Good Pregnancy Ninety-Nine

Chapter 537 Xiao Li Sudden Illness

Chapter 537 Xiao Li Sudden Illness
Chapter 537 Xiao Li Sudden Illness
That night, Chunmei did not live in the county seat, but returned to the village and went to the county seat with her husband in the early morning of this day.

This time I was accompanied by Yuan Ying, and the person I was going to meet was an acquaintance in Yuan Ying's village, so the conversation was quite pleasant.Unfortunately, because the fruit trees in Xiaolinggang have not been planted, the other party only gave a verbal promise, promising that if the fruit quality is good in the future, it will definitely be harvested.

When the three of them left the fruit wholesale market, Yuan Ying said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, sister-in-law, there is only so much I can help."

Chunmei looked at her with gentle eyes, and said gratefully: "Don't say that, if it weren't for your introduction, maybe even this result would not have happened, sister-in-law, thank you!"

Yuan Ying also smiled, feeling even more embarrassed.

After a brief chat, say goodbye.

Back in the village, Guo Lanying told them something, she said: "The little girl of Osmanthus osmanthus didn't know what was going on in the morning. She complained of a stomachache after breakfast early in the morning, so she went to your fourth uncle to prescribe some medicine." It doesn’t feel better after eating it, and I don’t know what kind of strange disease it is?”

"Maybe it's just a bad stomach." Hearing that it was Yang Guihua's matter, Lu Congjun and Chunmei instinctively didn't care that much.

"Hey, who knows, your uncle Zhengxiang accompanied the child to the county hospital, but he hasn't come back yet. I don't know if it's because of a bad stomach." Guo Lanying sighed and said leisurely.

Chunmei listened to this, although she was a little worried about the child's health, but since the county hospital has all gone, it should be nothing serious.So after hearing what her mother-in-law said, she was busy taking the child, and didn't take it to heart.

At three or four in the afternoon, Lu Zhengxiang finally returned from the county hospital with his daughter Xiaoli.

As soon as she stepped into the house, Yang Guihua came out of the house in a hurry. She took her daughter Xiaoli's hand and looked left and right, and asked anxiously, "How is it, does your stomach still hurt?"

Xiaoli shook her head obediently, but Lu Zhengxiang behind her was sad.

Lu Zhengxiang called Xiaoli to play, and he pulled Yang Guihua aside and said with a sad face: "The doctor prescribed some painkillers, and it doesn't hurt now, but it should still hurt after the effect of the medicine wears off." stand up."

"Why, why didn't you show me the illness? Why...why does it still hurt?" Yang Guihua was shocked when she heard Lu Zhengxiang's words. Her daughter Xiaoli is her life!

"The doctor said that Xiaoli has appendicitis, and I'm afraid she needs to be hospitalized for an operation..."

"Ah, how did this happen?" Yang Guihua felt dizzy and almost fainted instantly.No matter what happens to her, it can't be because of her daughter. If something happens to her daughter, how can she live!
She staggered and supported the wall so as not to let herself fall, she tightly held Lu Zhengxiang's hands and looked at him helplessly and said, "Zhengxiang, what should we do now, do we really need to be hospitalized for surgery? If it's an operation, where does our family get the money from?"

Since the management right of roast chicken was taken back, the main source of income for the family has been cut off, and now the whole family is barely able to maintain themselves with the salary that Lu Zhengxiang worked part-time on the chicken farm.

This home is like a lonely boat that cannot withstand the slightest storm.

Lu Zhengxiang didn't know what to do now, he looked confused and melancholy, and couldn't think of a little way except worrying and sighing silently.

"You should hurry up and think of a way, you can't... you can't just let her be so sick!" Yang Guihua was really anxious, and Lu Zhengxiang's bewilderment drove her crazy.

But what can Lu Zhengxiang do?In these years, whenever there was a disaster or disaster in the family, which time did not survive safely with the help of my nephew who joined the army.

With his meager salary now, besides supporting his family, how can he have extra cash?

"Otherwise, I'll go to Congjun and them to borrow some more. The chicken farm is in good condition now. Presumably Congjun and Chunmei and the others should have some spare money to borrow." Now that things are up to now, Lu Zhengxiang can think of lending to them. Only Congjun and Chunmei are the ones he has money for.

However, Yang Guihua forbade him to go. She told Lu Zhengxiang: "Even if our family is poor, we are not allowed to borrow money from them. In their eyes, you are not as good as those outsiders. Why bother to ask for humiliation?" Woolen cloth?"


"I told you I won't let you go! Go to the village and find someone to borrow some. How can Xiaoli wait if she's sick?" Yang Guihua urged, suppressing her voice as much as possible. In the back room, she was afraid that her daughter would be scared if she heard it.

Now that her daughter is sick, she hates Lu Congjun's family even more!If it hadn't been for the loss of the right to sell roast chicken, why would her Xiaoli have no money to treat her when she was sick?She really hates it!

When she was with Wang Gen before, Li Chunmei didn't deal with her, but now that she remarried to Lu Zhengxiang, she still made things difficult for her!
Therefore, Yang Guihua is holding a breath in her heart now, she will never beg Lu Congjun and Li Chunmei for money!
Lu Zhengxiang was very helpless, there was nothing Yang Guihua could do to make him do this.If he really didn't ask Congjun and the others for help, but borrowed it from other people in the village, he was worried that he wouldn't be able to borrow any money.

"You're going! What are you doing here?" Lu Zhengxiang's stupefaction made Yang Guihua yell again anxiously. As long as she thought of her daughter's illness needing to be hospitalized for an operation, she would be so anxious that she couldn't wait for a moment.

"Okay." Lu Zhengxiang went away sullenly, and now he can only borrow as much as possible, although he can guess that the result will not be ideal.

After Yang Guihua waited for Lu Zhengxiang to go out, she hurriedly called her daughter Xiaoli to her side, touched her belly distressedly and asked, "My poor Xiaoli, does her stomach still hurt?"

Xiaoli is a sensible child. Seeing Yang Guihua's eyes flushed, she quickly shook her head and comforted her: "Mom, I don't hurt anymore. You don't have to worry."

Xiaoli's well-behaved made Yang Guihua even more uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but shed tears in her heart.

She hugged her daughter Xiaoli tightly, and said to her, "It's fine if it doesn't hurt. Mom will definitely let you be well!" She gritted her teeth and said firmly.

Xiaoli was a little ignorant, she felt that her illness was cured, and she didn't know why her mother was still crying.

In the evening, Lu Zhengxiang, who had been walking around the village, came back. He had the cheek to ask all the families who might have some money.But when people heard that he wanted to borrow money, they either said that he didn't have any or used other excuses to refuse, which was equivalent to saying that he really didn't borrow a penny during this trip.

This result was something he had expected a long time ago, but at the moment he was standing outside the house empty-handed, and he didn't know how to get in and confess to Osmanthus fragrans.

Thinking that he would be scolded if he went back, Lu Zhengxiang had no choice but to sit down on a stone next to the door of his house.

(End of this chapter)

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