that WAD then banned Marco Polo, obviously aiming at Devil Lan Shu's marksman position. WAD chose Gongsunli first." Commentator A focused on the BP screen while analyzing WAD's idea of ​​choosing a hero.

"Although Devil's Lan Shu has always been the best shooter among professional players, Devil has always focused on the jungler, while WAD is played in a shooter-core way." Commentary B added.

"WAD took Zhang Fei and Yao as a combination. Devil took Pangu and Guan Yu, both of which were aimed at shooters, and they were also prepared to take shooters. Devil took Sun Shangxiang directly, but It's a pity that Zhang Fei, who can best protect Sun Shangxiang, is gone." Commentator A said with some pity for Devil.

"But it doesn't matter, this version of Sun Shangxiang is still her peak version. After the new version arrives, Sun Shangxiang will be weakened." Commentary B added.

"Devil's ban dropped Shangguan Wan'er and Shen Mengxi, both of which are protection bans for shooters."

"And the WAD team chose to ban Taiyi and Zhang Liang. WAD was very smart and banned Sun Shangxiang's best helper."

Listening to the commentary, Qi Ye curled his lips in displeasure, "Is this the state where WAD is going to win? Even the commentary is biased towards them."

Wanning also gasped nervously, his palms covered with sweat.

"After finishing the first two moves on Devil's side, it was obvious that he changed his previous steady play style and focused on offense. It seems that he has learned some lessons from the last game."

(End of this chapter)

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