Small Village Doctor Cultivation

Chapter 926 Acquisition of Antique Company

Chapter 926 Acquisition of Antique Company
"Mr. Gu, how many antiques do you have? You are a well-known antique tycoon in Nanzhou Province, and one of the best antique dealers in the industry. Why do you want to sell your antiques to us?" He Xinsui said seriously.

"To be honest, we can't continue to operate." Gu Manfu said with a sigh.

"What's the reason?" He Xinsui asked in surprise.

"Although my antique shop in Nanzhou Province is not the largest, it is also one of the best, second only to the jewelry city with a lot of money. If there is a lot of money back then, it is not the joint second richest man who opened a jewelry city, and the number one antique dealer in Nanzhou Province It must be me. Hey! It’s a pity that I have a bad background and I’ve been crushed everywhere, and now the Yue family wants to buy my company, so I’d rather dissolve the company than take advantage of the Yue family.” Gu Manfu said with a sigh.

Gu Manfu was the only jeweler who could fight against Qianduo Jewelry City, and was targeted by the Yue family.

Gu Manfu bought a batch of antiques and used the land deed of the jewelry city as a mortgage. As a result, Xianyu opened for a period of time, and the Yue family's antique shop was sold at a low price, resulting in poor business. Seeing that the loan was about to expire, he was forced to sell Antiques must repay the debt, otherwise the real estate in Jewelry City will be auctioned off by the bank.

Many wealthy people know that there are many precious collections in Gu Manfu's hands, and they are interested in buying them, but the Yue family came forward and said that whoever dared to buy Gu Manfu's jewelry would be in trouble with the Yue family.

Those wealthy people can offend the Qian family, but they dare not offend the Yue family. After all, the Yue family is the number one Taoist family in Nanzhou Province, and anyone who offends them will surely die.

Even if there is a lot of money, he dare not offend the Yue family, so Gu Manfu's jewelry city was auctioned off by the bank. If there is no accident, it is an ironclad fact.

When he was desperate, Gu Manfu decided to come here to sell the antiques.

Gu Manfu was prepared to be slaughtered, but he worked hard to get to where he is today. If the jewelry is sold at a low price, he may have nothing after paying off the loan.

"How many antiques do you have?" He Xinsui said with a smile.

"About 100 billion, this is the lowest conservative price." Gu Manfu's face changed drastically, hearing He Xinsui's tone, he wanted to eat up all of his company.

Gumanfu's jewelry city is opposite to Yuejia's jewelry city, so they are deadly rivals. Even though the Yue family has a big business, they can't compare with Gumanfu in terms of jewelry, so they tried their best to bring Gumanfu down.

Gu Manfu has a special channel for purchasing antiques, so there is no problem with the supply of goods, but now that sales are locked up, relying on retail purchases alone cannot make up for the huge loan.

"If the company you worked so hard for is gone all of a sudden, don't you feel bad?" He Xinsui said with a smile.

As for Gu Manfu's jewelry, He Xinsui has sent experts to appraise it, and now it is only necessary to sign a transfer contract.

"Without a backer, you are destined to be unable to get ahead. If you quit now, you may be able to retreat completely. The longer you persist, the greater the hatred. At that time, you may not even be able to hold on to your life." Gu Manfu said with a wry smile.

"Mr. Gu, we will invest in your company to occupy 50.00% of the shares and absolutely control your company. Usually we will not interfere with your business. Are you interested in talking?" He Xinsui said with a smile, her pretty face showing full of enthusiasm Grasp the look.

"Why did Mr. He change his mind now?" Gu Manfu looked at He Xinsui in horror, in addition to being shocked, he was still shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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