Small Village Doctor Cultivation

Chapter 1266 Healing Scars

Chapter 1266 Healing Scars
"Your facial injury was disfigured a year ago, and the best time for treatment was missed." Ning Caichen said gently.

Ning Caichen knew that the injury of the beautiful officer was caused by a special mission, and she belonged to the behind-the-scenes heroes who silently dedicated their youth. These behind-the-scenes heroes are worthy of respect, and they are naturally worthy of rescue.

"There is no way to treat it, okay?" the strong beautiful officer said with tears streaming down her face.

She is very outstanding, she was born in a big family, she has been very favored since she was a child, the daughter of Tianjiao, she is loved by all kinds of people, she doesn't know the sufferings of the world, she has been loved by all the stars since she was a child, her status is extremely noble.

There is a tall, mighty and handsome fiancé. Ever since her disfigurement, everything has changed. She was abandoned by her family, abandoned by her fiancé, and the whole world seemed to abandon her.

How much I wished to restore my appearance before, and everything went back to the way it was before.

Desperately recovering from her injury, she applied to enter the military academy as an instructor, planning to spend her whole life in school and dedicate her life to the cause of education.

The beautiful officer gradually calmed down, even if she regained her appearance, which heartless person should she marry?

From childhood to adulthood, childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts, the relationship of more than [-] years is gone because of disfigurement.

To restore her appearance, she still has to marry him, or obey the arrangement of the family, and cannot control her own destiny.

In the past six months, the beautiful military officer has figured it out and doesn't want to marry a heartless person, so she doesn't want to restore her appearance, and knowing that she can't restore her appearance, she also gave up.

But seeing such an excellent Ning Caichen, that dusty heart came alive again, wishing to restore her appearance, she couldn't believe that Ning Caichen couldn't be charmed, and she didn't believe that there were still men in the world who could resist her beauty.

"Don't cry, I'm treating you. You interrupted my treatment with tears like this. To me, it's a minor injury. After a week, I promise you to restore your original appearance." Ning Caichen said softly.

"Really?" The beautiful officer's tears not only did not decrease, but increased instead. They were tears of bitterness and despair before, but now they are tears of excitement and joy.

"Don't cry, or I won't treat you." Ning Caichen said seriously.

"I don't cry, I don't cry." The beautiful officer looked like a little girl, very flustered, with a cute and charming face on the one hand, and an extremely terrifying and eerie look on the other. This is the visual sense of charm and ugliness.

Like a master sculptor, Ning Caichen used black water to cut and decompose the beauty's scars bit by bit, and then performed gene restoration to stimulate muscle and bone regeneration.

This is not an ordinary project, it is an extremely huge project.After all, it needs to be decomposed and repaired a little bit, which is equal to the repair of every cell, which is not so difficult.

At dawn, Ning Caichen just repaired the cheekbones and eyelids of the beautiful officer, and then applied the medicine of the cultivator, Nine Turns Reduction Pill, which is a targeted medicine for scar repair.

Apply the elixir to the face and help the beautiful officer put on the mask.

"Wash off the medicine after a week, you will have a pleasant surprise!" After Ning Caichen finished speaking, she immediately sat cross-legged and adjusted the dilution.

It took a lot of mental energy to repair the bone for the first time.

The bones have been cut off, and it is extremely difficult to regenerate them, but practitioners still have medicines to regenerate bones and limbs.

But these elixirs, many of them are already extinct, and the elixirs for limb regeneration have no medicine at all.

(End of this chapter)

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