Small Village Doctor Cultivation

Chapter 987 Good harvest

Chapter 987 Good harvest
Ning Caichen couldn't believe it, but the power of faith was born all the time, so it was only a matter of time before the godhead was promoted, and there was no rush.

Ning Caichen opened her eyes, stretched her powerful arms, and her whole body felt refreshed, especially her mind was refreshed, which was very comfortable. The advancement of the godhead is also of great benefit to the mental power, but now the crushing cultivation base will not be improved, otherwise The realm of spiritual power is promoted by the impact of the cool air energy fed back by the promotion of the godhead.

Walking out of the temple, which soldier saw Ning Caichen, stood at attention and saluted, knowing that the people who could enter the temple were extraordinary people.

"The herbs here will grow automatically in the future. You have to harvest them. You must not harvest them all. Leave half of them. You can harvest the other half when the new ones germinate." Ning Caichen said seriously.

"Automatic growth?" the soldier said in surprise.

"Yes, I have set up some small magic circles, the main purpose is to let the elixir grow and breed automatically." Ning Caichen said and walked out.

The soldiers were astonished!

Following Ning Caichen, he did not expect that Ning Caichen no longer needed his guidance, and walked out of the valley by himself, that is, out of the Miaojiang Gu worm holy land.

Ning Caichen smiled wryly, the Gu worm saw it himself, but he still had a vague sense of what the Gu worm looked like.

What kind of Gu worm looks like, Ning Caichen can't tell at this moment, he doesn't understand.

This time I came to the Holy Land of Miaojiang, and I gained a lot. Chen Bumin said that Ning Caichen had a chance to come here, and it was indeed a great chance.

Based on the phantom of the Gu worm here, Xiaobing knows how to steal the power of faith.

Moreover, Xiaobing detected the knowledge of the phantom formation, which allowed Ning Caichen to learn the phantom formation.

Ning Caichen has advanced to the godhead, and the combat effectiveness of the soldiers has improved a lot.

But I got a magical power, that is, the soldiers can be invisible, so it is difficult for ordinary monks to see the existence of the soldiers, unless they are very careful. If the soldiers are lurking, unless they have the godhead, it is a bit difficult to see the soldiers.

It is very difficult for a pawn to see through a cultivator's spiritual sense if he does not move. If he moves, his spiritual sense can capture the breath and see through the illusion.

Ning Caichen had an evil idea, if he went to the holy places of the god religions and summoned some soldiers to help others plant elixir and fairy grass, then he could get a long-term meal ticket to steal the power of faith.

Anyway, stealing faith and vows is neither illegal nor harmful, so Ning Caichen decided to travel to some holy places where believers gather.

Walking out of the valley, seeing the setting sun, the setting sun is infinitely good, but it is almost dusk.

The surrounding bare mountains are extremely beautiful under the setting sun.

The aura here is absorbed by the magic circle in the valley, so it is difficult for the surrounding crops to grow.

Scorpion poisonous insects are expensive, and if the villagers here breed these poisonous insects, the income will be good.

The problem is that there is no breeding technique. If you use spiritual liquid to breed, it will be absolutely successful.

Ning Caichen walked back to the mountain village.

All the dilapidated houses in the village were cleared by forklift hooks and turned into a bare space.

Hook machines and forklifts are busy digging drainage channels and fog water purification ponds.

Concrete is laid on the foundation, and some places have begun to assemble synthetic plank villas.

But Ning Caichen still dislikes that it is too slow. If you use small soldiers to build it, you can build it in one day.

When I came here, I saw that the villagers here were so poor, so Ning Caichen found a reason to stay for a few days.

The three-day banquet made the villagers extremely happy.

(End of this chapter)

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