Chapter 459
Chapter 459
Chunmei just smiled at Yuan Ying's question.

Bei Shui rolled her eyes speechlessly, but he didn't want to explain to her, he just said lightly: "Anyway, it's right if you don't lose money, why ask so much?"

Yuan Ying saw that everyone ignored her, but she was a serious person, so when everyone started to pack up their things and prepare to go back, she counted carefully several times.It wasn't until Lu Congjun loaded things, Chunmei and Beishui were about to drive the tractor that she finally figured it out.

"Well, have you figured it out yet? Go home after you figure it out." Lu Congjun was about to start the tractor when he saw Yuan Ying lying on the table and counting, so he called out to her amusedly.

After Yuan Ying figured it out, she ran towards them in a hurry. She and Beishui climbed into the back cabin and sat down, while Chunmei sat in the co-pilot seat, and sat in the car with her husband Congjun. piece.

"I didn't expect that we actually made money today. I found that doing business is really easy to make money!" Yuan Ying said excitedly after she sat down firmly.She had just done a rough calculation, and in the short time after Chunmei arrived, the money she earned had already equaled her wages at the chicken farm for several days before.This is after the promotion and giveaway, if there is no promotion, then I don’t know how much money I will earn!
"Haha, as long as you dare to think and do it, you can definitely earn money, but now is not the time to be complacent, how much is this little money?" Chunmei laughed softly after listening to Yuan Ying's words.After testing the water today, she is full of confidence in the future market prospect of Meiling brand roast chicken.

"I must work hard to learn how to do a good job in business. As far as the speed at which I can make money, what land do I have to grow!" For the sake of money, Yuan Ying unconsciously expressed her thoughts , which made Lu Congjun and Chunmei couldn't help laughing.

When Yuan Ying heard Chunmei's uncontrollable laughter, she was not annoyed anymore. Through the experience just now, she now really admires Chunmei.She felt that compared with Chunmei, she was far behind. As for the batch of roast chicken, she and Beishui hadn't sold it for a long time, but when Chunmei came, she quickly emptied it. What is her mind? What is it made of?Why are you so much smarter than yourself?
"Sister-in-law, can you also teach me how to do business in the future?" After Yuan Ying finished speaking, she hesitated for a while, and then she mustered up the courage to turn her head and say to Chunmei.Today, she admired Chunmei even more than before, and she finally understood why her husband Beishui was so obsessed with Chunmei. It turned out that Chunmei did have wisdom and intelligence that ordinary women did not have. It is already worthy of a man's obsession, not to mention that she is so delicate and beautiful.

Yuan Ying's words surprised everyone present, especially Bei Shui, who looked at her like an alien.He thought to himself, hasn't she always been the most incompatible with Chunmei?
He stretched out his hand to touch her forehead, and then said very bluntly: "I don't have a fever, why did you change your sex?"

Yuan Ying knocked off his cold big hand, and said angrily: "You just have a fever, why, can't I be modest and eager to learn?"

After being slightly surprised, Chunmei quickly adjusted her expression. She smiled happily and said, "Actually, it's your cousin who knows how to do business better than me, but if you don't understand something, you can naturally ask Mine, as long as I know, I can teach you."

"Thank you, sister-in-law. In the future, I will learn from you and my cousin, and strive to build a big house as beautiful and grand as yours in Beishui as soon as possible." Yuan Ying looked forward to it when she said this. She completely forgot the fact that she was not pleasing to the eye when she saw Chunmei before.

Chunmei saw that she acted like a child, reconciled as soon as she said she would make up, and felt like laughing.She glanced at her husband Cong Jun who was next to her, and she also smiled when she saw him.

After the four of them returned to the village, since Beishui and Yuan Ying lived next to the big banyan tree, Lu Congjun naturally stopped the tractor under the big banyan tree in the village.

At this time, there were still a few villagers sitting in twos and threes under the big banyan tree who hadn't gone home for dinner, and among them were Wu Damei and Yang Guihua.Seeing Lu Congjun returning with Beishui and Yuan Ying, the two of them stared intently.

After hearing the chug of the tractor, the old Langzhong hurried over from home, and said to Lu Congjun and Chunmei, "Congjun and Chunmei, come to eat at home, I have already prepared dinner." Yes, the dishes are cooked enough."

Chunmei and Lu Congjun saw that the old man was so polite, but they shook their heads with a smile. Chunmei said, "Sibo, you can eat. We'll be home soon. Let's go home and eat."

"Oh, I'm serious. Tonight I specially made a few more dishes, and I just want you to eat them together. Come quickly, your mother and Xiao Jianshu are also at my house."

"Are my mother and Jianshu here?" Hearing that her mother-in-law and her son were there, Chunmei glanced at her husband next to her in surprise.

Lu Congjun saw that the old man's kindness could not be rebuffed, and the mother and child were also there, so he jumped out of the car and pulled Chunmei down as well, saying, "Since this is the case, I will trouble my uncle to arrange this meal."

"Hey, what are you talking about! That's all right, go home quickly, the food is ready, and it won't be cold in a while." The old doctor said, and after greeting Lu Congjun and Chunmei, he went Take the lead and walk home.

After they walked a little farther, Wu Damei pouted and said to Yang Guihua who was sitting next to him: "Looking at the generosity and enthusiasm of the old man, it must be that his family is making money selling roast chicken today, otherwise when will he be like today?" Are you so generous? You didn't listen to what he just said, you cooked several dishes tonight!"

Hearing this, Yang Guihua was also full of jealousy. She said to Wu Damei: "Why is people's money so easy to earn? It's like playing. Poor people like us, who have worked hard all their lives, actually I can't even afford a decent wardrobe, and the more people compare to each other, the more I get annoyed!"

"Who says it's not?" Wu Damei also echoed.

"By the way, I remember that the roast chicken stall by the road was not managed by your family Zhengxiang before, why is it replaced by Beishui and the others now? As far as I know, the roast chicken seller is a fat job, Why didn't your family, Zhengxiang, stop working?" After Yang Guihua lamented her suffering, she suddenly brought the topic to Lu Zhengxiang.

This made Wu Damei feel annoyed when she heard this, and she said angrily to Yang Guihua: "Don't mention this matter, the Congjun family never considered us as relatives at all, they used to say that they took care of us and let us take care of the roast chicken stall I became a manager again, but later, they took it back without doing anything for a long time. You said, isn’t this just fooling us? Let me tell you, they just want to gain a good reputation in front of outsiders. You don't want to really help us, you are a thief!"

——When Wu Damei said this, she was full of dissatisfaction inside and outside the words. Now that the roast chicken stall by the roadside was given to Beishui and the others, she felt even more dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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